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Nice, starting off with a personal attack is always a way to keep someone's respect. Glad we got that out of the way. Seems you're no better than those you're complaining about when it comes to the 'treating folks with decency' angle.

This is the tailgate, set aside to specifically talk about the things that shape our world. If you can't see how much race is an issue everywhere, you're pretty blind. AND... I might add, if someone is really racist and full of hate, use the ignore feature. I am not going to pretend those folks and those views don't exist here. I don't like true hate either, and when i see it here I pay it no attention.

Race is a big topic on this board, yes, and so is religion and politics and all of the other controversial things that there are. And in those discussions you're going to hear views you don't like. You're going to hear views that piss you off for a number of reasons. You're going to hear elitism, xenophobia, racism, demonizing, mocking, and all sorts of assorted nastiness. And it's going to come from all angles.

It's up to you to decide if you can hang swimming in this pool. Not to decide if the pool should be closed because you can't swim.


You are right Bang I shouldn't have said what I said, but to just tell me to leave didn't make me feel good at all either.

I agree life is full of pros and cons. I guess I will have to frequent this board when I want to get into racist debates and go to the other Redskin boards when I want talk football.

If you can swim in 10 feet you can swim in 1,000 feet its all about mind set.

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I should add though that there is one reason why the initial post isn't entirely insane-- O.J. Simpson. You even had some "black leaders" trying to defend Michael Jackson. This guy isn't rich and famous though, so he's out of luck.

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You are right Bang I shouldn't have said what I said, but to just tell me to leave didn't make me feel good at all either.

I agree life is full of pros and cons. I guess I will have to frequent this board when I want to get into racist debates and go to the other Redskin boards when I want talk football.

If you can swim in 10 feet you can swim in 1,000 feet its all about mind set.

Well, i apologize. I realize how my 'leave' comment could come off. I truly didn't mean to say "get the f out" or anything.

Personally, I like this forum, we can discuss very complex and touchy issues here. The fact it is an anonymous forum may give courage to those who may not have it otherwise to state their views, and it also is a place where we can learn quite a bit about each other. We can all come in, all colors, all faiths, all political leanings, and we can discuss all of it pretty openly and frankly.

For all the negatives you've seen, and yes, there have been a lot and some I have read have been VERY bad... I've also seen quite a bit of positive. I also see a lot of people here, the majority of people here, treating each other with decency and respect even in disagreement.

I think overall it's a positive atmosphere.

Sorry for this mini-thread hijack, and sincerely, nothing personal APBT.


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Well, i apologize. I realize how my 'leave' comment could come off. I truly didn't mean to say "get the f out" or anything,, just stating the obvious,, rather than shut the board down, if it is so harsh it's a big internet.

Personally, I like this forum, we can discuss very complex and touchy issues here. The fact it is an anonymous forum may give courage to those who may not have it otherwise to state their views, and it also is a place where we can learn quite a bit about each other. We can all come in, all colors, all faiths, all political leanings, and we can discuss all of it pretty openly and frankly.

For all the negatives you've seen, and yes, there have been a lot and some I have read have been VERY bad... I've also seen quite a bit of positive. I also see a lot of people here, the majority of people here, treating each other with decency and respect even in disagreement.

I think overall it's a positive atmosphere.

Sorry for this mini-thread hijack, and sincerely, nothing personal APBT.


Yeah Bang nothing personal.

I really like this forum too. Its changed though. We use to deal with the "what if" threads and now it is "why are majorities being treated so unfairly" threads popping up.

I love the Redskins and nothing will get in the way of that, but the virtual tire in the road, gets me frustrated with swerving on a once safe highway.

Lets hope it get better. :cheers:

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in addition to the police officer, they also arrested an "accomplice", Myisha Ferrell on obstruction of justice charges. guess she was trying to hide/destroy evidence and/or help hide the Cutts guy?

strange story.

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Yeah Bang nothing personal.

I really like this forum too. Its changed though. We use to deal with the "what if" threads and now it is "why are majorities being treated so unfairly" threads popping up.

I love the Redskins and nothing will get in the way of that, but the virtual tire in the road, gets me frustrated with swerving on a once safe highway.

Lets hope it get better. :cheers:

Do you have a problem with people being treated fairly?

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I just think it's silly to complain about something that hasn't actually happened. People on this board spend an awful lot of time looking for an excuse to complain about something. Seems like a collosall waste of time to me.

Not that I'm complaining. :)

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Guess not.

