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Anyone see this tasteless sign in the Chicago stands?


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i think it's clever, and a little funny.

Yeah, that person must be the next Steven King being so clever and the next Adam Sandler as a comedian.

Let me ask you something DD-sells-97, pretty funny name to go along w/your avatar(if you know what avatar means), does it mean you sell you're DD's for 97 cents for the first minute or was that how many times you got hit w/the ugly stick that you think silicone still wouldn't make up for.

Now a serious question, if you can handle one.... How about a bunch of people from NO(that stands for New Orleans) come to your single-wide in VA with a bulldozer, bash it to pieces, then goes to all your friends single-wides, pummels those, then your parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles, and EVERY OTHER SINGLE SOLITARY THING YOU HOLD DEAR TO YOUR COLD HEART.....how would you feel about that sign after having someone read it to you???

People like you are the scum of the Earth DD, along with the person holding up that sign. I think I'd speak for hopefully everyone in Redskins Nation that you don't belong. Go jump on someone else's bandwagon, and may that bandwagon get blown, and before you get your lipstick ready, I mean blown up and beaten by every Saints fan in a celebration of their terrific season.

Ah hell, why'd I even bother writing all that it's not like u can read more than a picture book.

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Damn, you guys were pretty hard on DD.

Listen, I know Katrina was a horrible disaster that killed many and ruined the lives of thousands more. The effects of this tragedy will be felt for years. It is a true American Tragedy.

Now let us think back to 9/11. Horrible disaster. American Tragedy. A day to never be forgotten. Do you remember the first time you laughed, I mean really had a knee-slapping belly-jerking laugh after those ****ing terrorists ran a plane into the WTC?

For me it came watching Saturday Night Live a couple of weeks later when they first came back on the air. I remember Giuliani coming out and thanking the NYFD and the NYPD and all of the volunteers.

Then he made some dumb joke.

I lauged for twenty minutes.

The point is, nobody will ever be able to forget the tragedy that befell the city of New Orleans, but eventually, with some help and a lot of time, we will be able to laugh at it.

When I saw that picture for the first time in another thread, I ended up on the floor laughing.

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Sad, sad, sad.

There are more creative ways of showing your "hate" or disrespect to an opposing team. In the Saints case it´s very easy. You can go after the franchise history and bring out about 100 jokes. Period. But what happened in New Orleans with Katrina it´s not about a football team. It´s about a natural disaster that took away thousands of human lifes and destroyed a City.

Just what I think.

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look philly guy, I'm from the navajo reservation, so don't even come crying to me about tragedies. Although what happened to NO was horrible, that was nothing to what happens on Indian reservations now. Just because it isn't newsworthy and doesn't make on television doesn't mean it impacts people less. Why not lighten up an find the humor in some of the jokes. I admit it was kind of a crappy joke, but still, it's a little funny. Just because you decided that you prioritized in your head which tragedies are worse and made ill advised assumptions about me, doesn't make you a better person. Although i do not currently live in a trailer, but my parents do, just like 60% of the people on the navajo reservation, I do know that I have seen the effects of natural disasters, poverty, and racial discrimination ( just look at the town of Farmington, NM). Come on man, how many black, nazi, jewish, indian jokes have you told/heard and laugh. Otherwise I feel sorry for you if you can't laugh.

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I think taste is irrelevant in telling jokes. If it's funny, then it has a place and deserves an audience.

I just don't happen to think that particular sign was particularly funny. Jokes about Katrina aren't the end of the world. It's possible to sympathize with the victims, contribute help in any way possible, understand the true tragedy of the situation (the government's grosse negligence to the situation at its onset), and still find a joke like that funny. I spent a week in New Orleans contributing aid in the lower-ninth ward, and I certainly could imagine a situation in which I could laugh at a Katrina joke. This one just didn't do it for me.

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look philly guy, I'm from the navajo reservation, so don't even come crying to me about tragedies. Although what happened to NO was horrible, that was nothing to what happens on Indian reservations now. Just because it isn't newsworthy and doesn't make on television doesn't mean it impacts people less. Why not lighten up an find the humor in some of the jokes. I admit it was kind of a crappy joke, but still, it's a little funny. Just because you decided that you prioritized in your head which tragedies are worse and made ill advised assumptions about me, doesn't make you a better person. Although i do not currently live in a trailer, but my parents do, just like 60% of the people on the navajo reservation, I do know that I have seen the effects of natural disasters, poverty, and racial discrimination ( just look at the town of Farmington, NM). Come on man, how many black, nazi, jewish, indian jokes have you told/heard and laugh. Otherwise I feel sorry for you if you can't laugh.

so basically youre trying to downplay Katrina and try to make sure your stories gets more media coverage? make a stand and invite the media if you think youre getting mistreated, however dont try to downplay what happened there

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Thats disgusting.

Must have been an eagles fan who hopped on the bears bandwagon

Did you guys see this during the telecast on fox....


Yea my girlfriends dad was like did you see that guy flipping the bird and I was like I thought I saw someone, now that is funny and something I would do just for ****s and giggles.

i think it's clever, and a little funny.

If you are just trying to be sarcastic and funny than disregard what I have to say but if not you sir are a ****ing retard, please, clever and funny your an idiot.

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Yeah, that person must be the next Steven King being so clever and the next Adam Sandler as a comedian.

Let me ask you something DD-sells-97, pretty funny name to go along w/your avatar(if you know what avatar means), does it mean you sell you're DD's for 97 cents for the first minute or was that how many times you got hit w/the ugly stick that you think silicone still wouldn't make up for.

Now a serious question, if you can handle one.... How about a bunch of people from NO(that stands for New Orleans) come to your single-wide in VA with a bulldozer, bash it to pieces, then goes to all your friends single-wides, pummels those, then your parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles, and EVERY OTHER SINGLE SOLITARY THING YOU HOLD DEAR TO YOUR COLD HEART.....how would you feel about that sign after having someone read it to you???

People like you are the scum of the Earth DD, along with the person holding up that sign. I think I'd speak for hopefully everyone in Redskins Nation that you don't belong. Go jump on someone else's bandwagon, and may that bandwagon get blown, and before you get your lipstick ready, I mean blown up and beaten by every Saints fan in a celebration of their terrific season.

Ah hell, why'd I even bother writing all that it's not like u can read more than a picture book.

WOW!!!!.... bitter?... it was a tasteless sign and comment... but.... wow!

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so basically youre trying to downplay Katrina and try to make sure your stories gets more media coverage? make a stand and invite the media if you think youre getting mistreated, however dont try to downplay what happened there

Well, the media has been covering the Afgan/Iraq wars for about 5 years now and we've all seen the television coverage from there, and yet I keep hearing remarks like" We should just pull out and turn that place in to a glass parking lot." What is the difference in the callousness between the Katrina remark and the one I just used? Yet some of you seem to be more taken back with the Katrina jokes. Nobody really covers the plight of the Navajo's because it's already been done and no longer newsworthy, therefore we collectively pushed out out minds. Just as long as you can watch the news from your cushy suburban neighborhoods and feel a slight ping of guilt when vieing disturbing images, then go on to watch "American Idol".

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