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WP: To Analyze Campbell, 'Jaws' Goes Straight to Video

Dirk Diggler

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Once again, it is pointed out by those who are willing to actually look at the film and be unbiased about the situation that it is the oline more than anything else that is holding back this offense. Most people only wanted to blame Brunell, but the truth is that MB, just like JC, couldn't get the ball to open WR's because the line wasn't doing their job.

Saunder's schemes and play calling are not the problem either. I think Jaws did a great job breaking everything down and getting to the source of the problem. There is no team in the NFL that will ever be a winner when their o-line and defense can't perform.

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I think more then anything else, we can be sure Al Saunders is going to be asking for some lineman either via the draft, free agency, or trade, that can execute on his zone blocking schemes. Now if Gibbs really wants to get back to Redskins football of power running, I am not sure how those two mix...

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Great analysis. He affirms what Gibbs, the receivers, and some of the fans have pointed out all along: the main problem on offense was not Brunell, it was the rest of the team. It's unfortunate that Brunell was made the scapegoat in all this - I don't think he deserved half the criticism that was spewed at him, and certainly not with the venomous tone that many of the fans on this site used (wishing for his death, injury, even the stomping on his grave after he was benched). Brunell certainly wasn't as good as his stats indicated this season, but he wasn't horrible either.

It was probably the right time to change the QB though, both to spark a change and to see what our future held. That said, if our O-line doesn't get its pass-protection problems in check, we can't win games. As Jaws mentioned, it's sickening watching Jansen get pushed off the LOS, and watching Samuels get beat by quality pass rushers and LB's alike. Here's hoping that our O-line really steps up against a much more vicious Carolina pass rush this Sunday.

Good post! love to see balanced comments on this site. Goodness, I get so tired of the "Get rid of Gibbs" rants. I do sometimes wonder why the coaches had so different a view of this team and dismissed the preseason failures so easily as not truly reflective of the talent or playing level of the team. But, I do believe they can and will fix these problems. And support giving Gibbs & coaches a few more years to get things straightened out.

However, I hope they attempt to get a dominant line. I do not understand how they for the last three years did not attempt to acquire any lineman of quality except a center. The strength of the old Gibbs offense was the line. They were dominant. The receivers were very good. The backs were very good. The qbs were good. But, the line was dominant. Lachey, 66, Grimm, these guys could protect, pickup blitzes, and just crush people. When one of them hit a corner or safety, the safety got up slow and were hurt. (side note: I could not believe I saw Springs being put in this position last week)

Our line does not do this. They appear afraid of getting beat, not intimidating. Its kinda sad.

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Jansen and Rabach have been struggling, yes. But Jaws was hardly "Confirming" that our problems were not mainly Mark Brunell.

Now that JC is in there, theother real problems are obvious - Jansen and Rabach (and even Thomas's) declining play.

Don't act like this gets MB off the hook, any yahoo who watched that game saw us looking like a real pro-football team for the first time this year, something an ever-injured and beleagured MB can't do.

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Interesting read. Jaws says that we're leaving a lot of passing TD's on the field, and that it's the offensive line's fault. He especially singles out Jansen.

This is definately on point. Jansen is not the same guy he was three years ago and we need him to step up and use his smarts because his body is not holding up.

He can't seem to get any push against the D-line on run plays, and gets beat time and time again on passes.

Even Parcells noted this in week 2. This is week 12, I'm sure all of the coaches take Jansen into account with their gameplan.

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Don't act like this gets MB off the hook, any yahoo who watched that game saw us looking like a real pro-football team for the first time this year, something an ever-injured and beleagured MB can't do.

A real football team? I'm sorry, but what I saw was a team that still had problems running the ball, and had problems picking up first downs.

While it doesn't get Brunell off the hook completely, there is still a lot of evidence that there are still lots of problems with the offense. While Campbell throws a prettier ball, I don't see all that much of a different in the offense.


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Now that JC is in there, theother real problems are obvious - Jansen and Rabach (and even Thomas's) declining play.

To be honest, I think a lot of people were able to notice that our O-line was suspect, even before JC came in. As a group, they just weren't holding their ground at the LOS and were missing assignments. That also explains why people thought that a simple QB change wouldn't do the trick. It's not like our O-line was playing well all the way until Brunell got benched, then suddenly started to tank. They were playing poorly with Brunell in there, and they've made more critical mistakes with JC in there as well.

I actually think Thomas has been playing decently for a guy coming off a leg injury... certainly as well as can be expected. But Jansen's decline was surprising.

Anyway, I really hope our O-line can really get their act together because once they do, I think our offense has the right pieces to be as dominant as KC was in the past.

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I see a good many MB apologists are trying to say "it was not his fault". Yes it was. It was not just ALL his fault. You all are selectively looking what Jaws said. What about the part where he says "Brunell does not make that throw" ????

