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Why I hate the Giants more than the Cowboys


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I can't stand the Giants myself but neither them or the Cowboys can top my hatred of the Eagles. I've been surrounded by the Eagles since day 1. No other fans are as ignorant, stupid, and bigger turncoats on their team then them jackasses.

What other fans will BOO the starting QB for getting creamed and staying in the game. Eagles will example; Garcia gets crushed in the Panthers game and Feely was about to come in the Garcia said he is staying in and then they booed him for staying in. That's just one example and a second would be in 05 when they SPIT on CP's mom. What kinda of idiot would spit on a players MOTHER who is watching the game.

How about when we play them this year we spit Chunky Soup on Mrs. McNabb.


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I absolutely agree with your post. hating the cowboys is tradition but i have absolutely grown to despise the Giants and everything they do. I can't stand eli, tiki, plax, toomer. I am always most nervous before the redskins play Giants at Giants Stadium, we can never seem to do anything there for some ******* reason.

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']I hear he is a real jerk.

So tell me, Tom, do you fit the Meadowlands stereotype? Are you an overweight white male from upstate who puts more energy into abusing fans of the opposing team than into cheering his own? Do you talk like Frank Rizzo from the Jerky Boys? Do you drink too much beer at games and fart constantly in mixed company? ;)

I know I was a little rough on the Giants fans. But MOST are classless!

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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']I hear he is a real jerk.
So tell me' date=' Tom, do you fit the Meadowlands stereotype? Are you an overweight white male from upstate who puts more energy into abusing fans of the opposing team than into cheering his own? Do you talk like Frank Rizzo from the Jerky Boys? Do you drink too much beer at games and fart constantly in mixed company? ;)

I know I was a little rough on the Giants fans. But MOST are classless!

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck[/quote']


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Tiki is a hall of famer no doubt in my eyes.

If Tiki is a Hofer then so are about 50 other RB's who will never get in like Ricky Watters, Terrell Davis, Priest Holmes, Stephen Davis, Eddie George, Roger Craig, etc. Most of those guys have better overall stats and all had more than just 3 excellent seasons.

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I never hated the Giants as much as most people, mainly because I always rooted for them twice a year against Dallas. Same goes for Philadelphia.

It's in this order:

1) Redskins

2) Whoever is playing Dallas

My 2 favorite teams

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It's in this order:

1) Redskins

2) Whoever is playing Dallas

My 2 favorite teams

For us older fans its like that but the Cowboys have been just as pathetic as the Redskins over the past decade while the Giants and Eagles have both been to Super Bowls. So a lot of the new fans hate them more.

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Living in Connecticut actually sucks if you are anything other than a New York fan or a Boston fan. We have been lucky the past few years to get as many Redskins games on TV as we have. Every year I try to find the upcoming TV schedule to see how many games we are getting on FOX. The regional NFC team is of course, the Giants.

All of my friends are Giants fans too and I hear the same arguments from them about how EManning is the 2nd coming of his brother. Makes it interesting twice a year since my best friend is one of them. At least we do have a common enemy since we also gang up on our Cowpuke bandwagon friends!

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I hate everything about the Cowboys. It's a great day when the Cowboys lose even if the Redskins lose the same day. It's a glorious day when the Redskins beat the Cowboys. I can't stand the fact that there are Cowboys commentators (Aikman, Johnston, and Madden-> who I think loves the cowboys) who magically seem to be always doing the Redskins game. I don't like any player on the Redskins who used to play for the Cowboys. I won't date a girl who likes the Cowboys. I don't like the state of Texas. I don't even like the fact that the Spurs won the NBA title because they're in the same state as the Cowboys. If I ever came within 3 feet of Jerry Jones I would most certainly punch him in the throat.

I could care less about the Giants unless they're playing the Redskins.:dallasuck

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I found a bar on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Ship of Fool's in the 80's on 2nd Avenue, that I went to every Sunday back in the mid 90's because they carried every NFL game. Saw every Skins game there (with the exception of MNF) for about 4 years. The cool thing was that every year, most of those 5-6 Redskins fans came back to the Ship to see their Skins.

