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*The Official Apologetic Thread To Om*


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Well, after this crap, I hope we never again try to pass on some scoop here. Its not worth it. Judging by the level of 'outrage', I wouldn't be surprised if one of these guys with the nosebleeds isn't JLC himself :) Isn't that right PG?


I agree though, what a pain in the ass for you mods (and ex mods ;) )

Every media outlet has been wrong before, and this is the first "mistake" I have seen on ES regarding any scoop

Regardless, I'd just keep this to your self next time, not worth the aggravation or tools who comment on JLC's blog

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Thats what im afraid of. Next time you guys get this kind of information are you just going to keep it to yourselves til its official? I hope not...

I haven't been part of the ES staff since February last year.... so my opinion on the matter really doesn't hold any weight :)

From my experience until then... I've come to know a lot of Skins fans who insider information that would pass along info (most of it was good info). I never shared because what I was told was in confidence.... but I watched what happened to people who did share the information. It's amazing to watch the community and its members take stuff for granted and backlash against people.

And I'm not talking about drive-by idiotic posts by members with less than 10 posts and no credibility. I'm talking about long-time members who have provided information for the benefits of Redskins fans repeatedly over the years.

It's almost as if people think the Redskins football team lives in a bubble and lack communication with the outside world. It's a football organization with about 80 players (with family and friends)... 20 coaches... and about 300 people that work the admin side of things (with family and friends).

And people talk about their jobs all the time.... and share details. Because what seems like FANTASTIC BREAKING NEWS for the hardcore Redskins fan... is nothing more than shop talk for the average employee that shares it with friends and family who actually dig the small details.

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I think Om said himself the proper phrase should have been "agreed" or even "returns". The decision for him to rejoin the team came weeks ago, most likely, but, he'd agreed even before he arrived in D.C. to finalize the paperwork :). It wasn't a guess.

Gibbs can't say an agreement is reached until one is officially signed and sent off to the NFL. The use of "signs" was similar with the Fletcher deal when Lenny reported he'd agreed to sign, but hadn't yet signed, a deal to break that one for the world. We treated his news the same way as we'd have treated anyone else. In any case. Smoot's back. Just like was said. :).

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I think a mistake was made in this case, and so long as it's recognized and avoided in the future, I can't see why anybody would have a problem with that.

Well, there you have it. YOU think it's a mistake.

ATTENTION ES MODS.... the ExtremeSkins community would appreciate it if you would avoid mistakes in the future. Personal and professional. You have the expectation of tens of jackasses to live up to.

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Bingo. There just seems to be a few who are taking this way too seriously, (and themselves as well), and trying to spoil things for the rest of us. Ain't workin'. At least not for me anyway. Anytime there's a scoop to be shared, I'll take it. And Tarhog, it's the few who ***** and moan about it who aren't worth it. The scoops are. :)

I am taking this seriously.

Why? Because, when something or someone is right--they are right. I am not going to sit back and allow a persons credibility be crapped on because the PC police's picture was not painted pretty enough.

I am not going to just sit back and listen to propaganda about an owner who happens to own the team that I have grown to love. Dan Snyder did not kick my dog, maybe you kicked some of your dogs, so I will go to bat with/for him. I fight for what I like. That is who I am and if that makes me a lesser person for taking this seriously then so be it. I am not saying this just to you PCS (even though I did quote your post), I am saying this in general terms.

When it is all said and done... Smoot WILL be a Redskin in 2007. That news is good enough for me.

Now, I think I speak for us all when I say......


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I am taking this seriously.

Why? Because, when something or someone is right--they are right. I am not going to sit back and allow a persons credibility be crapped on because the PC police's picture was not painted pretty enough.

I am not going to just sit back and listen to propaganda about an owner who happens to own the team that I have grown to love. Dan Snyder did not kick my dog, maybe you kicked some of your dogs, so I will go to bat with/for him. I fight for what I like. That is who I am and if that makes me a lesser person for taking this seriously then so be it. I am not saying this just to you PCS (even though I did quote your post), I am saying this in general terms.

When it is all said and done... Smoot WILL be a Redskin in 2007. That news is good enough for me.

Now, I think I speak for us all when I say......


