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Anyone see this tasteless sign in the Chicago stands?


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I disagree with you, but not as much as I respect you for your maturity as well as the quality of your arguments. Maybe I'm stereotyping, but, I really didn't expect to find that on an NFL messageboard.

You've got a lot of points that I agree with, but you've got one that I can't go along with. "the only people I imagine getting upset by it are unconnected people with a sensitivity to these matters." You can't prove that because, I'm assuming, you don't know anyone who was affected by it, but I showed my friend who goes to College Park because Tulane couldn't let her in her freshman semester last year, and she was hurt. And a stupid sign that looks like it was made by a five-year-old that nobody on the effing team even read is not worth hurting someone.

It wasn't clever, it wasn't well executed, it wasn't necessary, and it wasn't worth it.

Fair enough. Reasonable people disagreeing with one another is the reason for message boards to begin with.

I agree that the sign wasn't funny, at the very least. It's just the matter of taste and class that I don't subscribe to.

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okay here is why the sign is tasteless, and inappropriate.

it says, the bears will finish what Katrina started...

what did Katrina start? Killing hundreds of people, destroying the life's of thousands to the people of New Orleans.

Since the team represents the city of NO, and the city is still feeling the effects of Katrina, it is not just harmless smack talk saying the Bears are devastating, like a hurricane. It was specific to the City of NO's recent tragedy.

Would it be funny if the Bears where playing the Giants, and the sign read, "the Bears will finish what Bin Laden started"?

yes other disasters are used as reference in sports smack talk, but rarely is it so recent or personally relevant, as Katrina and the New Orleans Saints.

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I'm with OWUeagleMD.

And to add, it would not be a stretch to say in reacting to this sign you are giving it a certain credence. What other purpose would this tasteless sign have other than get a rise out of people? When the irreverence of signs like these oversteps its bounds, there will be no shortage of people who will react to it and condemn it, perhaps in an eager act to showcase their sanctimoniousness. So it's best to ignore it.

The point is, nobody will ever be able to forget the tragedy that befell the city of New Orleans...

But it did not just affect New Orleans. There was also a burden placed on those cities and counties which welcomed evacuees. However, not all is well. This just exemplifies the extent of the Katrina fallout extending beyond New Orleans.

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I'm with OWUeagleMD.

And to add, it would not be a stretch to say in reacting to this sign you are giving it a certain credence. What other purpose would this tasteless sign have other than get a rise out of people? When the irreverence of signs like these oversteps its bounds, there will be no shortage of people who will react to it and condemn it, perhaps in an eager act to showcase their sanctimoniousness. So it's best to ignore it.

But it did not just affect New Orleans. There was also a burden placed on those cities and counties which welcomed evacuees. However, not all is well. This just exemplifies the extent of the Katrina fallout extending beyond New Orleans.

Thesaurus much? ;) I really don't think that it was malicious, but it did offend and the guy should be killed for it. Or something lesser. Whatev.

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look philly guy, I'm from the navajo reservation, so don't even come crying to me about tragedies. Although what happened to NO was horrible, that was nothing to what happens on Indian reservations now. Just because it isn't newsworthy and doesn't make on television doesn't mean it impacts people less. Why not lighten up an find the humor in some of the jokes. I admit it was kind of a crappy joke, but still, it's a little funny. Just because you decided that you prioritized in your head which tragedies are worse and made ill advised assumptions about me, doesn't make you a better person. Although i do not currently live in a trailer, but my parents do, just like 60% of the people on the navajo reservation, I do know that I have seen the effects of natural disasters, poverty, and racial discrimination ( just look at the town of Farmington, NM). Come on man, how many black, nazi, jewish, indian jokes have you told/heard and laugh. Otherwise I feel sorry for you if you can't laugh.

This post is even more idiotic than saying that poster was "clever and even a little funny." Yeah, of course I've heard jokes about other races and I've said them myself but there's a big difference. I start every black joke by doing something like this.... :idea: .... so I don't get my arse kicked. I don't go into a stadium that's about show a national broadcast spewing $hit out of my mouth or making stupid signs. I don't prioritze which tragedies are worse, I have the compassion in my heart that anyone that lost someone dear to them during Katrina probably had any exictment about that game completely sucked out of them if they saw that sign.

You think I haven't seen the effects of poverty and racial discrimination?!?!?!?! I live in the suburbs of Philly, not the City, but I spend plenty of my time there. On almost a daily basis I buy either orange juice or hot chocolate and nutritional bars for the homeless that are begging outside of convenience stores. I spent this past Thanksgiving by getting up at 2 AM, roasting 6 turkeys, peeling and mashing about 30 pounds of potatoes and boiling bags of green beans, then hitting the streets at about 3 o'clock until every last plate of food I made up was given to the homeless that weren't going to the "soup kitchens" for a hot meal. Black, white, red, green, yellow, I didn't give a flyin **** what color they were, I feed as many people that I could.

