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Pregnant girl Davis found dead, boyfriend charged....


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I'm getting terribly tired of intellectual lightweights thinking every subject someone brings up means they are a racist or gay or whatever. You people need to start addressing the point, rather than revealing your own ignorance. Whatever CSKIN said, it could in no way be construed as not liking black people. It could ONLY be construed as not liking black leaders who create a firestorm of racism talk every opportunity they get, whether warranted or not. Address that issue and have fun with it intelligently. If all you can come up with is a Gomerish comment, shut up.
I would like to state that I stand by my comment. I am NOT one of those people that goes around thinking every statement is racist/hateful, whatever. However, the tone of the original post was VERY negative and he, himself provided NO intellectual perspective either. Also, when your first thought about a woman and her child being killed is the Black leaders who will or will not come to their aid(and how they make you angry), you are focusing on the WRONG things.
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There is no way Sharpton and Jackson would touch this with a ten-foot pole. There is nothing to gain by backing this guy even though he is black. You have a cop who had two kids with a woman behind his wife's back and then brutally murdered the 9-month pregnant girlfriend apparently in front of their 2 year-old. They may be media whores but they're not that stupid. The ones that have blown up in their faces before (Tawanna Brawley, Duke Lax) claimed to be the victims at the hands of caucasians. I'll be shocked if either sticks their necks out for this guy unless some evidence comes out that seriously puts his guilt in doubt.

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I would like to state that I stand by my comment. I am NOT one of those people that goes around thinking every statement is racist/hateful' date=' whatever. However, the tone of the original post was VERY negative and he, himself provided NO intellectual perspective either. Also, when your first thought about a woman and her child being killed is the Black leaders who will or will not come to their aid(and how they make you angry), you are focusing on the WRONG things.[/quote']

:applause: :applause: I agree100%. This whole thread seems to be an ignorant attempt to mask someones true feeling...JMO

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Fox News link to story....

Let's make a bet how long before the boyfriend breaks out the race card and uses it. A side bet on how long it takes Sharpton and the Rev. Jackson to get involved.

I say a week on the race card... 10 days on the arrival of Sharpton & Jackson. They have to make sure the spotlight is nice and hot before they step behind a camera and in front of a microphone to rail against the rush to judgement. Of course, that didn't stop them from stumbling over each other to get in front of the Duke case media frenzy.

By the way, anyone heard an apology from either one of those civil rights warlords regarding the lynching they were calling for of the Duke 3? All I've found is crickets chirping......

So you're saying it will take him a week longer than it took you?

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I'm getting terribly tired of intellectual lightweights thinking every subject someone brings up means they are a racist or gay or whatever. You people need to start addressing the point, rather than revealing your own ignorance. Whatever CSKIN said, it could in no way be construed as not liking black people. It could ONLY be construed as not liking black leaders who create a firestorm of racism talk every opportunity they get, whether warranted or not. Address that issue and have fun with it intelligently. If all you can come up with is a Gomerish comment, shut up.

Now that's reading a post and thinking it through... a staple of Art's observations, opinions, and posts.

I was trying to point out how one case gets a media frenzy that includes the civil rights warlords Sharpton & Jackson, and another doesn't. I compared it to the Duke case because of the talking heads involved... Nancy Grace, Greta Van Sustren, Rita Cosby, and the rest of the mediots who assume everything and form opinions based on no facts but plenty of conjecture..... not to mention the racial component tying the two cases together.

I fully expected this Cutts guy to zip his mouth and claim he's being targeted because he's african american and his girlfriend white... and that the likes of Sharpton & Jackson would follow shortly there after asking for the judicial process to take it's course as well as making veiled comments about Cutts not being guilty but being implicated because of his skin color. It now appears, nearly a day later, that he felt the heat and cracked... leading the authorities to his body. Jackson & Sharpton have cancelled their visit.

Summary of original post: I hate black people and have trouble masking it.

And the summary of this post? The most shallow of posts sparked by the most rudimentary brain spewing the most lazy and thoughtless opinion I believe I've every read on this board. How do you find your way to work everyday?

Finally, I don't give a damn what color the guy is.... green, brown, lavendar .... the guy allegedly has killed his pregnant girlfriend and newborn and left their son without parents once the legal process has concluded. I hope he rots in prison while the appeals process runs it's course and then find the lethal injection the most horrible pain he's ever experienced. It simply makes no difference that he's black... although it's apparent some here have a problem conveying that for fear of being called a racist.

