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duckett to the lions (PFT)

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All he needs to do is trust the O-Line, which he clearly did not--hence the tip-toeing.

i knew i couldnt have been the only one to notice he ran on his tip toes. I had never seen him run before so I didnt know if that was just the way he ran or not.

Oh well. Yeah it was a wasted draft choice, but really, at the time, it was all the Skins could do. Neither Betts or Portis were 100%. So they went and got some insurance. The o-line wasnt opening holes, he looked unsure of what he was supposed to do and he wasnt used right.

He kept his composure though and never bad mouthed anyone. You have to give it to him for that.


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I couldn't be more happy to see him go. He's a good RB and we didn't use him and he still showed class and kept his mouth shut. Almost like a Ramsey, and I wish him the best in Detroit. Hopefully he'll get plenty of carries up there.

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He's been screwed his whole career. He was drafted only to be the third head in the Dunn/Vick rushing attack. Then they draft Jerious Norwood and find out he's a beast. Gets traded here to be third string behind Portis and Betts. Now, he goes to Detroit (probably on his own doing, considering he's from Michigan) only to be the newest head in the crowded backfield of Kevin Jones and Tatum Bell.

I hope he gets his shot.

I always love this sort of thing.

Did it ever occur to you or anyone else that he gets screwed because he hasn't been able to show anyone he has what it takes to play in the NFL?

The guy runs like a pansy, he is not able to be a big back, and he's not small enough to be a scatback.

Players don't get screwed. If they can play, they DO. No coach in the world benches a player who has the ability to make the team better. At least not i nthe NFL. The pressure is too great, and in case it hasn't been apparent, An NFL coach's job security hangs by a thread. (Well, some do, as in the case of TO, but I don't think Andy Reid is worried about his job. Also in the case of the Raiders last year with Jerry Porter,, but who knows if that is Al Davis doing or Art Shell. Either way, Shell's out of a job.)

Fact: Since the 2005 season ended, 15 teams have changed coaches, (and the Raiders did it twice,) so 16 new coaches in the league in ONE YEAR. That's half the league changing coaches. Does anyone really think with THAT kind of turnover that ANY coach is going to sit a player that can help him win?

There is a reason Duckett can't find anything better than a one year deal on a team desperate for a RB, and it's not because no one likes him. It's because the reality is he isn't good enough to get anything else. If he could play, the Falcons don't spend a 3rd round pick on Jerious Norwood. If he could play, he doesn't make the rounds in free agency getting told "no".

TJ stunk for us. Not because he didn't get a chance, because he didn't make anything out of the chances he got. He was terrible in short yardage and fumbled in a couple of key situations.

Bye bye Twinkletoes. Go underperform in Detroit while we sit back and lick our wounds from the terrible deal we made to secure his worthless ass.

(Nothing personal Ops,this isn't to call you out in particular, it's just you raised the sentiment and i used your post as an example to make my point.)


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I liked TJ! I wish we would have used him more, especially in short yardage situations. I wish him the best of luck (except when he plays the Redskins).

When we DID use him in short yardage......I do believe he was not very effective.

It is what it is.

And it seems that he really didn't have "IT".

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I gotta agree with Bang. I was disapointed in TJ's performance. He had the opportunity...especially with CP hurt. TJ's a nice guy so I wish him well, but I really believe Matt Milen (sp?) has made another poor personnel decision for the Lions.

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Players don't get screwed. If they can play, they DO. No coach in the world benches a player who has the ability to make the team better. At least not i nthe NFL.

Gibbs has been doing it his whole career. He's more likely to play a washed-up veteran than play a rookie phenom.

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Yea....Definately a waste of a draft pick to bring him in and hardly utilize him. I don't know what management was thinking on this one but hey, sometimes they make bad moves. I mean Duckett could have worked with Portis being injured but I don't think they ever found a way to use him in the offensive sets.

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Yea....Definately a waste of a draft pick to bring him in and hardly utilize him. I don't know what management was thinking on this one but hey, sometimes they make bad moves. I mean Duckett could have worked with Portis being injured but I don't think they ever found a way to use him in the offensive sets.

I think management was thinking, Hey we don't know how fast Portis will heal or get back to normal now that he put that nasty hit on that guy ,making the tackle, and dislocating his arm in preseason game 1 of last year. We sure don't know what we have in Betts yet figuring he only gets a few plays here and there, So lets go get an insurance policy (Duckett)...

Now Betts is a stud and Portis is 100%, three is now a crowd especially with a hole at LG and plenty of help needed to shore up a shoddy D. Mgmt is probably thinking money should be spent elsewhere as opposed to signing a 3rd RB... :2cents:

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Nothin but the best for TJ. I really don't understand why the Lions would sign him, though. They have Kevin Jones and they just traded for Tatum Bell. Why sign another RB? Must have Redskins syndrome

Oh wait, nm, they didn't trade a 3rd round pick for him <sigh>

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