This is what so many people fail to understand. The media is run by rich white people who vote for/donate to the Democratic Party, which is run by the same kind of people, by a margin of 85-90%. The fact that they don't give a crap about a missing black woman should not be a surprise. What is surprising is that the black population votes for those same people by a 90% margin, year after year.

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OK, I'll play. Where was your righteous indignation when the national news media turned a blind eye to missing persons who weren't "lucky" enough to be young white women? And yes, I understand you believe that the U.S. is a place of truth and light where race doesn't matter...except to when it comes to holding back the poor white man. However, please cite a missing person's case that got national attention in which the victim wasn't a young white woman. Talk about crickets chirping.:rolleyes:

Since I'm sure you'll say "Well, of course. It's because they're the only ones that ever go missing silly", please see the following:






I could go on but there's no need. I don't expect you to see things any differently anyway.

Sooo what you're saying is that it's OK for you to bring up race but when someone else does it, it's "pulling the race card"? Well, I'm accusing YOU of pulling the race card. Great double standard you got going there though.

Look, I'm not a fan of Jackson and I can't stand Sharpton and you're right when you say they're both opportunists. However if they don't get to call racism, then you don't get to call reverse racism either. The logic works both ways.

Ironically enough with your original post you've managed to put yourself in the same company as them. That is, you decided to use a tragedy that had nothing to do with race to push your own inflammatory agenda. Try to deny that one smart guy.

Once again though I ask where was your righteous indignation when it wasn't rich white Dukies getting the shaft but Joe Everyman?

Where were you when minorities were the victims?(:secret: 70% of those exonerated by the innocence project are from minority groups). It seems to me that if you were so concerned about basic fairness that this would just make your blood boil. Oh, but you've never taken the time to start a thread about this issue until now. Most likely that's because you've never taken the time to look up the facts. After all, facts might get in the way of your opinion…or your agenda. How interesting.

That is a pretty damn good argument. Nice work.

Having said that, you people need rethink what you consider racist. I don't see any racism here. Race has been mentioned but frankly it's not racist just because a white guy brought it up.

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I just think it's silly to complain about something that hasn't actually happened. People on this board spend an awful lot of time looking for an excuse to complain about something. Seems like a collosall waste of time to me.

Not that I'm complaining. :)

That was my beef.

I don't even want to go and look at what I posted. Drunk posting isn't always funny.

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That is a pretty damn good argument. Nice work.

Having said that, you people need rethink what you consider racist. I don't see any racism here. Race has been mentioned but frankly it's not racist just because a white guy brought it up.

Maybe my viewpoint is different, but I really don't have a problem with people being concerned about racism when it's real...I think we all should be...but I think if we overlook racism when the person being subjected to it is white, then the whole thing is nullified. It either applies to everyone, or it doesn't. We either treat everyone by the same standard, or we eat each other alive.

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Not sure that this is a 'race' issue at all.

Why he's not dead yet, that to me remains a mystery. He led police to the body, he lied to police and pretended to be upset about the whole thing.

Gas Chamber/Firing Squad. Either or, matters not to me. Please don't put him in prison, so that he can become a burden to tax-payers to the tune of $40 grand a year.

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Look, I never said CSkin was/is a racist and I don't believe that to be the case. (However, if you read between the lines I did hint at it pretty strongly.:) ) Even so, I don't really think he's one of the oldschool KKK, "a N****r will never set foot in my house types". Rather, I think he's one of the many who just don't know a lot about what really goes on outside their own limited experience and hence view the world in one way. Given that, I don't think it's any surprise that he and others like him look at things and say "Hey, we've given minorities everything out of the goodness of our hearts (not true but I'm trying to make a point) and they're still crying racism. They should just be happy with things the way they are."

In spite of that, I make no apologies in pointing out the hypocrisy in his throwing out the race card to criticise others who do the same. In fact, I rather enjoyed it.:)

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Where were you when minorities were the victims?(:secret: 70% of those exonerated by the innocence project are from minority groups). After all, facts might get in the way of your opinion…or your agenda. How interesting.
I am sure that there is a thread of truth in this argument. I would still contend that justice (or lack of) in the U.S. is based upon socio-economic levels and not on race. O.J. can be used as proof of that. As far as media coverage based on race, the media is a private enterprise who bases coverage on who they think is watching. They are in it for the money, not for public service. So one could conclude that the media bases it's decisions on socio-economic lines.
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DING!! Timmmayyy gets it. Generally speaking if you've got money in this country you can have a shot at a fair trial. If you don't, as is often the case with those who are targeted by the system, you're toast. While I disagreed with the verdict, the OJ case was perversely satisfying to me because at least the system was being consistent. Interestingly though, there just wasn't the same level of outrage in the similar murder case of Robert Blake. Hmmmm. I wonder why that is? Maybe it's all that anti-white sentiment out there.:rolleyes:

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I am sure that there is a thread of truth in this argument. I would still contend that justice (or lack of) in the U.S. is based upon socio-economic levels and not on race. O.J. can be used as proof of that.

