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What are your thoughts on musicians and political statements?


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Watching the Dixie Chicks sweep the Grammy's last night, I got to thinking about the old arguments that musicians should just "shut up and sing" and refrain from making political statements.

I have some friends that are of the viewpoint that musicians are just guys that stay home and practice all day, and aren't any more qualified than any of us to offer their opinions on politics/the war/etc.

I think the subject matter of an artist's work plays a role in the appropriateness of speaking out. Obviously, if you're someone like Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen, you've basically made your living from your words, and apparently a great number of people really want to hear WHAT you have to say, as opposed to only HOW you say it.

Additionally, these artists travel and meet more of the American populous than just about anyone else, so it seems they might be uniquely qualified to understand the plight of a healthy percentage of the American public.


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In 2004, I couldn't go to a single concert or stand-up comedy show without the featured performer going on endless rants about how basically anyone who votes for Bush would have to be a moron.

I voted for Bush to spite them. Having him in office may wind up with the country being destroyed, but I don't care. Take that, Hollywood!

(am I alone, here?)

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They are free to say what they want and think what they want.

Personally, I get annoyed when someone uses his/her place in life as a political platform though. Like I said, they are entitled to their own opinion and no one can stop them from saying what they want when given an award or during an interview. However, I immediately like the person less...even if he/she is saying something I agree with.

I just think there is something arrogant about it.

For example, I don't end meetings at work or checking out at a grocery store with my viewpoints on current events. No one cares WTF I think...

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I think they should :stfu:.

The ability to sing doesnt make you smart. Yet, because of your musical talent, the masses are going to listen to you and take what you say as gospel. Thats not good.

The ONLY musician that is currently politically active that i have ANY respect for is Bono, and i dont even AGREE with some of his stances. However, he has at least taken the time to educate himself about the issues he talks about, and man, that guy has a work ethic. The rest of these musicians are just like the Hollywood activists, full of :pooh:.

The Dixie Chicks are 3 dumb blondes with banjos. Why should i listen to them?

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The Dixie Chicks are 3 dumb blondes with banjos.


The Dixie Chicks have catered to the NASCAR crowd for years and built their fan-base thru those channels.

Then they slam our President in a foreign country, and have the audacity to claim victimization, wondering out loud why Billy Bob and Peggy Sue don't want to buy their records anymore.

They are simple-minded fools. I laugh that Hollywood props them up as brave divas :rolleyes:

(again... they can say what they want. I have no problem with that. But don't cry foul when you have to lie in the bed you've made.)


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Pearl Jam is a perfect example ...

Loved their old stuff. Now I won't even listen to any of their new music because I'm sick of the political rants.

No kidding. I set my calender when they were on VH1's 'Storytellers'.

I am a HUGE Pearl Jam fan. I just couldn't take it though. I actually shut the TV off.


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The Dixie Chicks have catered to the NASCAR crowd for years and built their fan-base thru those channels.

Then they slam our President in a foreign country, and have the audacity to claim victimization, wondering out loud why Billy Bob and Peggy Sue don't want to buy their records anymore.

They are simple-minded fools. I laugh that Hollywood props them up as brave divas :rolleyes:

(again... they can say what they want. I have no problem with that. But don't cry foul when you have to lie in the bed you've made.)


It went further than Peggy Sue not wanting to buy an album, they were essenatilly black balled. They shoot themselves in the foot, and then the industry shot them in the other.

Either way, I don't care. Here or abroad, it's their descision. I 'm still not going to like their music or dislike it because of this.

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it depends on how tasteful and objective they are about it. Some bands I know can make political/social statements subtly, while some have to come out and blatantly say it, of course their lyrics weren't that deep to begin with.

If they just come out blatantly saying something completely biased and slanted, I would be turned off. If they go to a concert, and between songs they say something against Bush, I would be turned off as well (and I don't like him at all either). If they bring up some controversial issue like gay marriage or abortion in a song, that is different.

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It went further than Peggy Sue not wanting to buy an Album, they were essenatilly black balled. The shoot themselves in the foot, and then the industry shoot them in the other.


Did you actually watch the Grammy's last night? They are the darlings of Hollywood now.