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I would like to state that I stand by my comment. I am NOT one of those people that goes around thinking every statement is racist/hateful' date=' whatever. However, the tone of the original post was VERY negative and he, himself provided NO intellectual perspective either. Also, when your first thought about a woman and her child being killed is the Black leaders who will or will not come to their aid(and how they make you angry), you are focusing on the WRONG things.[/quote']

I agree as well. There are some people that have gotten very comfortable typing on these boards and their true colors show.

Then there are the people who run and praise or protect the racist pig as if they have said nothing wrong. :jerk:

What does Al Sharpton have to do with a Mother and her child dying? Give us a break racist and racist protectors.

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With something like this, we should be shocked and horrified at what's a monstrous subhuman act. Anything that detracts from the bottom line, that this guy (or someone else) killed an innocent woman who was about to give birth, its wrong. People shouldn't engage in 'agenda-izing' something so terrible. It may be well-intentioned, but there are no politics important enough to detract from what we should be focused on here.

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If pointing out the race and resulting offense of a news story currently on every television in American and comparing it to a prior race/offense story that was splashed over every TV six months ago and asking where / when is the same activists response is uncomfortable and racists.... than I've got to say this board is fast on it's way down the slippery slope of political correctness total destruction.

Have we gotten to the point we can't remark on an alleged perpetrator's race? Or that of the victim? If so... than by god Sharpton/Jackson and their minions are winning the battle in keeping racism front and center and a sure money maker for decades to come.

My beef is with the civil rights warlord opportunists Sharpton & Jackson and their motives and subsequent actions, especially in how it relates to this case when compared to the Duke 3 case, not with the race of either the perpetrator or the victim(s). If you think otherwise... wake up and look around a bit.

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I think maybe this board should be about Washington Redskin Football only.

Maybe the Redskins Org dont want society to know that some of there fans are prejudice or maybe the Org is all about the money.

The other stuff could just go away to a politiacal or racist site.

This board is going down hill now that ignorant people own computers now. I miss the late 80's and mid 90's.

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While I totally agree that Jackson and Sharpton are total scum; there is nothing about this story that is the same. I think you are barking up the wrong tree Cskin.

If the guy is guilty (media reporting he confessed) then he is a dead man walking. I don't see how this guy is not going to get the death penalty for what he did.

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Weren't people on this board talking recently about the media not covering crimes in which a black individual harmed a white individual? Guess that's out the window.

The only thing wrong with your idea is the media is not covering the story for that reason.

The are covering the story because a woman who was 9 months pregnate was murdered (i.e. Lacy Peterson).

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If pointing out the race and resulting offense of a news story currently on every television in American and comparing it to a prior race/offense story that was splashed over every TV six months ago and asking where / when is the same activists response is uncomfortable and racists.... than I've got to say this board is fast on it's way down the slippery slope of political correctness total destruction.

OK, I'll play. Where was your righteous indignation when the national news media turned a blind eye to missing persons who weren't "lucky" enough to be young white women? And yes, I understand you believe that the U.S. is a place of truth and light where race doesn't matter...except to when it comes to holding back the poor white man. However, please cite a missing person's case that got national attention in which the victim wasn't a young white woman. Talk about crickets chirping.:rolleyes:

Since I'm sure you'll say "Well, of course. It's because they're the only ones that ever go missing silly", please see the following:






I could go on but there's no need. I don't expect you to see things any differently anyway.

Have we gotten to the point we can't remark on an alleged perpetrator's race? Or that of the victim? If so... than by god Sharpton/Jackson and their minions are winning the battle in keeping racism front and center and a sure money maker for decades to come.

My beef is with the civil rights warlord opportunists Sharpton & Jackson and their motives and subsequent actions, especially in how it relates to this case when compared to the Duke 3 case, not with the race of either the perpetrator or the victim(s). If you think otherwise... wake up and look around a bit.

Sooo what you're saying is that it's OK for you to bring up race but when someone else does it, it's "pulling the race card"? Well, I'm accusing YOU of pulling the race card. Great double standard you got going there though.

Look, I'm not a fan of Jackson and I can't stand Sharpton and you're right when you say they're both opportunists. However if they don't get to call racism, then you don't get to call reverse racism either. The logic works both ways.

Ironically enough with your original post you've managed to put yourself in the same company as them. That is, you decided to use a tragedy that had nothing to do with race to push your own inflammatory agenda. Try to deny that one smart guy.

Once again though I ask where was your righteous indignation when it wasn't rich white Dukies getting the shaft but Joe Everyman?