I think NFL Sunday Ticket started in 1994 and I'm sure many bars jumped on that in a hurry. I've had it at home since I got DirecTV in 2000 even though I live in metro DC. It's nice having other games at my disposal.

One Game Rule totally sucked.

I can believe it ... I had enough heartache with losing the doubleheader game on (pre-1999) home game sellouts; worse yet, no late game whatsoever if the schedule got screwed up because of CBS's US Open Tennis coverage.


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I've always despised the Cowboys, but it's so cliche, the emotion has somewhat worn off. BUT I PASSIONATELY HATE THE GIANTS!

Will be at FedEx on 9/23 to see Big Blue get Skinned.

That's such a crock, it's not cliche to hate the cowboys, it's how things are. Tell some of the Old School Skins players that it's "too cliche". you're just digging for excuses and it's quite pathetic if you ask me. A true skins fan knows that the Cowboys are our rival, our nemesis, our enemy put it any way you'd like... there's no team on the planet I would rather beat than the Cowboys.

1. So the Giants play in Jersey, so do the Jets, that's not a reason to hate them it's a reason to make fun of them.

2. No one gives the skins credit, it's not just Giants fans.

3. Giants Stadium is a toilet, again a reason to make fun of not hate.

4. Giants fans are overwieght white men... are we stereotyping now? again something else to make fun of, not hate.

5. You can combine points 4 and 5 into one, the Katrina thing with the Saints fans I will give you, that's wrong.

6. Lawrence Taylor was a phenomenal LB, have to give him that, so he Broke Joe's leg, it was an accident, it's football.

7. The Smurfs, the Fun Bunch... Honestly these names aren't great either but it's tradition. again, something to make fun of, not hate.

8. Lavar Left, whooptee do. So did Pierce and countless others over time, he's not the first and won't be the last.

9. Cowboys winning routine? Maybe 5 years ago but we have taken at least the last 3 out of 4, might not be much in the scheme of things but you have to start somewhere. Do you automatically give up when the Skins play the Cowboys?

You don't sound like the kind of fan I or anyone else for that matter would want cheering on them Skins. You need to take all of this into consideration and have a heart to heart with yourself. Your whole argument is easily refuatable. You probably took a bunch of grief from some buddies or something like that, the anger will wear off, I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. It's truly absurd.

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That's such a crock, it's not cliche to hate the cowboys, it's how things are. Tell some of the Old School Skins players that it's "too cliche". you're just digging for excuses and it's quite pathetic if you ask me. A true skins fan knows that the Cowboys are our rival, our nemesis, our enemy put it any way you'd like... there's no team on the planet I would rather beat than the Cowboys.

1. So the Giants play in Jersey, so do the Jets, that's not a reason to hate them it's a reason to make fun of them.

2. No one gives the skins credit, it's not just Giants fans.

3. Giants Stadium is a toilet, again a reason to make fun of not hate.

4. Giants fans are overwieght white men... are we stereotyping now? again something else to make fun of, not hate.

5. You can combine points 4 and 5 into one, the Katrina thing with the Saints fans I will give you, that's wrong.

6. Lawrence Taylor was a phenomenal LB, have to give him that, so he Broke Joe's leg, it was an accident, it's football.

7. The Smurfs, the Fun Bunch... Honestly these names aren't great either but it's tradition. again, something to make fun of, not hate.

8. Lavar Left, whooptee do. So did Pierce and countless others over time, he's not the first and won't be the last.

9. Cowboys winning routine? Maybe 5 years ago but we have taken at least the last 3 out of 4, might not be much in the scheme of things but you have to start somewhere. Do you automatically give up when the Skins play the Cowboys?

