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Anyone here lift weights? If so, here's a great energy supplement I've been taking...


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It's called NO Explode. The NO stands for nitric oxide which opens up the veins and pumps larger quantities of blood to your muscles, helping you get great muscular gains.

It doesn't stop there though, this stuff is chock full of B vitamins and amino acids which gives you a ridiculous boost of energy immediately.

It also contains creatine which keeps your muscles from getting fatigued as quickly as normal and enables you to get a FULL workout at the gym.

I've been lifting on and off my whole life but I've gotten back into it big-time these past few months. Recently a friend of mine gave me a tupperware container of this stuff and it turns me into a beast at the gym. It's great for lifting and for cardio.

I've read mixed reviews about this stuff, some people think it gets them too jittery and energized, some people say it doesn't work and some people can't go back to working out without it.

Just wondering if anyone here has tried this or anything similar and if they got great results.

If anyone is thinking about getting it don't go to GNC unless it's on sale. They usually sell it for $60 but you can find it for $40 almost anywhere else, especially online.

Here are some links to the reviews I've read:




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i was gonna try it until i saw jittery.

i spend most of the day walking around and i typically work out at the end of the day. to give myself an energy boost for my work outs i typically drink some regular or green tea. it doesn't make me :yikes: but it really helps you get through the first 2-3 min that seem like a lifetime before your body realizes you're not leaving until you're done.

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I don't use supplements. Too expensive. I go all natural when it comes to lifting...

Plus, supplements, no matter what it is always gives me horrendous gas...

Like knock you the **** out gas.

:laugh: Whey Protein does that to me, but it's pretty much necessary for lifting and getting good gains IMO. Unless you eat grilled chicken and steak all day. Even then, they say you should eat around 1.5 grams of protein per pound that you weigh. It's nearly impossible to do that without supplements.

really, do you get any side effects from it? cramps or anything?
I have contemplated using NO explode

But haven't yet, I am like KDawg, haven't used any supplements except for whey protein, and I don't use it that much because it causes me to break out

Have you expierenced any abnormal side effects? What has your progress been?

I haven't had any cramps. The only side effects have been when I take it too late in the afternoon, it makes it hard to fall asleep. Also, I overworked my shoulder the first week I took it, mainly because of the creatine I suspect. I just wasn't aware of how strained my muscle was. My shoulder was back to normal after 4-6 days though, I just didn't do any shoulder-specific training for those days.

As far as progress, I've just finished a bulking phase and right now I am in a cutting phase. I've learned not to overtrain when lifting, I can kind of tell when I've worked out enough, even though my muscles don't tire as easily.

I use the extra energy and stamina from the NO Explode to incorporate cardio into my routine. I do cardio before and briefly after I lift and it's really helping me shed the fat that I gained while bulking, but I'm not losing any muscle.

I'd recommend using it to any of you that want to stay productive in the gym. It really makes you want to go work out, it's a good motivation supplement.

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I'm 5'10" 200 pounds... I bench 330, Squat 405 and Deadlift 530. Using supplements is NOT necessary for getting good gains. Hard work is, though.

Sorry man but I still disagree. You have to eat a enough protein for good muscular gains. If you don't use any supplements (including protein) and eat the best possible way, you're still not going to gain the muscle you would with a protein supplement.

I'm not saying you need to run out and start buying NO Explode or any other supplement, but protein is the most basic supplement that anyone trying to get muscle gains is going to need to take.

And of course, hard work is necessary.

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I am 6'3 180 and my metabolism is through the roof so I get my protein through food. I never changed my diet in sports or lifting. I went from hardly being able to do 110 to being able to bench 185 no problem in half a semester at school. Givin I worked my butt off every day in that class. Once I get into ODU I am going to be using their weight program and also using the weights at my apartment complex by just keeping with the eating :laugh:.

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Sorry man but I still disagree. You have to eat a enough protein for good muscular gains. If you don't use any supplements (including protein) and eat the best possible way, you're still not going to gain the muscle you would with a protein supplement.

I'm not saying you need to run out and start buying NO Explode or any other supplement, but protein is the most basic supplement that anyone trying to get muscle gains is going to need to take.

And of course, hard work is necessary.

Disagree all you want. I'm natural and will probably continue to be for quite some time.

And I'll still see gains.

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Anyone that is heavily into lifting that does not take a protein supplement is doing their body a great disservice. Protein is so important in the repair of muscle breakdown that occurs during workouts. There is no way to get the necessary amount of protein without supplementation.

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Anyone that is heavily into lifting that does not take a protein supplement is doing their body a great disservice. Protein is so important in the repair of muscle breakdown that occurs during workouts. There is no way to get the necessary amount of protein without supplementation.

What if you're allergic to Whey?

Soy is not a proper alternative. Then what?

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Disagree all you want. I'm natural and will probably continue to be for quite some time.

And I'll still see gains.

It's true, there are those of us who are simply genetically superior....and can experience sustained progress with little to no supplementation. To generalize to the point of saying this can be the case for everyone - however - would be a bit extreme. I, myself was a hard-gainer all through high school. I have experimented with various programs (and supplements) until I found what currently works best for me. I would encourage everyone to do like wise....as our genetic make-ups are equivalent to fingerprints.....no two are the same.

My statline: (Haven't done a one rep max for almost 8 months)

5'10" 193

Bench: 345 for 6 reps (Last one rep max - 405)

Squat: 405 for 6 (LORM - 445)

Deads (Straight leg, standing on a bench) : 245 for 6

What I'm most proud of is that I have been able to maintain these numbers while still keeping under an 8 min pace @ 5+ miles on the treadmill -- big lifts aren't nearly as impressive if you are a "budah" with a belly that dwarfs your chest :)

One thing I know for sure is that - without supplementation, my numbers wouldn't be nearly as impressive.

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