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Dating Outside Your Race?


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Are you one of those people that believes there is only one race? There is actually some recent biological evidence that supports that in terms of DNA patterns from different parts of the world.

I think he was making a little joke. I'm going to assume, based on Om's posts that I've seen over the last few years, that he is aware that there are distinct groupings within the human race.

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I believe you should stay in your race because before to long thier won't be whites,blacks,chinese,russian etc we'll all be mixed up and not able to tell what race anybody is and i don't think thats the way it suppose to be..

I'm not racist either so don't get that twisted my best friend, i grew up with is mixed and has 3 kids by 2 different white women thats his choice.. People can make decisions for thier self i don't push my opinions on anybody my kids included..

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I believe you should stay in your race because before to long thier won't be whites,blacks,chinese,russian etc we'll all be mixed up and not able to tell what race anybody is and i don't think thats the way it suppose to be..

Seriously how will you know who to hate!! That damn ruskie race. Bet they are behind this. ;)

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i'm taking a class this semester on the philosophy of rascism. it's a pretty intersting class and one of the most suprising studies we've examined was one done by one of the major california schools(usc/ucla/stanford), but i can't remember which. anyways, they polled parents from all over the country an asked them whether they'd be more upset if their son/daughter dated someone outside their race or dated someone of the same sex. the numbers were nearly split right down the middle. it was something 52% would be more upset if their kid was gay and 48% would be more upset if they dated outside their race.

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I'm not so sure its changed...but I feel ambivalent about it now after being more exposed to minorities the past year (not by my own volition but through work).

I'm just beginning to question as to whether the views are valid or not.

Well, what are your thoughts on the subject? What are your reasons for not dating outside of your race?

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I'll try to give this a thoughtful response. I think I woudl divide "inter-racial relationships" into two separate categories:

The first I'll call "true love"-- where you have two mature individuals who meet and genuinely like each other, and both are serious about having a long term relationship.

The second I'll call "Experimentation"-- where one or both of the people involved have a motivation that is primarily sexual-- they want to "taste all the flavors", and mark them off as notches to show either their "prowess" or their "open-mindedness".

In the case of the first group, I think it's a matter for the individuals to consider the possible additional issues, stresses and conflicts that might arise, and make a mature decision before they get involved as to whether they're prepared to deal with whatever may come up.

I think people in the second group are one of the lowest forms of life on Earth.

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