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Post game thread for Philly.


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Czaban is a jerk. What possible good would come out of asking Mark those questions? It's ultimately up to Coach Gibbs. Ask Gibbs those questions, not Brunell.

Funny how Czabe always catches hell for not being a stand up guy and asking those types of questions to the players but now when he does it, he's more of a jerk. Granted, I don't like the guy a whole lot but it was a perfectly fine question. It was funny watching Mark's reaction. lol

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Here's the deal.

On several occasions today all MB had to do was duck the DE roll out and buy some time. Instead he curls into a ball or throws the ball away to an imaginary receiver. I'm so freaking disgusted with this SOB.

If I was coaching this team I would have packed up the players and walked off the field after the 3rd Quarter. They're pretty freaking pathetic.

I'll be a Redskin fan till I die but this isn't a Redskin team. They're playing with absolutely no focking heart at all, none, zero, ziltch, nada.

When my Redskins return I'll be back, until then I'm cheering for the Saints. Who's with me?

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Here's the deal.

On several occasions today all MB had to do was duck the DE roll out and buy some time. Instead he curls into a ball or throws the ball away to an imaginary receiver. I'm so freaking disgusted with this SOB.

If I was coaching this team I would have packed up the players and walked off the field after the 3rd Quarter. They're pretty freaking pathetic.

I'll be a Redskin fan till I die but this isn't a Redskin team. They're playing with absolutely no focking heart at all, none, zero, ziltch, nada.

When my Redskins return I'll be back, until then I'm cheering for the Saints. Who's with me?

Not me....its Redskins or nobody!

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Were the only team that clearly has problems with solutions sitting right on your bench and yet still comes back week in week out and changes nothing, were not going to see any consistant changes in the results until we change things on the team. It seems like Gibbs is just more stubborn than smart these days, how many weeks does it take to see your plan isn't working?

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Were the only team that clearly has problems with solutions sitting right on your bench and yet still comes back week in week out and changes nothing, were not going to see any consistant changes in the results until we change things on the team. It seems like Gibbs is just more stubborn than smart these days, how many weeks does it take to see your plan isn't working?

Blind...BLIND I tell you!

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Is it just me or does Brunell sound overly selfish?
Not sure what he was supposed to say though. He's the starter. If he comes on and says, well, yeah, sure, I'd love to see what the kid can do - then he's saying he quits.

He's in the position that he has to keep the attitude that he's the one -whether he sucks or not is beside the point. It's up to the Coach to make the decision.

I like how he denied that as his body ages, maybe the mind is holding the body back, knowing that it's going to hurt. But again, that's what he's got to do. (Denying it I mean)

It'd be like your boss coming in and saying, do you think Bob could do a better job at your desk? But maybe we can keep you on payroll and you'll still get a turkey this year!:laugh: Poor ****.

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Czaban asked a question that all the fans are wondering- he's not a jerk for asking it. These are professional athletes who get paid a LOT of money to perform and answer tough questions. It comes with the territory.
Might have asked the right question, but I think it was to the wrong person.
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Brunell is DONE!No sence in starting him next week.Ill really question Gibbs if he does.

you have to know that Gibbs is riding booooonell in to the sunset he will start next week and the week after that If Joe make a change this week it will be a complete surprise to me.

But I agree it's time to put Jason in he need the work and what a better game to start him in. Tampa is struggling also and with a week of prep his should be good to go

Hail to the redskins!!!!:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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