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Would you pay Romo $50 million????


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Good lord people. I was at the lake, jetskiing. Its SATURDAY people, get out and have some fun.
I think we all knew you'd answer, but as in Om's post, you responded to others, just not his prior to the lake!

OBTW you're sun burnt!:laugh:

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I think we all knew you'd answer, but as in Om's post, you responded to others, just not his prior to the lake!

OBTW you're sun burnt!:laugh:

If I ever see a post directed to me, (and its not by an idiot) I'll always respond as long as I see it.

No sunburn. Really cloudy today, just like I like it. :D

Funny thing though, obviously OM is looking for me to commit to a side one way or another for future purposes. I don't care though. I think Romo sits to pee is the real deal, and he is the least of my worries going into this season. First time since Aikman where I haven't worried about the qb position.

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J_J, just say you support it.

Worst case scenario is you are completely wrong. However, you won't look as foolish as those around here who supported paying over 25 million for Arch, ARE, and Lloyd each. ;)

Or being an Eagles fan who thought TO would be the best thing for their club.

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Schaub got $38 million for 2 starts, so it really isnt too absurb to throw out those numbers right now.

The market has been set at this point.

Beat me to that HHH.

Exacttly right.

Schaub - 2 career starts. 84-161, 52% comp. %. 1,033 yards. 6 TD's 6 Picks. 71.2 rating.

So if Ol' Matty Boy gets that kind of $$$ w/o even playing much. Why is it absurd for the Boys' to sign Romo sits to pee for a long term big deal???

Im not saying that "Romo sits to pee deserves XXX amount for XXX amount of plays."

But based of other Qbs, I wouldnt doubt seeing Romo sits to pee locked up for a long time.

Atleast my Romo sits to pee jersey won't be collecting dust 2 years from now ... hopefully :laugh:

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My guess is that Jones will offer him a 7 year contract for some amount between 70-100 million but not guaranteed. IMO its worth it to lock up a QB you believe will be the guy of the future. Contracts have been going through the roof so I don't think the number is crazy for a QB.

Do I think Romo sits to pee is worth it? Yep. I don't think he'll be the bust that opposing fans are hoping for.


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Beat me to that HHH.

Exacttly right.

Schaub - 2 career starts. 84-161, 52% comp. %. 1,033 yards. 6 TD's 6 Picks. 71.2 rating.

So if Ol' Matty Boy gets that kind of $$$ w/o even playing much. Why is it absurd for the Boys' to sign Romo sits to pee for a long term big deal???

Im not saying that "Romo sits to pee deserves XXX amount for XXX amount of plays."

But based of other Qbs, I wouldnt doubt seeing Romo sits to pee locked up for a long time.

Atleast my Romo sits to pee jersey won't be collecting dust 2 years from now ... hopefully :laugh:

Keep in mind Romo sits to pee has also been in the same system for 4 years and has shown he can at least play in this league.

Schaub is starting over basically with a new team, new players, new system, etc.

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J_J, just say you support it.

Worst case scenario is you are completely wrong. However, you won't look as foolish as those around here who supported paying over 25 million for Arch, ARE, and Lloyd each. ;)

It's almost worth the trouble of rehashing this, making you look foolish for believeing everything you read and going over their contract parameters in detail so you and others understand what those players would have and will actually see out of those big time deals, but because you're wrong almost all of the time and everyone knows it there's no point. But hey, thanks for once again saying something so beyond wrong and making yourself look the fool once again. I'm beginning to believe you should be Mr. ATN for all of your entertaining material. No one writes fiction like you Westbrook36

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Well, its a conundrum for the Cowboys. Do you give Romo sits to pee 50 million now, and eat it if he plays like the second half of last season? Or do you wait, and give him 100 million if he plays like the first part of last season?

Personally, I'd rather pay him more later, but KNOW that the cap room is going towards a franchise QB, then have a huge chunk of essentially dead cap space on the books. :)

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If I ever see a post directed to me, (and its not by an idiot) I'll always respond as long as I see it.

No sunburn. Really cloudy today, just like I like it. :D

Funny thing though, obviously OM is looking for me to commit to a side one way or another for future purposes. I don't care though. I think Romo sits to pee is the real deal, and he is the least of my worries going into this season. First time since Aikman where I haven't worried about the qb position.

All I wanted was to know where you stood bro. From your previous posts, it looked to me like you were doing everything BUT. Thanks for the straight answer, and I forgive you for answering questions that came after mine first. ;)

As I've said about Romo sits to pee before, the way he started out was insane. As promising a beginning as I've ever seen in the league. The ending, conversely, was a bit surprising--not the fumble, that can happen to anyone--but the seeming loss of the spark, precision and swagger that defined his early success. At this point, I have to believe the thinking man's view of Romo sits to pee is something along these lines:


As is the notion of whether or not to commit star QB money to him.