Criticize Bush... you're in the club.

And they're response upon winning the Best Country Album award?

"A-ha" (followed by laughter and applause from the crowd)

Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.


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The Dixie Chicks have catered to the NASCAR crowd for years and built their fan-base thru those channels.

Then they slam our President in a foreign country, and have the audacity to claim victimization, wondering out loud why Billy Bob and Peggy Sue don't want to buy their records anymore.

They are simple-minded fools. I laugh that Hollywood props them up as brave divas :rolleyes:

(again... they can say what they want. I have no problem with that. But don't cry foul when you have to lie in the bed you've made.)


I just don't think what the Dixie Chicks did can be characterized as "slamming." The lead singer said they're ashamed he's from Texas, big deal. That's hardly a political statement or controversial one. Now if she had said that while taking a dump on the flag, I might agree.

I certainly don't think they're victims, but I think people in this country tend to act first and think never. I mean, people literally had CD burning parties (complete with nationalistic fervor) over what was a silly comment made by a silly pop group. What I'm saying is we really need some perspective, as a nation, when a comment like that is considered seditious and traitorous.

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I think they should :stfu:.

The ability to sing doesnt make you smart.

No, but it also doesn't mean they are stupid or not qualified to make political statements.

People don't seem to mind if someone like Maya Angelou makes a political statement. Both her an artists like pearl jam live in the same country, watch the same events on the news.

I could just as easily say PB's stupid about politics because he's just a loan officer.

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No kidding. I set my calender when they were on VH1's 'Storytellers'.

I am a HUGE Pearl Jam fan. I just couldn't take it though. I actually shut the TV off.


Pearl Jam is a perfect example ...

Loved their old stuff. Now I won't even listen to any of their new music because I'm sick of the political rants.

Quoted for truth.

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Did you actually watch the Grammy's last night? They are the darlings of Hollywood now.

Criticize Bush... you're in the club.

And they're response upon winning the Best Country Album award?

"A-ha" (followed by laughter and applause from the crowd)

Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.


I'm not talking about lastnight. The Grammys aside, after their comments were made the country music industry def. black balled them. Country music is what they make and that was primarily their industry.

Now that they are that voice, of course the liberal grammy people are going to embrace them. But that's not what i was reffering to.

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Pearl Jam is a perfect example ...

Loved their old stuff. Now I won't even listen to any of their new music because I'm sick of the political rants.

You are missing out on some really good music. Their most recent album (full of political commentary) is ,IMO, the 2nd best album they've done.

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It is probably one of the main reasons I HATE U2. I am so sick of listening to Bono wearing his stupid glasses on a stupid rant about something. Play your music and STFU. You want to do charity work cool, you want to get up on your soapbox, don't unless you have an instrument in your hand and you plan on playing/singing a song.

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I'm not talking about lastnight. The Grammys aside, after their comments were made the country music industry def. black balled them. Country music is what they make and that was primarily their industry.

Now that they are that voice, of course the liberal grammy people are going to embrace them. But that's not what i was reffering to.

Go back and re-read my post.

If I go to see Jello Biafra and the DK's... I EXPECT for him to slam our president.

If I go to see Charlie Daniels Band, I would expect that knocking our president would be greeted with boos.

So here come the Dixie Chicks... catering/pandering/getting rich off of the country & western crowd. Then they act like they are victims when it is clear to the rest of us that the only thing they are guilty of is extreme stupidity. What were they expecting? A warm reception?

Now, if their audience consisted of rebels and punks... or hip hop fans, etc... their statement would have been a badge of honor.

Why is that hard for them to figure out? Oh yah... because they're dumb.


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Most posts here sum up my view.

Say what you want, but actions have consequences.

In the immortal words of the brilliant Fred Durst "I hope we're all in agreeance that this war should go away as soon as possible"


The issue was never about what the Dixie Chicks said at first, it was about their reaction to the reaction. The cries of freedom of speech blah blah blah.

I respect musicians that make political statements and dont cry victim later. Springsteen, Dylan, TSOL, Dead Kennedy's, all are not only political in thei music, but also outside of their music. And none of them ***** about people being mean to them.

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