State and local prosecutors stretched, bent or broke rules so badly in more than 2,000 cases since 1970 that appellate judges dismissed criminal charges, reversed convictions or reduced sentences, according to the first national study of prosecutorial misconduct.

The study, "Harmful Error," found 223 prosecutors around the nation who had been cited by judges for two or more cases of unfair conduct but only two prosecutors who had been disbarred in the past 33 years for mishandling of criminal cases. There are about 30,000 local prosecutors in 2,341 jurisdictions.

Where were you when minorities were the victims?(:secret: 70% of those exonerated by the innocence project are from minority groups). It seems to me that if you were so concerned about basic fairness that this would just make your blood boil. Oh, but you've never taken the time to start a thread about this issue until now. Most likely that's because you've never taken the time to look up the facts. After all, facts might get in the way of your opinion…or your agenda. How interesting.

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I think maybe this board should be about Washington Redskin Football only.

Maybe the Redskins Org dont want society to know that some of there fans are prejudice

i agree. i think it'd be a shame if society found out redskins fans had racists in their ranks, since racism is all but dead. :doh: it'd be even worse if they found out we had dog fighters amongst us.

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OK, I'll play. Where was your righteous indignation when the national news media turned a blind eye to missing persons who weren't "lucky" enough to be young white women? And yes, I understand you believe that the U.S. is a place of truth and light where race doesn't matter...except to when it comes to holding back the poor white man. However, please cite a missing person's case that got national attention in which the victim wasn't a young white woman. Talk about crickets chirping.:rolleyes:

Since I'm sure you'll say "Well, of course. It's because they're the only ones that ever go missing silly", please see the following:






I could go on but there's no need. I don't expect you to see things any differently anyway.

Sooo what you're saying is that it's OK for you to bring up race but when someone else does it, it's "pulling the race card"? Well, I'm accusing YOU of pulling the race card. Great double standard you got going there though.

Look, I'm not a fan of Jackson and I can't stand Sharpton and you're right when you say they're both opportunists. However if they don't get to call racism, then you don't get to call reverse racism either. The logic works both ways.

Ironically enough with your original post you've managed to put yourself in the same company as them. That is, you decided to use a tragedy that had nothing to do with race to push your own inflammatory agenda. Try to deny that one smart guy.

Once again though I ask where was your righteous indignation when it wasn't rich white Dukies getting the shaft but Joe Everyman?

Where were you when minorities were the victims?(:secret: 70% of those exonerated by the innocence project are from minority groups). It seems to me that if you were so concerned about basic fairness that this would just make your blood boil. Oh, but you've never taken the time to start a thread about this issue until now. Most likely that's because you've never taken the time to look up the facts. After all, facts might get in the way of your opinion…or your agenda. How interesting.

Wow!! Good Stuff. :applause:

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i agree. i think it'd be a shame if society found out redskins fans had racists in their ranks, since racism is all but dead. :doh: it'd be even worse if they found out we had dog fighters amongst us.

I disagree racism is dead, but we have witch doctors like you bringing it back from the dead.

As far as dogfighting, we see and go through things in life we regret.

I saw a lot of death through my eyes in life; according to your warped logic, that would make me a murderer. :rolleyes:

The racist here are insurgents, just look in threads dealing with some sort of race. You will find them there playing the race card or taking pot-shots at people who rain on their virtual KKK meeting. :2cents:

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If the evidence is too open and shut, Sharpton and Jackson will be nowhere to be found. They only show up when there is something to question. They are two of the most useless pieces of space we currently have on the planet, in my opinion.

But whatever.

Them being a voice for others who have no voice is truly invaluable. Think of the many times innocent individuals who have gone to jail without anyone standing up for them who are eventually released after decades in prison.

Their is a racial bias in the news that is aired and maybe when a Jackson or Sharpton shows hopefully they can be the cause of someone being found or the injustice that is being served upon another is brought to light.


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The only thing wrong with your idea is the media is not covering the story for that reason.

The are covering the story because a woman who was 9 months pregnate was murdered (i.e. Lacy Peterson).

Maybe 5 months pregnant just wasn't enough???

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I think maybe this board should be about Washington Redskin Football only.

Maybe the Redskins Org dont want society to know that some of there fans are prejudice or maybe the Org is all about the money.

The other stuff could just go away to a politiacal or racist site.

This board is going down hill now that ignorant people own computers now. I miss the late 80's and mid 90's.

Simple solution. Leave.

