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*The Official Apologetic Thread To Om*


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This is for all the ranting and raving that went on throughout the course of the day that was directed to the mods about the Smoot situation. There was a lot of ill will aimed at certain higher-ups on this board regarding the premature Smoot re-signing with the Skins "sticky" at the top of The Stadium. After all was said and done, it worked itself out at the end and Smoot is officially home according to JLC.

I, myself, did not post any negative statements regarding the "double standard" issue that was going back and forth all day. I was, however, starting to question the whole thing, so I will be the first to apologize to the story breakers of the premature Smoot stuff. When Om posts a news bit about a signing, release, or anything regarding the personnel and players of the organization in the future, I will not doubt it.

So for all the others who were mad and testy earlier today, this is your chance to put it all to bed, or take something negative you said back, if you wish.

So Om, :cheers: .


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You would think that common sense wold have prevailed, and that people would have understood why there was no link. It was quite a nice thing for us to know about Smoot well before we should have.

The average reading comp and basic problem solving skills in this country is appalling.

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I haven't posted boo about the situation, but the fact is, Om was wrong. Smoot had not signed yet. He ended up signing afterall, but that doesn't change the fact that Om was wrong. Not a big deal. He shouldn't be damned for jumping the gun or praised for anything either.

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you shouldn't appologize unless you said something that wasn't appropriate. But the fact is theres no excuse for a mod to make an official post like that when the guy isn't even signed yet. should have said probable or rumor. If that wasn't a mod that guy would be NNT'd...unfair.

So you feel that Andyman should be NNT's as well then? There are few people here with that double standard. They have earned it.

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You would think that common sense wold have prevailed, and that people would have understood why there was no link. It was quite a nice thing for us to know about Smoot well before we should have.

The average reading comp and basic problem solving skills in this country is appalling.

I said that same thing earlier.

It is quite sad.. isn't it?

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I haven't posted boo about the situation, but the fact is, Om was wrong. Smoot had not signed yet. He ended up signing afterall, but that doesn't change the fact that Om was wrong. Not a big deal. He shouldn't be damned for jumping the gun or praised for anything either.

This is all about semantics. I could have it from a top source 'Smoot will be signed'. If I report that as 'Smoot has signed', 24 hours later when he in fact has signed, does it make it any less true?

I just don't see the big deal.

However, we're gonna manage the Lavar announcement much better.

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If that wasn't a mod that guy would be NNT'd...unfair.


You do realise that a link has to start from a source, right? And in this case, as in LavarLeap56, or andyman, that source IS the thread. It shouldn't be to much to understand that in cases like those, the thread negates the need for a link. Afterall, did we link to the rest of the net, or did the rest of the net link to us as their source?
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This is all about semantics. I could have it from a top source 'Smoot will be signed'. If I report that as 'Smoot has signed', 24 hours later when he in fact has signed, does it make it any less true?

I just don't see the big deal.

However, we're gonna manage the Lavar announcement much better.

Well, no, actually that's not semantics. That's grammar.

"will be signed" = future continuous, which would have been correct.

"has signed" = present perfect, which would have been wrong.

Semantics refers to the definition of words.

Looking forward to the Lavar announcement (not really)

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Well, no, actually that's not semantics. That's grammar.

"will be signed" = future continuous, which would have been correct.

"has signed" = present perfect, which would have been wrong.

Semantics refers to the definition of words.

Looking forward to the Lavar announcement (not really)

Uh.....okay :)

I'll say it another way - we knew he would be signed.

He was signed.

I don't care about the rest - for those that do, thanks for the feedback :)

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The way I see it, people need to "apologize" to me about as much as I need to "apologize" to anyone else. :)

In other words ... for god's sake, people, we're talking about off season football signing details here. Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm ready to stop having this thing treated like the OJ case.

Onward and upward.


BTW ... I'm luke-warm on the signing for now. Need to learn more about, just for starters, the contract, Springs' status, how Freddy Now compares to Freddy Then, what GW has in mind for him, how he and Sean Taylor will mesh both on the field and off, etc.

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To me the disturbing thing about the whole thing is the accusation made by JLC that the Skins may have used OM to chase away other suitors for Smoot. I have no way of knowing what the truth of anything on this subject is except OM posted a thread title that was very premature. Thank goodness for all that Smoot did agree and all is well. It is a cautionary note however about the perils of an official MOD of the board posting information leaked by someone associated with the team that actually owns the board. Especially when the leaker KNEW that the "sigining" would immediately be all over the web and even more when it would advantage the team for that information to be out there.

Clearly it is a very tough call, and I sincerely hope that the team didn't take advantage of OM and the board. Remember, when the ownership transfer took place many critics claimed that the board would be the mouthpiece for the team. The worst thing that could happen is for the integrity of the board and the MODs to be tarnished. Again, I have no idea of the inside facts - it's just good reason for the MODs to perhaps have a conversation about this event and be very careful.

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BTW ... I'm luke-warm on the signing for now. Need to learn more about, just for starters, the contract, Springs' status, how Freddy Now compares to Freddy Then, what GW has in mind for him, how he and Sean Taylor will mesh both on the field and off, etc.

Springs is the key if somehow we can have him with Smoot and Rogers then I think we will see a much more aggresive defense next year. If we just have Smoot and Rogers then it will get interesting.

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To me the disturbing thing about the whole thing is the accusation made by JLC that the Skins may have used OM to chase away other suitors for Smoot. I have no way of knowing what the truth of anything on this subject is except OM posted a thread title that was very premature. Thank goodness for all that Smoot did agree and all is well. It is a cautionary note however about the perils of an official MOD of the board posting information leaked by someone associated with the team that actually owns the board. Especially when the leaker KNEW that the "sigining" would immediately be all over the web and even more when it would advantage the team for that information to be out there.

Clearly it is a very tough call, and I sincerely hope that the team didn't take advantage of OM and the board. Remember, when the ownership transfer took place many critics claimed that the board would be the mouthpiece for the team. The worst thing that could happen is for the integrity of the board and the MODs to be tarnished. Again, I have no idea of the inside facts - it's just good reason for the MODs to perhaps have a conversation about this event and be very careful.

If I were JLC, I'd be pretty careful about throwing out baseless charges that he can't possibly prove and represent absolute conjecture. He won't be getting many 'exclusives' when the Redskins tell the post to find another reporter if they want access to their players, one who doesn't throw out accusations with literally nothing to back them up but conjecture.

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To me the disturbing thing about the whole thing is the accusation made by JLC that the Skins may have used OM to chase away other suitors for Smoot..

hmmmm if you think about it that would be brilliant move by Danny, with things happening so fast if a team gets word of a potential signed deal, then they move on to the next person, very very interesting

this is a messageboard on the offical redskins site, if the WP says something then I think like ESPN they need two sources (don't know if that is true or not) So Danny could use this to his advantage, who knows but it does make you think

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Springs is the key if somehow we can have him with Smoot and Rogers then I think we will see a much more aggresive defense next year. If we just have Smoot and Rogers then it will get interesting.

Remember there are a few other decent options out there as well. We dont neccessarily need a definitive Number 1 CB. A rotation of 3 or 4 guys playing on certain downs and situations can help us out as well. We may end up with Fisher. Hood, Manning Jr. are still out there. We have the draft. We have plenty of time to iron things out.

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