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*The Official Apologetic Thread To Om*


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you shouldn't appologize unless you said something that wasn't appropriate. But the fact is theres no excuse for a mod to make an official post like that when the guy isn't even signed yet. should have said probable or rumor. If that wasn't a mod that guy would be NNT'd...unfair.
Originally posted by Jumbo

...any one with an adequately functioning brain should extend a different degree of latitude to a member like Art, Om, andyman, LavarLeap56, or some of our other proven sources of information when it comes to potential scoops, than we do to say, a member such as yourself.

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The way I see it, people need to "apologize" to me about as much as I need to "apologize" to anyone else. :)

In other words ... for god's sake, people, we're talking about off season football signing details here. Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm ready to stop having this thing treated like the OJ case.

Onward and upward.


BTW ... I'm luke-warm on the signing for now. Need to learn more about, just for starters, the contract, Springs' status, how Freddy Now compares to Freddy Then, what GW has in mind for him, how he and Sean Taylor will mesh both on the field and off, etc.

You see even Om isn't sweating it or beating his chest. Humble guy and I am impressed, so the folks who feel like they have to insult, belittle or resort to name calling of people just becasue they wanted to know why Smoot hadn't been signed yet almost 24hrs later, before he DID get signed need to calm the freak down and stop trying to earn points. This thing did kind of turn out to be pretty crazy...heck someone on JLC's blog is calling it the "Blog Wars of the 2007 FA season" :doh: . Jesus!!!!

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BTW ... I'm luke-warm on the signing for now. Need to learn more about, just for starters, the contract, Springs' status, how Freddy Now compares to Freddy Then, what GW has in mind for him, how he and Sean Taylor will mesh both on the field and off, etc.

Springs will be the key. If we hold on to him and he stays as our #1, I think we'll have a very solid CB corps as opposed to last year. I expect Smoot to be a nickel corner for the most part. I REAAAALLLLLLY hope that GW has a plan to start Smoot as the #1 guy...but only time will tell.

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This is actually a very interesting thread. Anyone personally affected to the point of feeling the need to apologize or be apologized to.....well, you need to take a break from the internet.

But the topic at hand is actually very interesting. Om was, in fact, wrong. He reported Smoot as "signed", when Smoot was actually fairly close to leaving town without a contract.

It's not semantics, there is a significant difference. Had Om said "there's a pretty good chance Smoot will sign" or something to that affect, fine, but he didn't. He reported it as fact when it was not.

I have a great deal of respect for the mods here, and as my member # indicates I've been coming here far longer than most, but JLC brings up a potentially damaging suggestion. What gives Om and others such insider access is directly related to the fact that they and this site are OWNED by the Redskins.

It is a reality of the new internet media that this site begat the story being picked up by PFT.com which had over 700,000 page views yesterday. Like it or not, this site and that one are widely read around the NFL community. If the Redskins did in fact use this site to affect negotiations, a very plausible possibility given the sequence of events, then it suggests that the credibility of this site is in question.

Frankly, I think it would have been very shrewd for the Redskins to have gone down that path, but they would then be doing the exact same thing they were accusing the WP of previously, which is using the media to influence others to a particular point of view. In this case, using the media to affect neogitations.

Hopefully, this site will continue to be a great source of Redskins insight and news, but let's not completely gloss over what happened yesterday. If it happens again, I'll personally be disappointed. But that's just me. :2cents:

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No, actually everyone just kisses each other's ass around here.

That and some people act like them. Amazing day today. 3 threads and now this one dealing with a simple matter of verbage. As Om said. This isn't the OJ case, (though God knows you would think that it was considering the overeacting on said verbage). The man is signed. Duh. Time to move on.

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It's so crazy, I've never seen so many people get their pantys in a bunch over getting inside information. Isn't that what most of you people are drawn to this site for in the first place? Then when you get it, you piss and moan about it. I mean, it's like when I was walking around with a half a turkey wrap in my bag that I wasn't going to eat, I saw a homeless person asking if anyone had any food so I walked up to him and said sure take this sandwhich. He said "what's in it?". I said "uh, turkey" he goes "I don't eat turkey". I mean wtf.

Kudos to OM for posting something that most of us would never know about until the national press gets a hold of it. Please don't let a few idiots spoil your efforts in obtaining future insider info for us. It's appreciated if you know it or not.

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This is actually a very interesting thread. Anyone personally affected to the point of feeling the need to apologize or be apologized to.....well, you need to take a break from the internet.

But the topic at hand is actually very interesting. Om was, in fact, wrong. He reported Smoot as "signed", when Smoot was actually fairly close to leaving town without a contract.

It's not semantics, there is a significant difference. Had Om said "there's a pretty good chance Smoot will sign" or something to that affect, fine, but he didn't. He reported it as fact when it was not.