This board is about what it's always been about, but now a comment or two that you don't like surface and it's time to shut everything down. Discourse and discussion are only good if they are from your point of view? If so, count one more ignorant person with a computer on your list.

Do you remember the thread in which we all were told that only whites are capable of racism, that only whites are capable of hate?

Probably not, because it probably didn't fit your definition of racism. I don't remember anyone calling for the board to be limited then.

In case you hadn't noticed, race is brought up in just about every controversial issue that comes down the pike. In this particular case there's a good chance it will come up again. AND, I might add, it might come up in this case because it actually exists... we don't know anything about the case yet.

Race is a dirty little undercurrent that flows thru lots of things it doesn't belong in. It has also become an easy and overused defense mechanism, hence the popular term 'race card'.

I didn't get all the hate that everyone else seems to get from the first post. I got a guy who is fed up about having race used and abused all the time. Maybe he could have presented it a bit better, and maybe skins could be a bit thicker and try to read beyond initial emotional impressions.


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Simple solution. Leave.

This board is about what it's always been about, but now a comment or two that you don't like surface and it's time to shut everything down. Discourse and discussion are only good if they are from your point of view? If so, count one more ignorant person with a computer on your list.

Do you remember the thread in which we all were told that only whites are capable of racism, that only whites are capable of hate?

Probably not, because it probably didn't fit your definition of racism. I don't remember anyone calling for the board to be limited then.

In case you hadn't noticed, race is brought up in just about every controversial issue that comes down the pike. In this particular case there's a good chance it will come up again. AND, I might add, it might come up in this case because it actually exists... we don't know anything about the case yet.

Race is a dirty little undercurrent that flows thru lots of things it doesn't belong in. It has also become an easy and overused defense mechanism, hence the popular term 'race card'.

I didn't get all the hate that everyone else seems to get from the first post. I got a guy who is fed up about having race used and abused all the time. Maybe he could have presented it a bit better, and maybe skins could be a bit thicker and try to read beyond initial emotional impressions.


Simple solution leave?? Bang, I really enjoyed your cartoons 3 years ago when they were once funny....

Its been more than just "a comment or two" its been 2 to 3 a week. I am tired of it. A lot of people come to the Redskins boards to talk about the thing we have in common and that being Redskin football.

I belong to 2 other Redskin sites and I rarely see a racist thread come up. If the snake was cut off at the head from the beginning maybe we would be so infested.

I'll 'LEAVE' it at that.

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Simple solution leave?? Bang, I really enjoyed your cartoons 3 years ago when they were once funny....

Nice, starting off with a personal attack is always a way to keep someone's respect. Glad we got that out of the way. Seems you're no better than those you're complaining about when it comes to the 'treating folks with decency' angle.

Why is it every time someone wants to take me to task for something in here that they must start off with a swipe at what I do? Is it gratifying in some way? Does it help you get your courage up to say what else you want? What's the point?

Its been more than just "a comment or two" its been 2 to 3 a week. I am tired of it. A lot of people come to the Redskins boards to talk about the thing we have in common and that being Redskin football.

I belong to 2 other Redskin sites and I rarely see a racist thread come up. If the snake was cut off at the head from the beginning maybe we would be so infested.

I'll 'LEAVE' it at that.

This is the tailgate, set aside to specifically talk about the things that shape our world. I wasn't meaning to be nasty saying "leave", but if it is so bad you would rather it be shut down, then why put yourself through it? Hang out in the Stadium section.

As far as this forum goes, if you can't see how much race is an issue everywhere, you're pretty blind. AND... I might add, if someone is really racist and full of hate, use the ignore feature. I am not going to pretend those folks and those views don't exist here. I don't like true hate either, and when i see it here I pay it no attention.

Race is a big topic on this board, yes, and so is religion and politics and all of the other controversial things that there are. And in those discussions you're going to hear views you don't like. You're going to hear views that piss you off for a number of reasons. You're going to hear elitism, xenophobia, racism, demonizing, mocking, and all sorts of assorted nastiness. And it's going to come from all angles. I know there are certain topics I won't participate in,,, it is an absolute rarity to see me post in a religious thread, for example.

It's up to you to decide if you can hang swimming in this pool. Not to decide if the pool should be closed because you can't swim.


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I don't think there will be any intervention by Jackson, Sharpton or anyone else, because the guy in this case is clearly guilty. He apparently had a history of domestic violence and corruption. He was married to one woman, had children with two others, and when one of them got pregnant again, he murdered her in front of their son and buried her in the woods. I would be very surprised if anyone came to his defense.

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