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ATTENTION: Snyder, Gibbs, Coaching staff and all U overpriced players


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Mr. Snyder,

This year will be your last chance to make a change. If you don’t, I have two scary words for you: “TONY Romo sits to pee”

Yes, I think you know what I mean. TR plays just like Aikmam and if this spells truth, then expect the Redskins going nowhere for years to come. We all remember TA days. Not pretty.

Good teams will address the right personnel/and players so they can compete against their division. I don’t think you have done a good job. Your actions have only been a marketing tool so that you can increase your revenue. This will not last and you know it. If you don’t do anything about this then, you will eventually lose your number one spot for the most valuable franchise by you know whom “Dallas Cowpukes”.

I hope I’m wrong but if TR plays for the next ten years, Dallas will create more bandwagon fans that will make more money for Jerry Jones and you will be crying. I’m sure you couldn’t eat your Turkey on Thanksgiving Day while watching Dallas, right??

So, pick your poison Mr. Snyder.


Mr. Gibbs,

Please walk away from picking players and concentrate on coaching. Bring in a GM; get rid of your scouting department and hire people that can evaluate players and not just watch highlight reels. Just take example of Dallas; their scouting department is probably the best in the NFL. They have taken no name players and made them play like pro-blowers. We are talking about un-drafted players. Their players have improved tremendously since they were drafted while our players (i.e. Taylor, Rodgers) have lost the will to play. Common sense tells you that you need the right guys who can analyze the right players.

We need players that have hidden talent and the heart to succeed. I bet the guys who analyze these worthless players don’t put the hours and research to watch all the films. Let me guess, before getting Arch Deluxe and Carter, I bet your lazy people only looked at highlight reels and not the whole game film, right? If this is not true, then that person needs to be fired. Bottom-line Mr. Gibbs; you need the right individuals to put the time and effort on the right players.


To all the coaching Staff,

Two words: “YOU SUCK”. GW no wonder why you got fired from the Bills. You suck and you know it. You conned Mr. Snyder and Gibbs to hand you a big fat check last year by calling the media hype on yourself. You had your buddies in St. Louis manipulate the media that they were interested in you and it was a lie. Come clean…

Your first year coming in, you wanted to set an example that you were the tough guy by getting into it with Lavar in camp. You know what I mean, you had a shouting match with Lavar in front on AP and Lavar screamed back at you and told you to trade him. That was the end of Lavar. Enough said about you. I don’t want expose you anymore than I can. Bottom line, “you suck”


To all the Redskins players,

Shame on you!!!!

I will not point names but you know who you are. You have made a joke out of this team. None of you have had the heart to play as a professional football player. Other teams play with passion and the will to win (i.e. Dallas) while you lay an egg on the field and use the typical excuses.

You played like a pro in your previous teams but, once the almighty dollar hits your bank, you became a disgrace. I don’t think any of you ever wanted to leave a legacy. You will always be remembered as an over-priced player. When you are done playing football and you watch others getting inducted into the Hall Of Fame, you will regret the way you played, when you realize that you will never get inducted. LOSERS…..

“What goes around, comes around”



I apologize for this post. As you know, I have not posted for a while due to reasons. I believe this site is used for the sole purpose of marketing.

Snyder and his new clan use this site to make marketing decisions (i.e. getting hyped players). I won’t go into any specifics but I’m sure you can figure that out. He’s a manipulator and he’s successful in getting your money for a bad team that will never go anywhere. I’m sick of this debacle and it’s not going to get any better unless????? I don’t know but after watching Dallas these few weeks with TR, I’m starting to have bad feelings…

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I believe this site is used for the sole purpose of marketing.


This site exists so fans, no matter how self-important and/or self-indulgent, can express themselves.

Quite a concept, when you think about it.

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This site exists so fans, no matter how self-important and/or self-indulgent, can express themselves.

Quite a concept, when you think about it.

I'm not going to debate with Snyder's clan. Sure this site is used so that fans can express themselves but when fans on this site hype upcoming free agents in a mass dialog and they end up getting him, what does that tell you??

What's important, the team's future success or satisfying fans so you can take their money and show nothing in return?? enough said...

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Sounds like you've watched alot of Dallas football lately..perhaps you'd be more happy w/them as your fave team...I never thought I would see the day that a Skins fan would point to the Cowgirls and say..."I want to be like them"...uuuggghhh...how disgusting...as for this site being a "marketing ploy" or whatever you suggested ...all I can say is..."Don't make me laugh"<in my best MORTAL KOMBAT guy voice>:laugh:


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Whaaa.... Whaaa..... I want my mommy. I want my daddy. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. Buy me this. I want that.

Do your children know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Does your wife know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Does your boss and co-workers know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Do your friends and family know what a little whiny ***** you are?

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I'm not going to debate with Snyder's clan. Sure this site is used so that fans can express themselves but when fans on this site hype upcoming free agents in a mass dialog and they end up getting him, what does that tell you??