While I agree socioeconomic status often plays a significant role in our justice system, I personally think the Duke players is the better example of this. Without the resources of their families and their IMO absolute stellar choice of defense council those boys would be screwed big time. The OJ verdict IMO was based entirely on race. Robert Shapiro is on record stating that they had "dealt the race card from the bottom of the deck."

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I am just wondering how many of us truely live everday in a diverse society and how many of us live in a closed society? Truth be told most of us live, communicate and interact with people who look like us. Therfore views can be slanted, one-sided and skewed. I happen to be mixed as well as my wife and i truely get a chance to witness two sides of our society. I have white relatives and black relatives and the truth is each side for the most part view topics in the exact opposites. The Duke case for instance i know many people who feel it was a cover-up and i know many people who think justice was served..(ie. the O.J case) this is a unfortune(fortunte) fact.

Me myself i believe that this post is the result of someones deep seeded feelings as well as an attempt to get the wolves in a frenzy as that has been the theme in the tailgate for far too long. I find it ridiculous that alot of our posters can not see the truth behind alot of their post. Wether its about illegals, Shartpon, Jackson, Gernarlow Wilson, Vick, Obama(presidential canidate) and others who happen to not be of the caucasion persuasion. There have been members who happen to be Black and Hispanic who no longer visit this site because of how racially political and divided ES has become. I am not saying that it is all of us because there are some real ggod people here but at the same time there has been a plague of racially charged post lately and for those of you who do not see i can not help you. In this case the sad part is that a woman regardless of race or being pregnant was slain and that is all that matters.

It is true that more horrific crimes happen the the Black and Hispanic community that get no coverage and yes for the most part the Media doesnt care and neither do the majority of america, THIS IS A SAD FACT. We can not change that without first acknowledging it. Many people "I" know mostly Black and some white see a shift in this country where lately racial tolerance seems to be headed back to the 1960's. Communities are become segregated again, there is a huge divide in beliefs and i attribute that to alot of the media figures who fire up the flocks with talks of Liberals and Conservatives. It is a FACT that many people feel that the Republican party is the Party of the White man and That the Democratic party is a party for "The Others". With the advances in Technology(internet, blogs, instant access coverage and radio shows who focus on division and hate many people have fallen victim to the agendas of those in power. Are we not supposed to be the land of the free and the land of all people?

My belief is that if you are an american you are an american not to be divided and conqured for the Elites political gain. I know i got off topic but i have been aggitated for far too long with alot of what i have been reading here on ES. I am deeply sadden that this woman was murdered and i feel the same pain for all others who suffer the same fate. I wish this country would wake up and see where it is headed and i wish that this small community of ES could at least acknowledge it.

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Simple solution leave?? Bang, I really enjoyed your cartoons 3 years ago when they were once funny....

Its been more than just "a comment or two" its been 2 to 3 a week. I am tired of it. A lot of people come to the Redskins boards to talk about the thing we have in common and that being Redskin football.

I belong to 2 other Redskin sites and I rarely see a racist thread come up. If the snake was cut off at the head from the beginning maybe we would be so infested.

I'll 'LEAVE' it at that.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

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Look, I never said CSkin was/is a racist and I don't believe that to be the case. (However, if you read between the lines I did hint at it pretty strongly. ) Even so, I don't really think he's one of the oldschool KKK, "a N****r will never set foot in my house types". Rather, I think he's one of the many who just don't know a lot about what really goes on outside their own limited experience and hence view the world in one way. Given that, I don't think it's any surprise that he and others like him look at things and say "Hey, we've given minorities everything out of the goodness of our hearts (not true but I'm trying to make a point) and they're still crying racism. They should just be happy with things the way they are."

I think you're making a whole lot of assumptions here.... especially for someone who doesn't know anything about me. If you're the right Yusuf.... I met you in Atlanta years ago while enjoying the opening NFL weekend Spurrier led Redskin/Cardinal game while attending the ES member ASF's party. It's amazing how much you gleaned about my deep dark racists beliefs from two or three beers and a bowl of chips. Perhaps If I had known you were forming those baseless assumptions and opinions... I might have helped solidify them by punching you in the mouth.