I have a great deal of respect for the mods here, and as my member # indicates I've been coming here far longer than most, but JLC brings up a potentially damaging suggestion. What gives Om and others such insider access is directly related to the fact that they and this site are OWNED by the Redskins.

It is a reality of the new internet media that this site begat the story being picked up by PFT.com which had over 700,000 page views yesterday. Like it or not, this site and that one are widely read around the NFL community. If the Redskins did in fact use this site to affect negotiations, a very plausible possibility given the sequence of events, then it suggests that the credibility of this site is in question.

Frankly, I think it would have been very shrewd for the Redskins to have gone down that path, but they would then be doing the exact same thing they were accusing the WP of previously, which is using the media to influence others to a particular point of view. In this case, using the media to affect neogitations.

Hopefully, this site will continue to be a great source of Redskins insight and news, but let's not completely gloss over what happened yesterday. If it happens again, I'll personally be disappointed. But that's just me. :2cents:

I agree with most all of the above.

But this conspiracy theory is a bit much. I mean, really, does everyone really believe that GMs all over the league who had an interest in Smoot just gave up because of an internet rumor or report on a Redskins message board? Don't people realize that GMs have cell phones and the phone number of Smoot's agent to verify if Smoot is signed or not?

Come on folks.....far too much credit is being given to this conspiracy theory. IF another team wanted to make a run at Smoot, their GM would have called Smoot's agent and said we can match/beat the Skins' offer; come to us and let's talk about it.

I assume Om posted because he had a reliable source that told him that Smoot was signed. JLC, the Post, and all the other media people rely on unnamed sources all the time and they write stories based on that information; and you know what?.......their stories are wrong from time to time.

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I haven't posted boo about the situation, but the fact is, Om was wrong. Smoot had not signed yet. He ended up signing afterall, but that doesn't change the fact that Om was wrong. Not a big deal. He shouldn't be damned for jumping the gun or praised for anything either.

Yeah, but if it had been anyone else but an Admin, they would have been banned for posting misleading and/or incorrect posts.


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you shouldn't appologize unless you said something that wasn't appropriate. But the fact is theres no excuse for a mod to make an official post like that when the guy isn't even signed yet. should have said probable or rumor. If that wasn't a mod that guy would be NNT'd...unfair.

I agree with phish, a mod should not post information that he thinks is going to happen or what everyone assumes is going to happen. It's makes the site look very unprofessional.

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Yeah, but if it had been anyone else but an Admin, they would have been banned for posting misleading and/or incorrect posts.


Then again when you do think about it we don't ask Andyman or Lavarleap for links or sources. However, Andyman is always on point and has the insider tip like hours before it happens.

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Yeah, but if it had been anyone else but an Admin, they would have been banned for posting misleading and/or incorrect posts.


I agree with phish, a mod should not post information that he thinks is going to happen or what everyone assumes is going to happen. It's makes the site look very unprofessional.

Posts like this make me wonder if there is a special school for how to be obtuse. There have been numerous explainations and examples showing exactly why there was a thread in the first place and where the info came from. How hard is it to understand all that? :doh:

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I agree with most all of the above.

But this conspiracy theory is a bit much. I mean, really, does everyone really believe that GMs all over the league who had an interest in Smoot just gave up because of an internet rumor or report on a Redskins message board? Don't people realize that GMs have cell phones and the phone number of Smoot's agent to verify if Smoot is signed or not?

Come on folks.....far too much credit is being given to this conspiracy theory. IF another team wanted to make a run at Smoot, their GM would have called Smoot's agent and said we can match/beat the Skins' offer; come to us and let's talk about it.

I assume Om posted because he had a reliable source that told him that Smoot was signed. JLC, the Post, and all the other media people rely on unnamed sources all the time and they write stories based on that information; and you know what?.......their stories are wrong from time to time.

Sorry, but it's not that far fetched. Om was operating on inside information and PFT.com also operates on inside information. Again, Om, who has direct ties to the Redskins, reported the deal as done. JLC and the post have sources but are not employees of the Redskins.

So you think agents don't lie? PFT already reported that Leonard Davis is only in DC to drive up the price for the Cowboys. That stuff happens all the time.

Point being, inside information from the well-connected (and potentially conflicted) mods here, as well as the connected folks at PFT.com is as reliable OR MORE RELIABLE than a discussion with an agent who would be sitting on the other side of the negotiating table from you. It's at the very least a data point.

I'm with you in that it's a little bit of a consipracy theory right now. But it's not at all far fetched and it didn't come from a poster, it came from JLC who is fairly connected himself (and again not subject to the same conflicts of interest).

Until and unless it happens again, it was a simple mistake. But it certainly plausible that something else was going on here.

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Sorry, but it's not that far fetched. Om was operating on inside information and PFT.com also operates on inside information. Again, Om, who has direct ties to the Redskins, reported the deal as done. JLC and the post have sources but are not employees of the Redskins.