For all the suffering that you've seen there DD, what have you done??? Make jokes??? You are the last person on Earth I'd want feeling sorry for me so please don't, I laugh every day of my life because I don't know if it'll be my last.

So DD, before you press that little button that says "Post Reply" think before you type. There are jokes that can be said in GOOD taste about Katrina that wouldn't be offensive, read thru this thread and I think you'll see that you're in the very small minority that think that poster was one of them.

And one other thing...how in God's name did you manage to sneak in the plight of the Native American into this thread??? I don't remember them crying and moaning about the Redskins name when they were winning Superbowls, only since they've stunk have I heard anything. When the franchise named the team the Redskins they didn't go out and drown the Indians, tear their homes to shreds, and displace their families all over the Country, so how your example even fits in this thread is completely lost on me???

I think I had one other thing on my mind for you, oh yeah :finger:

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This post is even more idiotic than saying that poster was "clever and even a little funny." Yeah, of course I've heard jokes about other races and I've said them myself but there's a big difference. I start every black joke by doing something like this.... :idea: .... so I don't get my arse kicked. I don't go into a stadium that's about show a national broadcast spewing $hit out of my mouth or making stupid signs. I don't prioritze which tragedies are worse, I have the compassion in my heart that anyone that lost someone dear to them during Katrina probably had any exictment about that game completely sucked out of them if they saw that sign.

You think I haven't seen the effects of poverty and racial discrimination?!?!?!?! I live in the suburbs of Philly, not the City, but I spend plenty of my time there. On almost a daily basis I buy either orange juice or hot chocolate and nutritional bars for the homeless that are begging outside of convenience stores. I spent this past Thanksgiving by getting up at 2 AM, roasting 6 turkeys, peeling and mashing about 30 pounds of potatoes and boiling bags of green beans, then hitting the streets at about 3 o'clock until every last plate of food I made up was given to the homeless that weren't going to the "soup kitchens" for a hot meal. Black, white, red, green, yellow, I didn't give a flyin **** what color they were, I feed as many people that I could.

For all the suffering that you've seen there DD, what have you done??? Make jokes??? You are the last person on Earth I'd want feeling sorry for me so please don't, I laugh every day of my life because I don't know if it'll be my last.

So DD, before you press that little button that says "Post Reply" think before you type. There are jokes that can be said in GOOD taste about Katrina that wouldn't be offensive, read thru this thread and I think you'll see that you're in the very small minority that think that poster was one of them.

And one other thing...how in God's name did you manage to sneak in the plight of the Native American into this thread??? I don't remember them crying and moaning about the Redskins name when they were winning Superbowls, only since they've stunk have I heard anything. When the franchise named the team the Redskins they didn't go out and drown the Indians, tear their homes to shreds, and displace their families all over the Country, so how your example even fits in this thread is completely lost on me???

I think I had one other thing on my mind for you, oh yeah :finger:

First of all, I commend you on you efforts with helping the homeless and in that aspect, you are a better person than me. But one thing I must interject here, the indians have been "crying and whining" about seemingly derogeratory sports team nicknames before, during, and after the Superbowls. Besides, there isn't much left for the Redskins to "go out and drown the Indians, tear their homes to shreds, and displace their families all over the Country" since the settlers pretty much took care of that.

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The sign was in poor taste because it was in public view, only a year after the incident. IMO, too soon to be joking about it. I view comedy as something that has to be applicable to everything. Some people are okay w/ that sign, many are not. If this was three years later, I don't think there would be as much hostility in this thread. It's the same as some people are cool w/ jokes about certain topics (race, disability, sexual preferences, etc) and others are not. You don't know what the limit is unless you test it.

I'll admit that while the sign was in poor taste, I did think it was funny. Highly inappropriate, especially on public display, but still funny. Some other posters agree. Does this make me a bad person? For finding humor in a sign? Finding humor in something that helps ease a very horrible situation? Some people would say yes, others no. Does this mean I have no sympathy for the victims? No. All I'm saying is that I could see the humor in the sign, and it made me laugh. This in no way means that I approve of the sign being displayed like that, nor does it mean I approve of people who joke about Katrina right now. All it means is that I saw the humor in the sign. If someone wants to label me a bad person for that, that's their perogative, and I probably could give two ****s what he/she thinks about me anyway.

