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Dating Outside Your Race?


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I'm caucasian. "Pale-complected" or "white as a sheet" to my friends.:) Everybody assumes I'm Irish because of the red hair, but actually my dad's family is from Sweden, and my mom's family is from Germany. Y'know, mostly.

I've dated a woman who was 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 German. I have dated a woman who was Guatamalan, but grew up in Nairobi, Kenya. I have dated a woman who's parents were from Guatamala, but she was as American as me. I have dated a woman who identified herself as 'mulatto'. Her dad was African-American and her mom was caucasian. They both had kids from previous marriages, so my girlfriend had both black siblings and white siblings, but no mulatto siblings. I have dated African-American women. I have dated a woman who's family was from Mexico. Others I have gone out with were Armenian-American, Philipina, etc. Theres no real point here, I just wanted you all to know what a successful equal-opportunity dater I was back in the day. :laugh:

I think I agree mostly with dfitzo53. We learned in taxonomy class that h. sapiens is a single species and is not divided into races, as some species are. The sooner we, as homo sapiens, get over the things that divide us, the better off we're all going to be.

Of course I married a white, blue-eyed woman and had 3 white, blue-eyed kids.

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Are you one of those people that believes there is only one race? There is actually some recent biological evidence that supports that in terms of DNA patterns from different parts of the world.

Uh, what Aryan propaganda have you been reading? DNA studies have confirmed that racial differences constitute less than 0.1% of our genetic makeup. That's insignificant, to say the least.

Here's some recommended reading for you:


"Reading about it, I wondered how it is that a minor mutation -- just one letter of DNA code out of 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- is so highly prized that it has led scores of people to turn their backs on their families and has served to divide people for generations. Discovery of this mutation, combined with recent findings that all people are more than 99.9 percent genetically identical, has reinforced my belief that race is almost entirely a social demarcation, not a biological one."

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True, and believe it or not some Hispanics have heavy Asian background.

Considering that the first people to come to Central/South America were "native americans" (Aztec, Maya, Inca civilizations), and they are generally thought to have migrated from Mongolia or SE Asia, you are most likely right, for those that have a lot of native ancestry.

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ok.. im indian.. how do u feel about most Indians? alot of the marriages are prearranged within your local race.. also most Indians, in fact, i would say 95% marry inside their own race because of cultural and religious beliefs

Not sure exactly what you mean, but I think it makes sense in most cases for people to marry someone they have a lot in common with. I'm not a white supremacist about this stuff like the original poster, but I'm not one of these pie-in-the-sky, aren't-I-so-enlightened liberals who tries to pretend it makes no difference either. I think any relationship where the people come from different backgrounds is likely to have issues and difficulties come up that would not be the case otherwise. As such, I think the two people involved have to very mature and realistic about the situation, and enter into it with their eyes wide open.

And like I said, I think people who go around looking to score from every different group they can as some sign of conquest and/or proving their "open-mindedness" or that they're "not a racist" or "getting revenge on daddy" or some such thing, are despicable.

As for arranged marriage, it is a very foreign concept in the U.S., but I've heard that some people in India actually find it surprisingly satisfactory.

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my parents were arranged and all of my relatives have done the same thing..

As I understand it, the parents of the two people get together and pick out the potential spouse. If the parents are good people and have their children's best interest at heart, they might come up with a good match. I don't know if I'd go for it myself, though. Do the kids have any say in the matter? Can they turn it down if they don't like the match?

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As I understand it, the parents of the two people get together and pick out the potential spouse. If the parents are good people and have their children's best interest at heart, they might come up with a good match. I don't know if I'd go for it myself, though.

basically.. usually its the guys parents who finds a mate for their son.

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And like I said, I think people who go around looking to score from every different group they can as some sign of conquest and/or proving their "open-mindedness" or that they're "not a racist" or "getting revenge on daddy" or some such thing, are despicable.

As for arranged marriage, it is a very foreign concept in the U.S., but I've heard that some people in India actually find it surprisingly satisfactory.

Bro, you're as crazy as I am.

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Bro, you're as crazy as I am.

There is always a method to the madness, my friend.

I should probably add, without getting into too much detail about my personal life, that there is a woman who I am very interested in at the moment who is half Japanese and half caucasian. I'm also a big fan of Redskins Cheerleader Sooin :) :


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I think this DNA thing and evolution is all made up, to be honest. For example, they say African natives have dark skin because of increased exposure to the sun over a long period of time etc. This is understandable. But this doesn't explain why asian Chinese (say) have slanted eyes...what reason, anyone? Also why nordic whites are so tall...reason? And why Japanese people are smaller than say Indians? Again...can anyone find a reason?

I personally think we are all from different planets...different galaxies even and the Egyptians took us here in pyramid spaceships...the Pharoas buried in them was the pilot and his biatches buried with him were just the hostesses...or something. Inter-galactic breeding has made us into "humans". ;)

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As for where human life started, I think there is a general consensus that it was somewhere in SW Asia-- i.e. the "Middle East". Which oddly enough lines up with what it says in the Bible...

I am pretty sure that you are incorrect.

The first permanent cities probably were in or near Sumeria (arguments have also been made for India and Thailand), but the first biological humans were almost surely found in Africa.



As far as the main question, there is nothing wrong with dating whoever you choose.

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I think this DNA thing and evolution is all made up, to be honest. For example, they say African natives have dark skin because of increased exposure to the sun over a long period of time etc. This is understandable. But this doesn't explain why asian Chinese (say) have slanted eyes...what reason, anyone? Also why nordic whites are so tall...reason? And why Japanese people are smaller than say Indians? Again...can anyone find a reason?

