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ComCast/Bram Post Game (ESPN Article/Whodunit? Discussion) MERGED


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Fred Smoot used to refer to himself in the 3rd person all the time...I can see Carlos doing that maybe...just a thought.

hmmm.... it's quite disturbing that we even have to consider that a player would actually refer to himself in the 3rd person.

I believe the quote from the article was "carlos still heard about it in the meeting." Usually they don't refer to themselves in the 3rd when it's something negative, just like how they don't take their helmets off after a bad play.

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If its factually and it seems that alot of it is then I'm not for attacking the messenger.

Who doesnt think that williams isnt an arrogant bastige?

The idea that he hired two ex bills to be a safeties coach and a corner backs coach and there is jealously between the two that had them having separate meetings between safeties and cornerbacks needed to be aired.

There has always been suspicions about how the homegrown players becoming freeagents are treated and its even money that unless there is public pressure by 980 comcast to bash the front office to sign Cooley early that he is going to be let go for a Tony Gonzalez type.

I'm thinking Springs cant be portis since alot of the stuff ison thedefensive side and you'd think those sides of the ball are separated

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I hate to have to guess on which player this is. I do hope that this situation is addressed by Gibbs and taken care of. Whoever did say it needs to man up and confess he did it to the team, and this player should no longer be with us.

I'm so sick of seeing negative things about our team, it's usually from former players who went on to sign elsewhere for more money, then trash the team that gave them the opportunity to sign that large contract. I can understand being frustrated, and even not liking the way things are done, but there is no excuse for calling out your coaches, and to hide your identity, is very cowardish. I don't care who it was, they need to go. If it was Taylor, CP, Arch, I don't care, if you have a problem with the coaches, tell the coaches, not a reporter, who you also tell not to reveal your name. Pack your sh*t up and get out of here, you're not a Redskin.

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I thought it was Springs at first, but after hearing him on Comcast yesterday, I don't anymore. Springs has a big mouth so I definitely think he would have just said it to the coaches.

I'm leaning towards Archuleta because he has all this animosity with Gregg Williams because of getting benched. All of the stuff said in the article, like Springs said, is pretty common knowledge about the D last year and everyone knows we let some good guys go in past years.

I wish they would just come out and say it though, this is such a distraction. I wonder if Gibbs & Co. knows yet.

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Whoever thinks it was Clinton Portis then you're an idiot. This guy is all about the team and he is not a coward. If he wanted to say something, he would come out and say it. Not to mention that he and Joe Gibbs are close so he would never do something like this to Gibbs. Man you guys turn on people fast.

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Whoever it is, they should get a thank you card from the organization. Something had to happen to spark this team and get them out of the hole they'd dug themselves into. The defense for the first time all year looked like it did the previous two seasons. The talk after the game was all about the article so there is no possible way people can pretend it didn't get the whole defenses attention. Gregg Williams, the defensive coaches, and all the players were called by that article and forced to respond.

You hit the nail on the head. This article provided the spark that we needed!

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Might not even be a starter...

You would think that it would have to be a starter since the guy is a leader of the secondary. This also somewhat rules out AA. I don't think anyone would consider Arch to be a leader of the secondary. It would be nice to believe Shawn, but thats where all the evidence points.

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