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Pregnant girl Davis found dead, boyfriend charged....


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Oh, and one other thing CSkin. You can say I'm misguided all you want. However, why don't you start posting some examples to back it up? All I keep seeing is "I think this" and "I think that" without any reasoning or proof. Then, you want to get all indignant when someone calls you on it. Furthermore, everytime I've asked you to prove what you've said so far, all I've heard is the proverbial crickets chirping that someone brought up earlier.

If you have facts to back up what you're saying, then present them so we can talk about it. Otherwise, please :stfu:

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Yusuf, I just joined in this conversation, but the two people you mentioned two posts above . . . whether they be black or white, I have NO IDEA who they are. Never seen either of their stories on the news.

EDIT: Oh, they were in a SC newspaper. Oh the humanity!

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Indeed Cjc. Living in SC is sort of it's own built in disadvantage.:silly:

As for Chachie's comments, I hadn't heard of that young woman. However, I don't often watch CNN or MSNBC. However, I'm not saying minorities never get national coverage...just rarely. Besides, has this woman's story been on the Today Show, national news etc.? If it has been covered, I seriously doubt there's been more than one short blurb about it.

Look, this isn't just about white women. What about men of any race? I've never seen one of their missing person's cases covered in the national news media daily. What about missing old people? And strangely enough, I don't think any of the national cause missing white chicks has been hard on the eyes.

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I disagree racism is dead, but we have witch doctors like you bringing it back from the dead.

As far as dogfighting, we see and go through things in life we regret.

I saw a lot of death through my eyes in life; according to your warped logic, that would make me a murderer. :rolleyes:

The racist here are insurgents, just look in threads :

witch doctors like me? care to back that up?

and what is my warped logic you speak of? i'm not very logical.

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So, anyway, it's pretty awful what happened to that pregnant lady, right?

Yeah... it's just awful. Awful also that the National Media is racist and doesn't report stories or spotlight the missing or dead african americans, men of any race, or senior citizens. Thankfully Yusuf is here to let us all know about it and provide links to bolster his belief.. his opinion. :doh:

Oh... Yusuf.... you're right about one thing.... Sharpton & Jackson are sure to provide the media attention you seem to crave. Unfortunately, their reasons for showing up are not as wholesome and helpful as many would like... mainly because they're typically rushing to cameras and microphones where they can scream racism, present or not, to further their personal ambition to keep racism alive and well.... further filling their coffers with "walk around" money. No news stories to link to this comment because... well... none are needed.

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Yeah... it's just awful. Awful also that the National Media is racist and doesn't report stories or spotlight the missing or dead african americans, men of any race, or senior citizens. Thankfully Yusuf is here to let us all know about it and provide links to bolster his belief.. his opinion. :doh:

Are you completely missing the irony of this paragraph?

... just wondering. Have we heard from Sharpton and/or Jackson yet?

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Yeah... it's just awful. Awful also that the National Media is racist and doesn't report stories or spotlight the missing or dead african americans, men of any race, or senior citizens. Thankfully Yusuf is here to let us all know about it and provide links to bolster his belief.. his opinion. :doh:

Oh... Yusuf.... you're right about one thing.... Sharpton & Jackson are sure to provide the media attention you seem to crave. Unfortunately, their reasons for showing up are not as wholesome and helpful as many would like... mainly because they're typically rushing to cameras and microphones where they can scream racism, present or not, to further their personal ambition to keep racism alive and well.... further filling their coffers with "walk around" money. No news stories to link to this comment because... well... none are needed.

Hating Sharpton and Jackson is too easy. Everybody hates them. (Not many complained, though, when Jackson showed up in defense of Terry Schiavo's parents, where all parties involved were white.)

Now, try hating someone like . . . Lance Armstrong or Bono or Nelson Mandela--that I could respect.

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Hating Sharpton and Jackson is too easy. Everybody hates them. (Not many complained, though, when Jackson showed up in defense of Terry Schiavo's parents, where all parties involved were white.)

Now, try hating someone like . . . Lance Armstrong or Bono or Nelson Mandela--that I could respect.

Been there ,done that.Bono is God on this board. lots of dudes on here have man-crushes on him.


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As for Chachie's comments, I hadn't heard of that young woman. However, I don't often watch CNN or MSNBC. However, I'm not saying minorities never get national coverage...just rarely. Besides, has this woman's story been on the Today Show, national news etc.? If it has been covered, I seriously doubt there's been more than one short blurb about it.

No short blurbs. She's been getting a lot of community help and a lot of press. I just wanted to post it here so people would know it's getting better and so you would know that there are effective, organized entities that truly care. :(

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Yeah... it's just awful. Awful also that the National Media is racist and doesn't report stories or spotlight the missing or dead african americans, men of any race, or senior citizens. Thankfully Yusuf is here to let us all know about it and provide links to bolster his belief.. his opinion. :doh:

Oh... Yusuf.... you're right about one thing.... Sharpton & Jackson are sure to provide the media attention you seem to crave. Unfortunately, their reasons for showing up are not as wholesome and helpful as many would like... mainly because they're typically rushing to cameras and microphones where they can scream racism, present or not, to further their personal ambition to keep racism alive and well.... further filling their coffers with "walk around" money. No news stories to link to this comment because... well... none are needed.

Look, I said earlier that Sharpton and Jackson are at best irrelevant. However, I later ammended that to say that perhaps they are useful even if they are self serving, poverty pimping, media hogs. The thing you can't seem to understand is that the great majority of black people do in fact see them for what they are. We're not quite as stupid as you seem to think. However, the sad fact is that many are willing to put up with them because they do call attention to issues that would otherwise slip quietly into the night. The tradeoff is that one does get the needed media/political attention yet looses credibility at the same time. In the end, cases of genuine racism go unnoticed or ignored because these morons show up at every turn to cry "wolf" whether there is one or not.

However, I find it incredibly disingenuous that you refuse to address my contention that what you did in this thread is no different than what they do. That is, you injected race into a tragedy that had nothing to do with race for no other reason than to further your own self serving agenda. That is what you accuse (rightfully so) Sharpton and Jackson of, yes? Please, inquiring minds want to know why, oh why what you did is any different. If there's any justice at all on this board, you should be saddled with an Al Sharpton avatar for the next year or 1,000 posts-whichever comes first if you refuse or cannot answer that question. Regardless of what the Mods do or don't do, from now on you will forever be known as Al to me. :)

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No short blurbs. She's been getting a lot of community help and a lot of press. I just wanted to post it here so people would know it's getting better and so you would know that there are effective, organized entities that truly care. :(

Then perhaps some of the pressure from the prior cases is working. That's a good thing for everyone. Maybe the next time an old person goes missing, or a man or any of the other groups that were often ignored, the national media will jump on it. I just won't hold my breath. ;)

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