I personally think we are all from different planets...different galaxies even and the Egyptians took us here in pyramid spaceships...the Pharoas buried in them was the pilot and his biatches buried with him were just the hostesses...or something. Inter-galactic breeding has made us into "humans". ;)

Or maybe it's a matter of people being geographically isolated for long periods of time and developing certain traits that are common to the group?

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I am pretty sure that you are incorrect.

The first permanent cities probably were in or near Sumeria (arguments have also been made for India and Thailand), but the first biological humans were almost surely found in Africa.



As far as the main question, there is nothing wrong with dating whoever you choose.

You may be right..I may be thinking of the first identifiable human civilizations, as opposed to the human race as a species. I don't think anybody knows for sure, though.

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Or maybe it's a matter of people being geographically isolated for long periods of time and developing certain traits that are common to the group?

Nope, because Darwin states that every evolutionary change has a PURPOSE. So what purpose is there to make people smaller, taller or with slanted eyes? None I can see. In fact, it's the opposite. It would be benficial for Nordic people to be smaller (easier to keep warm).

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Nope, because Darwin states that every evolutionary change has a PURPOSE. So what purpose is there to make people smaller, taller or with slanted eyes? None I can see. In fact, it's the opposite. It would be benficial for Nordic people to be smaller (easier to keep warm).

Actually increased body mass, particularly fat, helps you keep warm. Differences in height may be attributable to diet. As for traits that don't seem to have a purpose, people who are related within a family look alike. The same goes for larger groups.

I'm not saying there might not be some supernatural explanation. I for one believe the Bible, and while it isn't specific on this issue, it does suggest there could have been "outside influence"...

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Fat helps you keep warm...but body fat has nothing to do with height. A smaller person will keep warmer than a tall person simply because circulation is better and less body mass in which to dissipate the heat... But still doesn't explain why nordic people are hairy and yet tall...surely a short hairy guy keeps warmer than a tall one. Still no explanation for the slanted eyes...which doesn;t make any sense.

Scientists are always correcting themselves. Only 10 years ago they were saying we evolved from neandathal man...now they are saying neandathals were a seperate species which died out. We don't know the truth yet.

By the way, usually people who follow the bible to the word do not believe in dinosaurs. No dinosaurs on the ark.

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Nope, because Darwin states that every evolutionary change has a PURPOSE. So what purpose is there to make people smaller, taller or with slanted eyes? None I can see. In fact, it's the opposite. It would be benficial for Nordic people to be smaller (easier to keep warm).

You are incorrect. Evolution does not require that an evolutionary change have a purpose. Quite the opposite. the changes are random. They have more of a chance of being passed along if they make you more biologically competitve, but it is not required.

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I should probably add, without getting into too much detail about my personal life, that there is a woman who I am very interested in at the moment who is half Japanese and half caucasian. I'm also a big fan of Redskins Cheerleader Sooin :)
So AJ, is your Asian fetish "true love"
The first I'll call "true love"-- where you have two mature individuals who meet and genuinely like each other, and both are serious about having a long term relationship.
or "experimentation"
The second I'll call "Experimentation"-- where one or both of the people involved have a motivation that is primarily sexual-- they want to "taste all the flavors", and mark them off as notches to show either their "prowess" or their "open-mindedness".
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Nope, because Darwin states that every evolutionary change has a PURPOSE. So what purpose is there to make people smaller, taller or with slanted eyes? None I can see. In fact, it's the opposite. It would be benficial for Nordic people to be smaller (easier to keep warm).

If that is true why is it the most extreme cold weather animals are larger than there warm weather counterparts ie polar bears, whales, penguins etc? There is not a connection that i can see between "small" and easy to stay warm. And staying warm is not the only genetic driver in a cold weather climate. The ability to store fat and go long period of time without food also plays a part. Nothing is ever simple when it comes to genetic changes over thousands of years.

There is no doubt that there are differences between races that go a little deeper than skin color. Cultural differences have a much larger impact than these minor genetic differences. Either way I am not sure it matters much, for the most part people are people.

I do not believe we will "all be brown" at some point in the future. It appears to me that poeple of one 'race" (black, white, hispanic, chinese etc) are breeding at a much faster pace than mixed.

I do not think there is anything wrong with a person choosing to date people only within their race. Of course I do not see a problem with people dating whoever they choose.

It always amazes me that people can sit in their tower and judge the behavior of those around them. If two adults decide they want to have sex because they think it would be fun or they have never been with a person of that race, height, thickness whatever that it would bother anyone. Anyone other than those that need to somehow feel superior to those around them.

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How so? There are people classified as "hispanic" who are primarily native in their makeup, and some (Dominicans like Sammy Sosa, for example) who are black, but there are many (the majority, I think, although I don't know the statistics) who are primarily of European, i.e. Spanish descent.

Dude you are way off. There are three general races in Latin Ameican countries. There are the natives, the indians, there are the whites of European decent, and there are the mestizo's who are a mix of indian and white. The whites are a clear minority in Latin American countries and the reasons there have been so many problems there is because, like South Africa, the whites, the minority, have had so much power while the indians have been **** on.

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Extreme cold weather animals are larger simply because they have a high percentage of body FAT and a means to store it in the form of blubber. That still has nothing to do with Nordic people because they are the same as every other person in the sense they cannot store blubber or use their body fat to stay warm in the same way animals do. A fat naked male lying in the snow will die of hypothermia the same way a skinny one will. Animals are made to survive in the snow. You can't compare.

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