I'm not even going to dignify those assumptions with a point by point response... but I can tell by them that you yourself might suffer from a bit stereotyping and possible twinge of racism. Insulated rich white guy oblivious to the "struggle" eh?

I didn't single out the Ohio story because Cutts is black.... I brought it up because the story was splashed across three consecutive news websites I visited and because every talking head in America is either talking about Paris Hilton or Jesse Davis. I brought it up because the media frenzy surrounding this case reminded me of the Duke case.... including the racial component only in reverse. If you guys want to label that is racism.... feel free... it's clear many here appear to be confused about what is and what isn't racism. Additionally, I think it's the political correctness phenomenon that has created the atmosphere where we can barely talk about people races, much less arguably the most prolific media condoned racists in the national spotlight today..... Rev. Jackson & Sharpton.

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Cskin, i just went through quite a few of your post and i see a theme...here is an example

"Seems the civil rights warlords Sharpton and Rev. Jackson have gotten their way..... keeping the shakedown pushing forward.

Oh... and I can't wait to hear the Hip Hop crowd create another name to call their girlfriends, wives, and sisters. I mean, they're going to stop using the word "ho" aren't they?"

What is this supposed to mean? just wondering...Hip~Hop crowd? WTF and do you even realize that your statement is 100% false this is EXTREME generalizing

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There is no hiding my disdain for Sharpton & Jackson.... I've expressed my opinions of them in many a thread. Is there a problem with that? Do you think I'm the only person who feels that way about them..... sees their hypocrisy and the pass they receive from the media? Do you have a problem with that because I'm white and they're black? If so...hot rod... thats considered a form of racism... reverse racism.

Oh... and I can't wait to hear the Hip Hop crowd create another name to call their girlfriends, wives, and sisters. I mean, they're going to stop using the word "ho" aren't they?"

Yes... the talking heads asked this question during the Imus debacle.... and I simply shared the question with members here at Extremeskins? Is it not a thought provoking question? Imus being fired for calling a predominately African American Rutgers team "hos" while the Hip Hop community (artists, producers, listeners, etc) appear to use the same language in their songs and in the Hip Hop culture itself. If Imus was ran out of town for using that language.... why aren't the artists, producers, and listeners who use it? See the hypocrisy here?

What is the generalization here? I have an opinion on Sharpton & Jackson and I shared it. I asked a legitimate question about the reasoning behind some people getting fired for using a word when others use the word and they aren't fired.

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Its been more than just "a comment or two" its been 2 to 3 a week. I am tired of it. A lot of people come to the Redskins boards to talk about the thing we have in common and that being Redskin football.

I belong to 2 other Redskin sites and I rarely see a racist thread come up. If the snake was cut off at the head from the beginning maybe we would be so infested.

I'll 'LEAVE' it at that.

i agree. since that "blacks should get over slavery" comment in the VA assembly, it hasn't been the same here since.

i really enjoyed tailgate but i do my best to not to post in these racial undercurrent threads.

Rather, I think he's one of the many who just don't know a lot about what really goes on outside their own limited experience and hence view the world in one way. Given that, I don't think it's any surprise that he and others like him look at things and say "Hey, we've given minorities everything out of the goodness of our hearts (not true but I'm trying to make a point) and they're still crying racism. They should just be happy with things the way they are."

i agree. i guess some people don't know. i'm not saying it's 1957, but every now and then it surprises you.

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There is no hiding my disdain for Sharpton & Jackson.... I've expressed my opinions of them in many a thread. Is there a problem with that? Do you think I'm the only person who feels that way about them..... sees their hypocrisy and the pass they receive from the media? Do you have a problem with that because I'm white and they're black? If so...hot rod... thats considered a form of racism... reverse racism.

Yes... the talking heads asked this question during the Imus debacle.... and I simply shared the question with members here at Extremeskins? Is it not a thought provoking question? Imus being fired for calling a predominately African American Rutgers team "hos" while the Hip Hop community (artists, producers, listeners, etc) appear to use the same language in their songs and in the Hip Hop culture itself. If Imus was ran out of town for using that language.... why isn't the artists who use it? See the hypocrisy here?

What is the generalizing here? I have an opinion on Sharpton & Jackson and I shared it. I asked a legitimate question about the reasoning behind some people getting fired for using a word when others use the word and they

aren't fired.

Ok different views for different people thats life, but jmo you might want to look in the mirror one day :2cents: :cheers:

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