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Why I hate the Giants more than the Cowboys


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What have you been smokin?

Respect for the Cowboys and their titles? **** that!



1.esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, proper acceptance or courtesy, acknowledgement.

But yeah you're right. Roger Staubach and Tom Landry were total hacks and the Aikman/Smith/Irvin Cowboys was one of the worst teams I've ever seen. What are you smoking double zero?

How are your still on this board? If I wrote that I'd be in dry dock for another another 30 days.

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1.esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, proper acceptance or courtesy, acknowledgement.

But yeah you're right. Roger Staubach and Tom Landry were total hacks and the Aikman/Smith/Irvin Cowboys was one of the worst teams I've ever seen. What are you smoking double zero?

How are your still on this board? If I wrote that I'd be in dry dock for another another 30 days.

I don't bad mouth Staubach or Landry. Those two absolutely have my respect. But I do not respect the Cowboys as a whole. And I do not believe that there is any sort of 'mutual respect' between the Redskins and Cowboys or with their fans. I believe it is simply blind hate and it's a deep seeded hate that grows with each generation.

If you expect me to say kind words for Aikman/Smith/Irvin I wouldn't hold your breath. I don't hate Aikman tooooo much but Smith is so overrated I could vomit daily and Irvin is an absolute arse and despite some on field talent is not worthy of anyone's respect.

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Damn I guess I'm an exception. I hate the Cowboys with a passion, Eagles I dislike too but as far as the Giants, I'm whatever. I dont really hate them. The Giants fans I've met seemed pretty cool. They're not complete retarded idiots who are blinded by the worst case of homerism possible(like Cowboys fans) or a bunch of numbnuts(like Eagles fans).

Pretty good. Other than the fact I despise the Philly team, you're right on point.

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My top ten most hated teams:

1. Dallas Cowboys

2. New York Yankees

3. New York Giants

4. New York Mets

5. Philadelphia Eagles

6. Boston Red Sox

7. New York Knicks

8. Chicago Cubs

9. Los Angeles Lakers

10. San Francisco Giants (Barry)

What, no NY Rangers on that list? Go Devils

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My hatred for the Giants is on par with that of the Eagles.

But my hatred for the cowboys is on a whole other level.

A few years ago, I was dating a foreign girl who didn't care or know anything about football. While shopping at some outlet joint, she bought a sweatshirt with that hideous blue star logo on the front.

One Sunday evening as we're about to go out, she decides to throw on the sweatshirt. That was the first time I saw it.

Since she didn't know anything about the rivalry, I had to explain to her the history and how I felt about that particular organization.

Now if she was a true cowboys fan I could respect that, but she only liked the logo/colors and the name. So after listening to what I had to say, she said that It was not going to be returned and that I should just get over it.

About 2 weeks later, Purple Hearts called asking if we had anything to donate. Somehow her sweatshirt got accidentally mixed up with the rest of the donations...Oops

Two reasons why I hate the cowboys

1. They're the cowboys

2. Refer to No. 1

Now, that was just beautiful!!!

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That's such a crock, it's not cliche to hate the cowboys, it's how things are. Tell some of the Old School Skins players that it's "too cliche". you're just digging for excuses and it's quite pathetic if you ask me. A true skins fan knows that the Cowboys are our rival, our nemesis, our enemy put it any way you'd like... there's no team on the planet I would rather beat than the Cowboys.

1. So the Giants play in Jersey, so do the Jets, that's not a reason to hate them it's a reason to make fun of them.

2. No one gives the skins credit, it's not just Giants fans.

3. Giants Stadium is a toilet, again a reason to make fun of not hate.

4. Giants fans are overwieght white men... are we stereotyping now? again something else to make fun of, not hate.

5. You can combine points 4 and 5 into one, the Katrina thing with the Saints fans I will give you, that's wrong.

6. Lawrence Taylor was a phenomenal LB, have to give him that, so he Broke Joe's leg, it was an accident, it's football.

7. The Smurfs, the Fun Bunch... Honestly these names aren't great either but it's tradition. again, something to make fun of, not hate.

8. Lavar Left, whooptee do. So did Pierce and countless others over time, he's not the first and won't be the last.

9. Cowboys winning routine? Maybe 5 years ago but we have taken at least the last 3 out of 4, might not be much in the scheme of things but you have to start somewhere. Do you automatically give up when the Skins play the Cowboys?

You don't sound like the kind of fan I or anyone else for that matter would want cheering on them Skins. You need to take all of this into consideration and have a heart to heart with yourself. Your whole argument is easily refuatable. You probably took a bunch of grief from some buddies or something like that, the anger will wear off, I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. It's truly absurd.

Aah, this is what I was waiting for, and it only took 65 replies before somebody questioned his fan status for hating somebody more than the Cowboys.

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That's because IT'S a STUPID ARGUMENT. I'm wearing a Redskins hat as I type this!!!

No one is saying you AREN'T a 'Skins fan. It's simply being argued that you aren't a 'Skins fan of the level of some of us. Hating the Cowboys above all other hate in your life is number one for a 'Skins fan.

I don't care if your exwife took 75% of your money, all 3 of your kids and had a 4some with your brother, father and best friend. As a 'Skins fan you still hate the Cowboys more than you hate your exwife.

Any chance I just went too far?

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No one is saying you AREN'T a 'Skins fan. It's simply being argued that you aren't a 'Skins fan of the level of some of us. Hating the Cowboys above all other hate in your life is number one for a 'Skins fan.

I don't care if your exwife took 75% of your money, all 3 of your kids and had a 4some with your brother, father and best friend. As a 'Skins fan you still hate the Cowboys more than you hate your exwife.

Any chance I just went too far?

A little. But then again, go to Giants Stadium and you might see what I mean.

If I ever went to Texas Stadium or spent any time in Texas, I'd likely feel differently. As it is, I hate the Cowboys from afar. I tend to take my hatred for the Giants more personally, that's all. It's like that SNL episode where the woman says to Alec Baldwin, "Don't worry, be happy," and he snaps back, "Bobby McFerrin raped my grandmother!" :laugh: :laugh:

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