Jason Campbell didn't have Romo sits to pee's incandescent start, but neither did he have the marked late decline. Jason showed flashes of great ability and more a a slow, steady arc of improvement. Were it JC we were talking about looking for star money now, Redskins fans would be every bit as split on how to handle it as Cowboy fans are with the future Mr. Underwood.

'm just glad it's you guys in this position and not us.

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Jason Campbell didn't have Romo sits to pee's incandescent start, but neither did he have the marked late decline. Jason showed flashes of great ability and more a a slow, steady arc of improvement. Were it JC we were talking about looking for star money now, Redskins fans would be every bit as split on how to handle it as Cowboy fans are with the future Mr. Underwood.

'm just glad it's you guys in this position and not us.

Its funny, cause Romo sits to pee's incandescent start gets used against him alot. And I don't think that is logical at all.

In 11 games, Romo sits to pee had two games where his completion percentage was under 50%. And both of those were 48%.

In 7 games, JC had 3 games under 50%. And one at 50% So 4 out of his 7 starts were 50% completion rate or less. I'm not sure where you get the "slow steady arc of improvement".

Take the very last game out of the equation against the Giants, and JC showed very little if any improvement. Surely you aren't basing his progress on the last game of the season are you?

By comparison Romos' last 6 games (the ones always mentioned where he "fell back to earth") are still pretty darn good. Completion percentages....2 games in the 70's, 2 games at 58% and two games at 48%.

I find it interesting how the games where "he fell back to earth", coincide with a total collapse defensively. The two worst games (48%), coincided with total beatdowns defensively and everyone on earth knew we had to throw the ball to get back in the game. Of course nobody wants to mention that, they just want to talk about his "meltdown". WHen teams know you have to throw, it becomes very difficult to do so, you throw picks, you fumble, you try to make something happen.

I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement in his game, I'm saying that I couldn't be more excited to have Romo sits to pee as my qb.

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I pay him the money

50 million is going to be a starting point for contracts the next couple years

Also as Redskins fans know 50 million does not mean 50 million, Shaubs deal for 48 million included only a 7 million dollar bonus. Unless he excells he wont see the entire contract

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JC's games last season got him experience under fire, but that's not where his development stands right now. He took it upon himself to stay in the film room and on the practice field to hone his skills all offseason. By all accounts it's been paying off. Still to come are private workout sessions between he and some of his recievers to build chemistry and familiarity. Which other NFCE QB is doing that?

Will it translate to the field come game time? Who knows. But he's been putting forth every bit of effort and more that you'd like your young QB to.

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Now that ladies and gentlemen, is a solid argument.

It was so ridiculous that it didn't even need an arguement. the ":doh:" was more than enough. BTW, this thread is about Romo sits to pee not Campbell. I know it's hard for a Cowboys fan but try to stay on topic.

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It was so ridiculous that it didn't even need an arguement. the ":doh:" was more than enough. BTW, this thread is about Romo sits to pee not Campbell. I know it's hard for a Cowboys fan but try to stay on topic.

Again, solid argument.

As far as bringing Campbell into the discussion..........I didn't. OM did.

Next time read ALL the posts before diving right in.


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I pay him the money

50 million is going to be a starting point for contracts the next couple years

Also as Redskins fans know 50 million does not mean 50 million, Shaubs deal for 48 million included only a 7 million dollar bonus. Unless he excells he wont see the entire contract

End the thread right there.

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I dont think any 1st year QB who has had only 10 starts deserves 50 mil. however if Romo sits to pee has a solid season next year hes gonna be asking for more. Even though i hate him i dont think Romo sits to pee is all that bad. I think Romo sits to pee can play at a starter level but i just don't a lot of upside for Romo sits to pee and therefore im not sure if the pukes wanna invest in 50 mil into Romo sits to pee for maybe 2 years.

I guess we shall see

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Alex Smith signed a 50 million dollar contract before ever playing one game in the NFL.

Heck, if you can get a feel for a guy after 10 games, that a whole lot better than not having anything but a college career to go on.

So, is Romo sits to pee going to have a better career than Smith?

You're kidding yourself if you think Jerrah is gonna give Romo sits to pee this huge contract BEFORE the season starts....he's gonna push it out as long as he can.

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Except when the Skins do it and then it is a sign of how stupid we are, right?

No, you guys give 50 million to other people's trash...big difference.

At least we have spent three years with this guy and this is the going rate.

Skins can only be so fortunate that after this year JC is talking 50 million...

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