No one said we were superbowl bound by replacing MB. We said he was not mobile enough, did not step into the pocket, as soon as he scrambled the play was over. All those points stand. If Brunell was in that game the most points we would have scored was 6, maybe. It would have still been a loss, however, implying that Campbell does not make a real difference is ridiculous.

Get over it, the guy is done and was hurting his team. Just because there are still people hurting the team, does not suddenly mean earlier points are made invalid.

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Proof again as to why we need Campbell in there. We need his mobility because the o-line is just not doing their job. Campbell can move around and make some plays that Brunell just cannot. Campbell needs to improve on the "Hot" routes under extreme duress but this was his first game ever..Nice job.

Jaws does a great job..I wish we could all get the film they do.

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I just dont get it. How can this line go from one of the best in the league to oh-so crappy in a year?

They went from a smash mouth scheme to a finese scheme. They're built for smash mouth. It's their identity. For Saunders finese scheme, the O-Line will need to be rebuilt in the offseason.

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They went from a smash mouth scheme to a finese scheme. They're built for smash mouth. It's their identity. For Saunders finese scheme, the O-Line will need to be rebuilt in the offseason.

I would only add that in recent years Samuels and Dockery have been differing degrees of inconsistent, Jansen injured, and the center a postion of change and variable performance too.

Sometime things have jelled and everyone did great for decent streches of time, and during those periods they were at least good at smashmouth.

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I would only add that in recent years Samuels and Dockery have been differing degrees of inconsistent, Jansen injured, and the center a postion of change and variable performance too.

Sometime things have jelled and everyone did great for decent streches of time, and during those periods they were at least good at smashmouth.

Yeah, Samuels made the Popularity Bowl last year & Jansen played better with the broken thumbs. Maybe Buges needs to get a hammer. ;)

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while the oline isn't playing as well as last year, they are hardly chopped liver

Jaws refereed to a couple plays out of about 70

The Oline is still #3 in fewest sacks allowed, and #7 in avg rush YPC, one of only two teams to be in the top ten in both categories

Jansen problems in my opinion was he never got into shape after the season last year, having the thumb surgeries, not being able to work out or participate in off season activities, then the late start to training camp coupled with new offense schemes... has been a domino effect to his play. the same to a lesser degree with Thomas & Rabach

anyone complaining about Dockery or Samuels over all play hasn't really paid attention

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Then we could put all the Bull S*!# threads and reports too bed and worry about the stuff that matters. The WP should have JAWS write a column every week - I might even buy a paper copy of the post!

By the way this confirms what Coach Parcells said about Jansen earlier in the season (see the Parcell's article). It's not just a fluke.

I tape the games and watch them again in slo mo - try it .. it is painfully obvious that the O Line blows this year.

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The other question is - Why didn't Buges know there were problems?


Buges keeps getting free passes.

When the line makes the same mistakes week after week...

When the same player(s) are overmatched, week in & week out....

it goes to coaching.

It's easier to always lay blame at the new guy (Saunders).

Is anyone impressed with Buges ability to coach them up?

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while the oline isn't playing as well as last year, they are hardly chopped liver

Jaws refereed to a couple plays out of about 70

I doubt very much that any newspaper would allow Jaws the space in their paper to analyze 70 plays. He noticed a problem and picked examples...he wasn't picking on the O-line, he was just picking examples.

The Oline is still #3 in fewest sacks allowed, and #7 in avg rush YPC, one of only two teams to be in the top ten in both categories
IMO BRUNELL is #3 in fewest sacks allowed. He is probably the most proficient QB in the league now at throwing the ball away, (he has had alot of practice.)

With backs like Portis and Betts sharing the load, how could they not be in the top 10 in avg rush YPC?

Jansen problems in my opinion was he never got into shape after the season last year, having the thumb surgeries, not being able to work out or participate in off season activities, then the late start to training camp coupled with new offense schemes... has been a domino effect to his play. the same to a lesser degree with Thomas & Rabach

I totally agree with your opinion here.

anyone complaining about Dockery or Samuels over all play hasn't really paid attention

Of course again this is just your opinion and mine is that I agree that Samuels is not much of a problem, but Dockery is simply stinking the place up when it comes to run blocking. When Doc has to run he is clumsey and timid. I am so tired of seeing him wif and getting knocked on his ass on sweeps it ain't funny.

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Buges keeps getting free passes.

When the line makes the same mistakes week after week...

When the same player(s) are overmatched, week in & week out....

it goes to coaching.

It's easier to always lay blame at the new guy (Saunders).

Is anyone impressed with Buges ability to coach them up?

I am sure that Buges had a hand in the developing of Dockery's pass blocking. If only he could get the big guy to run block with some aggression and work on his agility out on sweeps and screens.
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