Well now that was nice and all, and certainly full of all kinds of passion. However, (had to know that was coming)..

I wasn't directing that at you. I've been doing the same as you so who do you think I directed that at? Yep. Those guys. Well said though and sorry for being a bit vague before.

Kids these days. ;)

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Well, there you have it. YOU think it's a mistake.

ATTENTION ES MODS.... the ExtremeSkins community would appreciate it if you would avoid mistakes in the future. Personal and professional. You have the expectation of tens of jackasses to live up to.

Well then, in that case.....

***Breaking News***

I just farted. I even double checked for skid marks in case I made a mistake. There weren't any. Therefore this is rather personal, yet still professional as & I did do the ol double check. So that should live up to everyone's expectations. Even it's news they may not want. :)

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Semi-related story

a couple of years ago, I was given a bit of a news nugget by someone with inside knowledge of the Coles/Moss trade

told it was a done deal.... even when all news sources where clamoring the deal was off, not going to happen, etc.... took some heat over it, but I stuck to my guns because I trusted the source... and he later explained that the hold up wasn't that no one agreed but it was some contractual things that need to be worked out and approved before they could legally announce it was a done deal... but the deal was agreed upon and going to happen

even though respected reporters with excellent source were 100% positive it had feel through.

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Well now that was nice and all, and certainly full of all kinds of passion. However, (had to know that was coming)..

I wasn't directing that at you. I've been doing the same as you so who do you think I directed that at? Yep. Those guys. Well said though and sorry for being a bit vague before.

Kids these days. ;)

Yeah.. kids these days! :silly:

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Well then, in that case.....

***Breaking News***

I just farted. I even double checked for skid marks in case I made a mistake. There weren't any. Therefore this is rather personal, yet still professional as & I did do the ol double check. So that should live up to everyone's expectations. Even it's news they may not want. :)


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Well then, in that case.....

***Breaking News***

I just farted. I even double checked for skid marks in case I made a mistake. There weren't any. Therefore this is rather personal, yet still professional as & I did do the ol double check. So that should live up to everyone's expectations. Even it's news they may not want. :)

Please. Please. Nobody ask TK for a link or source for that story. :paranoid:

Edit: Too late. :doh:

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TK, I'm gonna need to know what you've had for your last ten meals. At this point can you give any details to the type of scent?

Taco Bell. All day. Everyday.

For a month.

We're working on a Scratch N Sniff monitor screen. It's being built by the fine folks at the Home Depot. When they're ready, we'll FedEx em out to you. :)

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***Breaking News***

I just farted. I even double checked for skid marks in case I made a mistake. There weren't any. Therefore this is rather personal, yet still professional as & I did do the ol double check. So that should live up to everyone's expectations. Even it's news they may not want.

Yes, TK. But can you confirm that Fart was "signed," sealed and delivered? :)

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I think Om said himself the proper phrase should have been "agreed" or even "returns". The decision for him to rejoin the team came weeks ago, most likely, but, he'd agreed even before he arrived in D.C. to finalize the paperwork :). It wasn't a guess.

Gibbs can't say an agreement is reached until one is officially signed and sent off to the NFL. The use of "signs" was similar with the Fletcher deal when Lenny reported he'd agreed to sign, but hadn't yet signed, a deal to break that one for the world. We treated his news the same way as we'd have treated anyone else. In any case. Smoot's back. Just like was said. :).

I can understand why some are getting POd about how big of a deal the whole thing turned into. It was way too much. A few people, like myself, were commenting on how the thread title could have been more accurate, and some were taking it beyond that and questioning the mods integrity and fairness. And then there was praise_gibbs who was Om's personal webtegrityguard.:) Personally, I think it would've been a lot more informative to say "Smoot Has Agreed in Principle", or something along those lines, because many took "Signs" to mean it was done and he had no way to back out of it. But that's the last I'll say on it because this is already too much. Amazing how much like a family a web board is - dysfunctionality and all.:D
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How? If it's a quote from the player himself, how could you be more inside?

It seems obvious to me that there would be ongoing negotiations between the FO and the Agent that *perhaps* the player was not immediatly aware of at the time. I believe that's how you would be "more inside". Could be mistaken though.

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