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NFC: Who's Calling the Shots for Each Team?


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Didn't see this posted. My apologies if I missed it.


NFC East

Dallas Cowboys

Owner, president and GM Jerry Jones is more involved in personnel matters than any other owner in the NFL. He attends all-star games and the combine, he watches film and he is directly involved in every player acquisition. In the past, he respected then coach Bill Parcells' opinion on the type of player Parcells wanted, and they seemed to have a good working relationship. It will be interesting to see whether new coach Wade Phillips has the same kind of influence on Jones. The scouts are information gatherers. Although they have a voice, they are not decision makers. CEO and executive vice president Stephen Jones handles the salary cap and player negotiations.

New York Giants

A new front-office era starts for the Giants, as longtime GM Ernie Accorsi has retired and former player personnel director Jerry Reese has taken over. However, the philosophy should stay the same. This is an organization that loves stability, and that is a big reason Tom Coughlin returned as head coach. The Giants have a veteran scouting staff with strong opinions, and the scouts have the freedom to voice those opinions. They play it close to the vest on player acquisitions, and they lean heavily on psychological testing. The coaches have input, and the Giants prefer coming to consensus decisions, but they do not solicit outside opinions. It is a conservative and secretive front office.

Philadelphia Eagles

The stability in the Eagles' front office has fostered excellent chemistry within the entire organization. Coach Andy Reid also holds the title of vice president of football operations, and every personnel decision is his to make. GM Tom Heckert is an organized and talented evaluator who has a great working relationship with Reid. Although this is an organization that encourages opinions and is great at gathering information, the scouts and coaches have moderate input. Reid knows what he wants, has an excellent feel for personnel and knows his own roster. At the end of the day, he will sit down with Heckert, watch film, gather information and come to a decision.

Washington Redskins

Owner Daniel Snyder has the final say on every personnel matter, and even though many don't like his style, it's hard not to be impressed with his commitment to turning his franchise around. He doesn't have a great football background in terms of watching film and evaluating players, so he leans on Vinny Cerrato, the vice president of football operations, who often speaks for Snyder and the organization. However, Cerrato's relationship with coach Joe Gibbs and the coaching staff is in question. Don't be surprised if Gibbs tries to take a more active role in personnel decisions, and that could lead to some clashes. The Redskins have a solid scouting staff, but they are only information gatherers and have not had a lot to do on draft day because of numerous trades involving draft picks.

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Washington Redskins

Owner Daniel Snyder has the final say on every personnel matter, and even though many don't like his style, it's hard not to be impressed with his commitment to turning his franchise around. He doesn't have a great football background in terms of watching film and evaluating players, so he leans on Vinny Cerrato, the vice president of football operations, who often speaks for Snyder and the organization. However, Cerrato's relationship with coach Joe Gibbs and the coaching staff is in question. Don't be surprised if Gibbs tries to take a more active role in personnel decisions, and that could lead to some clashes. The Redskins have a solid scouting staff, but they are only information gatherers and have not had a lot to do on draft day because of numerous trades involving draft picks.

What? But... but... all the homers promised us that Danny just negotiates contracts! Must be those damn media liars and haters again...

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Didn't see this posted. My apologies if I missed it.


NFC East

Washington Redskins

Owner Daniel Snyder has the final say on every personnel matter, and even though many don't like his style, it's hard not to be impressed with his commitment to turning his franchise around. He doesn't have a great football background in terms of watching film and evaluating players, so he leans on Vinny Cerrato, the vice president of football operations, who often speaks for Snyder and the organization. However, Cerrato's relationship with coach Joe Gibbs and the coaching staff is in question. Don't be surprised if Gibbs tries to take a more active role in personnel decisions, and that could lead to some clashes. The Redskins have a solid scouting staff, but they are only information gatherers and have not had a lot to do on draft day because of numerous trades involving draft picks.

I consider this to be a fair descrition of how things have worked for the Skins. But I have faith that Joe will have more input starting with this up coming draft and future drafts.

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Snyder didn't make the final call on Archuleta. That was Gregg Williams all the way. He convinced Gibbs that Archuleta would be a big playmaker in the Redskins system.

I also don't think that Snyder make the final call on Jason Campbell or the move up to take Rocky McIntosh.

He may have facilitated these moves by guaranteeing these players good contracts and ensuring they were ready to go when camp started, but that is what you are looking for.

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Snyder didn't make the final call on Archuleta. That was Gregg Williams all the way. He convinced Gibbs that Archuleta would be a big playmaker in the Redskins system.

I also don't think that Snyder make the final call on Jason Campbell or the move up to take Rocky McIntosh.

He may have facilitated these moves by guaranteeing these players good contracts and ensuring they were ready to go when camp started, but that is what you are looking for.

So you were in the room when they made these decisions? I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but you have to believe that all of the decisions go through him...He tried the letting a football guy have full control thing with Marty, but he didn't like not being involved and that was that.

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I consider this to be a fair descrition of how things have worked for the Skins. But I have faith that Joe will have more input starting with this up coming draft and future drafts.

What is a "descrition"?

What is? All of it? The part about the Redskins? What about the part about the Cowboys?

The Redskins, of course. Everyone knows that ESPN is generally full of **** these days and this article proves it. Had this article been printed during the Norv or Spurrier regimes, it would be accurate.

However, anyone with a clue about this team who isn't trying to bash Snyder like a first grader that just had their ball taken way by him for throwing it through his window (Madd, uhm) knows that Marty and Gibbs were/are the ones calling all the final shots on personnel. Remember Vinny and Danny having to check with Gibbs before they could make the Bears an offer for Briggs. Exactly!!!!