You don't sound like the kind of fan I or anyone else for that matter would want cheering on them Skins. You need to take all of this into consideration and have a heart to heart with yourself. Your whole argument is easily refuatable. You probably took a bunch of grief from some buddies or something like that, the anger will wear off, I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. It's truly absurd.

Oh give it a rest, PLEASE! If you're going to insult my Skins loyalty, you've gone too far. I've handled living outside D.C. for all but one of my 30 years and I've NEVER stopped being a Skins fan. I didn't mean "cliche" as in "tacky," I meant it as "obvious..." a given, etc. You'd be hard-pressed to find a bigger Skins fan than me. I personally corresponded with Joe Theismann as a child through letters and cards. I forbid ANY talk of liking the Steelers or Patriots (my wife's family favorites) around our infant son for fear that it will brainwash him and he won't become a Skins fan. I even (jokingly) tell my wife I will sell him to the circus if he becomes a Giants or Cowboys fan.

I DO hate the Cowboys, but I hate the Giants more. Come live around their fans... and you'll see what I mean.

You should be ashamed of yourself, questioning a fellow Redskins fan's loyalty to his team. You might as well call my mother a whore, my father a drug dealer and my kid a future serial killer.

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First, your post is wrong, it should read, "Why I hate the Cowboys more than anything".

Second, whats up with #9? Have you been in a cave the past 2 years?

Haven't been in a cave at all. I relished those victories, but they had lost so many times before, it had left me a little numb.

Another thing: Although I passionately cheer for them to get crushed, I will admit that there are a few Cowboys who are respectable people. Everson Walls, for donating a kidney. Roger Staubach, for his real estate company's success. Crazy Ray, for his entertaining antics and "fights" with Chief Zee.

On the other hand, I don't know a single Giant who has ever done anything worth a damn. I hate the Giants more than anything and this post has only further convinced me of that!!!!!!

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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It is hard to stomach a Redskins loss to any team, never mind a division rival. However, I can handle a loss to the Giants better than a loss to the Cowgirls or Eagles. I understand the original posters plight with where he grew up and all. Had I been in that situation, I might feel different. But, to me, the Giants are the least of our three evil rivals.

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For us older fans its like that but the Cowboys have been just as pathetic as the Redskins over the past decade while the Giants and Eagles have both been to Super Bowls. So a lot of the new fans hate them more.

I hope you are joking because the Giants have been to a Superbowl since 90'. Eagles been to 1 and lost. So sorry to say your wrong about the reason we hate the Eagles and Giants more. I think it has to do with the fact of region growing up in. Surrounded by their fans everyday and year you just learn to hate them.


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In an effort to help the Giants be more competitive, the NFL has revised the NY Giants 2007 schedule this year, along with some rule changes encouraging parity.


September 14................Junior High School #16, Queens

September 21...............Cub Scout Troop #101

September 28................Industrial Home for the Blind

October 05.................Spanish American War Vets

October 12................ Crippled Children's Home

October 19...............Psychiatric Hospital

October 26................ Girl Scout Troop # 353

November 02.................State of New Jersey: State Venereal Disease Clinic

November 09.................Harlem Boys Choir

November 16.................Korean Amputees


December 08..................New York City Gay Men's Choir


1 - When playing polio patients, the Giants must not disconnect knee braces.

2 - When playing the Home for the Blind, the Giants must not hide the football under their jerseys.

3 - The Giants will be allowed 20 men on the field at all times.

4 - The Giants will be allowed to substitute with band members and cheerleaders at anytime.

5 - The Giants will be awarded 10 timeouts as opposed to 3 for the opposing team.

6 - The Giants will be awarded a first down with each gain of three yards or more, instead of the usual ten yards


1 - A touchdown (this is when the ball is carried over the goal line for all you Giant fans that have never seen this or have had limited experiences) is still worth 6 points.


The New York Giants will be changed to the "New York Tampons" as they are only good for one period and have no second string.


Tom Coughlin will be replaced by Monica Lewinsky. She will no doubt blow a few, but she certainly won't choke on the big ones!

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