I am actually reminded of the movie "The Aristocrats." The movie is a bunch of comedians telling a running joke about a family act where the people do the most horrid sexual acts to each other. The punchline is their act is named the aristocrats. In the movie, they show a clip from the Roast of Hugh Hefner. Gilbert Godfrey comes on, and makes a 9/11 joke. People in the audience were saying "too soon" over a few chuckles and a few boos. So Godfrey busts out the aristocrats joke, and it is one of the ledest, most vile ones told in the whole movie. The audience was practically in tears. This showed, that while a joke on 9/11 wasn't acceptable then, jokes about child rape, feces eating, incest, etc. , was okay to those same people.

Joking about Katrina is not something I would go around doing, and anybody with sense wouldn't bring that sign to a public place. It doesn't mean we should castrate everyone who thought the sign was funny. If it was so terrible, why were those fans allowed to bring that sign in? Why did a cameraman spot that sign and tape it? Why did the network make no attempt to blur it? Yes, we can all agree that the joke was way too soon, but there are things just as terrible that society deems "okay" to joke about. I'm sure all of you have laughed at an inappropriate joke or two, so save the judgement for something else, or at least the people who actually did the deed.

For those posters, for example the "clever and funny" guy. While you are entitled to your opinion, you should have expected the backlash you got. If you all don't believe that sign was inappropriate, then you're effed in the head. Sure you can see the humor, and chuckle to yourself. But what kind of reaction did you expect when all you are saying is you thought it was funny? Everyone who read that post automatically assumed you have no sympathy for the victims, and that you have no class. I'm not telling you to apologize, oe retract your words. You are entitled to your opinions. I'm just telling you, and all of you, be more careful of how you say and/or write things. Be more aware of how your words can be perceived.

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First of all, I commend you on you efforts with helping the homeless and in that aspect, you are a better person than me. But one thing I must interject here, the indians have been "crying and whining" about seemingly derogeratory sports team nicknames before, during, and after the Superbowls. Besides, there isn't much left for the Redskins to "go out and drown the Indians, tear their homes to shreds, and displace their families all over the Country" since the settlers pretty much took care of that.

Frankly, the whole thing with sports names is ridiculous anyway. In no way shape or form was any Sports Franchise trying to be demeaning when using them. If anything they should find pride in them, the Washington REDSKINS have a long and storied history, most of which is all positive and the fans of Washington take pride in the Redskin name, I think the Native Americans should try and look at in a different view. And as you confirmed my point, no one in the organization had anything to due with the suffering they went thru.....But in that sense I've come to realize that every minority group will always come up with something to ***** other.

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I didn't find it humorous, rather than a comparison. All this arguing about it being to soon is nonsense, because whether it's a year old or a thousand years old either it's tolerable or it's not tolerable.

I find this to be acceptable because I don't believe the man was trying to disrespect the people who died during Katrina, rather than compare the Chicago Bears to being a devastating force. If you find this bad than you must also want the Miami Hurricanes to change there name, as all it does is compare them to a destructive force.

I know people will disagree, but that's just my take on it.

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The nation?

Many reservations like some in AZ are built over percious minerals. One here is built over the biggest uranium deopsit in the world or something. The people that try to live there get sick from the mining, the conditions are poor to begin with, many of the navajo suffer from obesity because their bodies still arent used to very refined unhealthy foods, a lot of them turn into alcoholics due to a genetic pre-disposition...its actually pretty sad. Katrina happened once and got a lot of attention. These things happen constantly and get little to no attention.

Dont forget the forced march where they were forced from there homes forced to march to someplace in oklahoma and those that didnt conform had their ears cut off and were eventually killed

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Uh-huh, and in the real world, how many lives were lost and how many were ruined? Katrina killed people and destroyed people's lives; it wasn't G-d saying "Eff you, Saints!" That sign was an attack on the people, not the team, and, malicious or not, that is unacceptable. You'd figure that the real world would teach you that much. ;)

I dont thonk the sign was an attack on the people Katrina also destroyed the saints for a season and the bears destroyed them for a game.

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I guess I am sick and twisted because I chuckled when I saw that pic, even if it was a bit in poor taste.

seriously you guys getting all heated up and impugning someones humanity for laughing are lame who made you the humour police? I have heard the aristocrats joke and frankly never even cracked a smile but you dont hear me railing on behalf of incest victims. as for the comments about what was done to native americans, you need to get off your high horses and realise that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND AMERICAN GOVERNMENT were involved in genocide and cultural genocide plain and simple so nothing you say about living conditions in cities would ever compare to that. You took a proud and vibarnt people (actually many but for simplicities sake we shall say one) and turned them into something you can easily deride and disrespect.

anyway this shouldnt get hijacked into that thread that deserves a thread of its own in tailgate.

so heres my take- Joke in poor taste but slightly humourous simply for its irreverence, PC nerds need to lighten up and oversypathetic bleeding hearts need to beat it.

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