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Please. Gibbs isn't even coaching right now. Not the offense, not the defense, not special teams. What would give you the misconception that he is actually making personell decisions?

If Gibbs were coaching, the highest paid ever in his position, Arch, wouldn't have rode the bench last year.

Too many blind fans would have you believe that Gibbs is running the ship. They want to believe he is running the ship. The truth is, he isn't coaching anything, and it is impossible to know if he has any real input on anything going on up there.

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Please. Gibbs isn't even coaching right now. Not the offense, not the defense, not special teams. What would give you the misconception that he is actually making personell decisions?

If Gibbs were coaching, the highest paid ever in his position, Arch, wouldn't have rode the bench last year.

Too many blind fans would have you believe that Gibbs is running the ship. They want to believe he is running the ship. The truth is, he isn't coaching anything, and it is impossible to know if he has any real input on anything going on up there.


the reason why he gave up the offensive playcalling duties was to serve more as president/ GM, he still the HC and he makes the final decisons on evrything.

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the reason why he gave up the offensive playcalling duties was to serve more as president/ GM, he still the HC and he makes the final decisons on evrything.

'Makes the final decisions on everything?"

We know he doesn't make any of the decisions on play calling. Not on offense or on defense. He seems to make absolutely no decisions with regard to what is happening on the field at any time.

We would like to think he is calling the shots on personnel. Because we remember him as being the greatest ever. But what proof, if any, exists of this? Absolutely none. Lip-service about wanting his input on the Briggs deal before signing it? That isn't very convincing. Hell, he didn't even initiate the trade talks.

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'Makes the final decisions on everything?"

We know he doesn't make any of the decisions on play calling. Not on offense or on defense. He seems to make absolutely no decisions with regard to what is happening on the field at any time.

We would like to think he is calling the shots on personnel. Because we remember him as being the greatest ever. But what proof, if any, exists of this? Absolutely none. Lip-service about wanting his input on the Briggs deal before signing it? That isn't very convincing. Hell, he didn't even initiate the trade talks.

Did the briggs trade happen? no. so you cant use that as an example. I was saying that he makes the final decisons in the front office.

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Did the briggs trade happen? no. so you cant use that as an example. I was saying that he makes the final decisons in the front office.


The Briggs trade didn't happen because the Bears told us to take a hike. Gibbs didn't get in the way of the trade. Snyder said he wanted it, Snyder initiated it, Snyder offered our 6th pick for it. Unfortunately, Snyder still calls the shots.

I wish Gibbs would get back into coaching again. I don't know if his heart isn't in it, if it is more work than he thought he was signing on for, or if he just prefers nascar. I feel bad he signed up for this. Maybe the FO is just so messed up, that he is nothing more than a figurehead at this point, similiar to Bobby Bowden.

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Of the people on this board, I'm willing to bet I'm the only person who's ever spoken to Vinny Cerrato, Dan Snyder AND Joe Gibbs. And, of the people who wrote the article, the same is true. Trust me, Joe Gibbs runs the ship. Snyder just pays for the sails :).

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Of the people on this board, I'm willing to bet I'm the only person who's ever spoken to Vinny Cerrato, Dan Snyder AND Joe Gibbs. And, of the people who wrote the article, the same is true. Trust me, Joe Gibbs runs the ship. Snyder just pays for the sails :).

Not true. McD5 says that Gibbs is just a figurehead and doesn't do anything other than get some lip service thrown his way.

And McD5 knows this because, um, because, uh...just because he says so. :rolleyes:

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The Briggs trade didn't happen because the Bears told us to take a hike. Gibbs didn't get in the way of the trade. Snyder said he wanted it, Snyder initiated it, Snyder offered our 6th pick for it. Unfortunately, Snyder still calls the shots.

I wish Gibbs would get back into coaching again. I don't know if his heart isn't in it, if it is more work than he thought he was signing on for, or if he just prefers nascar. I feel bad he signed up for this. Maybe the FO is just so messed up, that he is nothing more than a figurehead at this point, similiar to Bobby Bowden.

They mad a counter offer which the skins rejected:doh: .

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Of the people on this board, I'm willing to bet I'm the only person who's ever spoken to Vinny Cerrato, Dan Snyder AND Joe Gibbs. And, of the people who wrote the article, the same is true. Trust me, Joe Gibbs runs the ship. Snyder just pays for the sails :).

art, may i ask you how much you speak to these guys and what the nature and depth of the conversations are?

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completely wrong

Yeah, the damn, dirty media is out to get Washington and coach Gibbs again :laugh:

Seriously, stop acting like you know how the Redskins front office operates. Daniel Snyder has as much say as Jerruh in personel decisions, no matter how hard you deny it.

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Of the people on this board, I'm willing to bet I'm the only person who's ever spoken to Vinny Cerrato, Dan Snyder AND Joe Gibbs.

I've spoken to Jerry Jones, his sons, and Bill Parcells before, and I have next to no clue what the war room on draft day looks like behind closed curtains

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I've spoken to Jerry Jones, his sons, and Bill Parcells before, and I have next to no clue what the war room on draft day looks like behind closed curtains

Well, considering the Cowboys don't close the curtains, inviting the media in their war room you should really pay closer attention to what's going on there. And, considering Jones holds the GM title and actually serves as the personnel chief for the team, with his sons in key roles beneath him, that should tip you off. In D.C., Gibbs is the man in charge and he's told you the same.

Snyder is the man who pays the bills, so, Gibbs says, "Hey, man, can I go over budget for this or that," and the guy who has to pay for it says yes or no. So far he's not said no.

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