What's important, the team's future success or satisfying fans so you can take their money and show nothing in return?? enough said...

I'm sure you can just imagine all the hype on Dallas' Cowboys website when the team signed Mike Vanderjagt and Terrell Owens.

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I'm not going to debate with Snyder's clan. Sure this site is used so that fans can express themselves but when fans on this site hype upcoming free agents in a mass dialog and they end up getting him, what does that tell you??

What's important, the team's future success or satisfying fans so you can take their money and show nothing in return?? enough said...

First off, I have never had any contact with anybody directly associated with the Redskins, and this site is free. Always has been, always will be. Extremeskins doesn't make a red cent of the Redskins, nor does the Skins make money from us.

Secondly, this site was a thriving fan site long before the Redskins wanted us for their own message boards.

Third, if you actually think the hype for a player starts here, and then the staff moves on the person, your head is so far up your keaster, you need to see a doctor about having a glass belly button installed so you can actually see what is going on.


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Guest sith lord

Question to the original poster: Why are you giving Gibbs a free pass? He's as much apart of the problem as anybody else. He's the head coach for christ sake.

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Whaaa.... Whaaa..... I want my mommy. I want my daddy. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. Buy me this. I want that.

Do your children know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Does your wife know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Does your boss and co-workers know what a little whiny ***** you are?

Do your friends and family know what a little whiny ***** you are?

While he may be whining, you might wish to refer to rule #5. I would quote it to you, however there might be some rule against quoting the rules, so I shall refrain. :2cents:

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I'm not entirely sure that it is quite time to compare Tony Romo sits to pee to Troy Aikman. Sure he has had some good games so far, but that doesn't suddenly mean he is going to be a Hall of Fame football player who will dominate for 10 years to come. And before the knee-jerk posters start saying "well why do people say Campbell reminds them of Peyton?" or some other nonsense. I have never once said that Campbell is the next Peyton and I think it is silly to think so. It is the same situation. Campbell has done very well in what very little we have seen so far and we will have to see how he pans out. Also remember that the Dallas defense is much better than ours right now, which does factor in to the number of chances an offense and QB get.


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While he may be whining, you might wish to refer to rule #5. I would quote it to you, however there might be some rule against quoting the rules, so I shall refrain. :2cents:

Hey Geoff... guess what. I wrote the rules. Honest to good to goodness truth. So I know what flies and what doesn't fly around here, ok potsy?

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Then you of all people should know what you did wrong ?

Maybe you have fogotten .. let me refresh it for you my friend ...

5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. Every registered member agrees, upon registration, not use these forums to post material or topics which are knowingly false, defamatory, deceptive, inaccurate, racist, insulting, abusive, inflammatory, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually graphic, physically threatening, invasive of another's privacy or otherwise in violation of any law, including stalking or otherwise harassing individual members.

Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated. Go after the idea, not the poster. Free debate within the parameters outlined herein is welcome on these forums, and diversity of opinion lies at the heart of a good debate. Toward that end, every member is free to have their own opinion so long as it is expressed in a civil manner, is within the subject matter topic of the forum and does not otherwise violate forum rules.

I added the bolding in case you were one who does not like to read long posts. :D

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To the thread starter... You need to take a step back of that ledge my friend. :laugh:

To the rest who have posted in this thread, I say thank you. I needed a laugh and I love seeing a member open up a can of worms on himself with an ill advised thread. Actually if he hadn't of brought the part about this site into it he may have not been so bad off. (I completely disagree with most of what he said.)

Just thanks guys for making my day! I love pride! :applause:

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I'm not going to debate with Snyder's clan. Sure this site is used so that fans can express themselves but when fans on this site hype upcoming free agents in a mass dialog and they end up getting him, what does that tell you??

What's important, the team's future success or satisfying fans so you can take their money and show nothing in return?? enough said...

im sure you can go to every nfl team board and have the same thing seen

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Then you of all people should know what you did wrong ?

Maybe you have fogotten .. let me refresh it for you my friend ...

I added the bolding in case you were one who does not like to read long posts. :D

Are you seriously impersonating a moderator... or have you become one?

If I cared to know what your definition of a personal attack was... I'd ask. But because it's irrelevant to anybody.... I won't.

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I apologize for this post. As you know, I have not posted for a while due to reasons. I believe this site is used for the sole purpose of marketing.

Snyder and his new clan use this site to make marketing decisions (i.e. getting hyped players). I won’t go into any specifics but I’m sure you can figure that out.


I apologize for this poster. As you know, this site is hardly even marketed by the team other a MESSAGE BOARD link on Redskins.com & a link to a thread to ask questions when we do a player chat.

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I swear, sometimes y'all get me laughing so ****** hard I almost **** myself, you can be a ****** funny bunch of **********s, there's some hilarious **** here sometimes, no ******* lie.

And Geoff? Good move taking on DieHard, that's definitely the one in the herd I'd want to start with :thumbsup: Please don't breed

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