So you think agents don't lie? PFT already reported that Leonard Davis is only in DC to drive up the price for the Cowboys. That stuff happens all the time.

Point being, inside information from the well-connected (and potentially conflicted) mods here, as well as the connected folks at PFT.com is as reliable OR MORE RELIABLE than a discussion with an agent who would be sitting on the other side of the negotiating table from you. It's at the very least a data point.

I'm with you in that it's a little bit of a consipracy theory right now. But it's not at all far fetched and it didn't come from a poster, it came from JLC who is fairly connected himself (and again not subject to the same conflicts of interest).

Until and unless it happens again, it was a simple mistake. But it certainly plausible that something else was going on here.

Its plausible that you're Jason LaCanfora.

Doesn't make it so.

I'd hope you guys would give credit to the staff here that we're not a bunch of naive yo-yo's who would allow ourselves to do anything beyond try and provide you guys with news and content as Redskin's fans. Seriously - who are you to insinuate theres more to it than that?

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But the topic at hand is actually very interesting. Om was, in fact, wrong. He reported Smoot as "signed", when Smoot was actually fairly close to leaving town without a contract.

Says who?

You mean the WP blog that had Smoot packed and going home one minute and then less than a couple of hours later he's signed sealed and delivered?

If they were correct about him leaving without a contract, clearly something happened that changed the situation and Smoot signed. Why couldn't something like that happened yesterday? Om's contact gave him good info that Smoot agreed to a deal yesterday but then "something" happened that delayed the official signing by a day or so.

Don't see what the big deal is but it sure has been an interesting 24 hours.

Also, JLC lost alot of credibilty when he claimed to be the first to bring up Smoot as a possible FA target when in fact LL56 gave us the scoop long before anyone else weeks ago.

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If they were correct about him leaving without a contract, clearly something happened that changed the situation and Smoot signed. Why couldn't something like that happened yesterday? Om's contact gave him good info that Smoot agreed to a deal yesterday but then "something" happened that delayed the official signing by a day or so.

Something like Fletcher being the first priority, followed by the Wiz game, bowling with JC, & DC traffic & then calling it a night maybe?

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The way I see it, people need to "apologize" to me about as much as I need to "apologize" to anyone else. :)

In other words ... for god's sake, people, we're talking about off season football signing details here. Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm ready to stop having this thing treated like the OJ case.

Onward and upward.


BTW ... I'm luke-warm on the signing for now. Need to learn more about, just for starters, the contract, Springs' status, how Freddy Now compares to Freddy Then, what GW has in mind for him, how he and Sean Taylor will mesh both on the field and off, etc.

Sean Taylor and Smoot played together Seans first year.So i am willing to bet they mesh together pretty good.

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Its plausible that you're Jason LaCanfora.

Doesn't make it so.

I'd hope you guys would give credit to the staff here that we're not a bunch of naive yo-yo's who would allow ourselves to do anything beyond try and provide you guys with news and content as Redskin's fans. Seriously - who are you to insinuate theres more to it than that?

Uhhh, I'm a guy who watched this unfold and see's a pretty clear way that this could have been more than an honest mistake. Again, had ES not reported the signing as fact when it was clearly not a fact, there would be no problem. I made it perfectly clear that this looks like a simple mistake, but has plenty of circumstancial evidence that COULD suggest otherwise.

This would not be an indictment of Om or the ES staff. Keep in mind that in the scheme of things, ES is one of numerous media properties of an business entity worth over $1B.

So while I wouldn't accuse Om of deliberatly misleading anyone, I would not at all put it past Dan Snyder to use ES as a way to influence business negotiations. Has Snyder been agressive and underhanded in business dealings before? Many many times.

Did Om's story then get reported on PFT.com which had 700K page views yesterday? Yup. Does that site get read by the industry? Yup. Did Smoot's agent already admit that he signed a contract for less than the market value? Yup. If Snyder wanted to stifle the market for Smoot by distracting other suitors did he succeed? Yup.

Since Snyder has a long track record of owning media outlets to get his own POV across and a track record for very agressive, very cold-as-ice negotiating tactics, you could easily make the argument that he might have saved himself a few million dollars by leaking some disinformation through ES, one of his media properties. If there was another suitor for Smoot, perhaps they turned their attention elsewhere upon hearing Smoot to DC was done or all but done.

One more time, this looks like a clear mistake (and it's clear that Smoot probably said I want to come back and the agent wanted to play hardball given the low contract value), but there's a very clear progression of events that would suggest Snyder COULD have been up to something. And the suggestion was made by JLC, who is the most connected reporter NOT working for the team.

And as I said, assuming it never happens again, no harm no foul. But if we see something like this again, this site will lose credibility.

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I COULD be wealthy.

I COULD have banged Britney Spears before she became a skank.

I COULD have been born in a different state instead of NJ

I COULD have knocked that one pin down to bowl that perfect game.


You COULD be stretching for something that is quite steep. In fact, I believe you are.

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