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The market value is going up due to the obvious losing trend the democrats are in. Apparently the polls were only for PR purposes and were not accurate at all.

Get out of your outdated James Brown model of thinking. Get some international insight into matters. Lots of racism exsits in this world. White people are not the only ones capable of racially rooted hatred or favoritism. As Fat Albert would say, "Get edubucated."

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Sorry I am not the racist type. hate to make you miss the mark again. How americanized your world view is but you don't know it. Do you not have any awareness at all of the anger and hatred brewing in poor latin american countries for americans, mostly directed at white males??? Is your bubble that thick? Or are you the foolish kind to deny it exists?

Come live down here and be white and we will discuss the topic again, intelligently. Hispanics are very proud people, and proud people have to have someone else to blame for their suffering. In this case, it's you!:applause:

The jews have nothing to do with it. This is an anger fed revolution amongst the youth of latin america fed by anti american racially seasoned sentiment. Come dfwn here and we will look at a few facts of life together. Like the last time a hispanic here helped a gringo professionally. Now compare that to the number of times they just declined the oppurtunity. Of course we cannot suggest racism might exist in perfectly proud people.....:laugh:

I'm hispanic and you are completely full of ****. When is the last time a hispanic helped a "gingo" professionally? Everyday. Do you have any idea how much business gets done between the US and hispanic countries? There are US companies all over latin america and hispanic business reps all over the US.

I personally, the proud hispanic that I am, have never once even considered any of the nonsense you are pushing in this thread.

Go back to cutting eye holes in your pillow cases, ya nut.

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The market value is going up due to the obvious losing trend the democrats are in. Apparently the polls were only for PR purposes and were not accurate at all.

Get out of your outdated James Brown model of thinking. Get some international insight into matters. Lots of racism exsits in this world. White people are not the only ones capable of racially rooted hatred or favoritism. As Fat Albert would say, "Get edubucated."

Woe is me, the poor, forlorn, downtrodden and discriminated white man. Woe is me, woe is me.

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The market value is going up due to the obvious losing trend the democrats are in. Apparently the polls were only for PR purposes and were not accurate at all.

Get out of your outdated James Brown model of thinking. Get some international insight into matters. Lots of racism exsits in this world. White people are not the only ones capable of racially rooted hatred or favoritism. As Fat Albert would say, "Get edubucated."

Dude, for purposes of this thread, I don't care if the Republicans win every single election today. I will congratulate Sarge and other Republicans on this site.

You, however, will still be a liar and an embarassment to their side.


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Destino, I did not say every hispanic is racist. There is however a very large anti us movement down here, that is very racist in nature. It spills into all areas of life. Now in the US it doesn't fly that well. Here it flies every day. But those in the US will never let you kow who and what they really back.

Yes they cut deals with american companies, for financial profit. My in laws for instance, are not racist except for two of them. They do and say many racist things, but r completely blind to it. Like I said, come down here and be whitey for a year or ten and we'll talk intelligently. This island is full of proud young hispanics who cannot wait to outdo a white person in every possible regard while looking innocent and pure, and take the cake and leave him with crumbs. But having not lived here, you would not know that.

They just had a huge anti US rally down here where puerto rican versions of nazis who hate whites showed up en masse. The college kids loved them. If you delude yourself into thinking hispanics are not racist towards americans, especially white ones, in large numbers, you are in fantasy land bro.

They post signs here that say "FBI----White Criminals----Kick them Out!"

Their concentration is in certain areas of the island, like in Arecibo, Camuy, and Lares. Come down here any time and we will go for a weekend tour of some places and churches so you can see for yourself. Of course they have great sounding reasons for it all. Like all racists do.

My wife says her own people are more racist than white people ever treated her. She has watched them put bugs on my back in convenience stores, curse me in spanish thinking I don't speak spanish, and outright diss us in professional and ministerial concerns all the while with the same innocent song and dance. She sees thru it, why can't you? Maybe you like blindness???

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Destino, I did not say every hispanic is racist. There is however a very large anti us movement down here, that is very racist in nature. It spills into all areas of life. Now in the US it doesn't fly that well. Here it flies every day. But those in the US will never let you kow who and what they really back.

Yes they cut deals with american companies, for financial profit. My in laws for instance, are not racist except for two of them. They do and say many racist things, but r completely blind to it. Like I said, come down here and be whitey for a year or ten and we'll talk intelligently. This island is full of proud young hispanics who cannot wait to outdo a white person in every possible regard while looking innocent and pure, and take the cake and leave him with crumbs. But having not lived here, you would not know that.

They just had a huge anti US rally down here where puerto rican versions of nazis who hate whites showed up en masse. The college kids loved them. If you delude yourself into thinking hispanics are not racist towards americans, especially white ones, in large numbers, you are in fantasy land bro.

They post signs here that say "FBI----White Criminals----Kick them Out!"

Their concentration is in certain areas of the island, like in Arecibo, Camuy, and Lares. Come down here any time and we will go for a weekend tour of some places and churches so you can see for yourself. Of course they have great sounding reasons for it all. Like all racists do.

My wife says her own people are more racist than white people ever treated her. She has watched them put bugs on my back in convenience stores, curse me in spanish thinking I don't speak spanish, and outright diss us in professional and ministerial concerns all the while with the same innocent song and dance. She sees thru it, why can't you? Maybe you like blindness???

Maybe they just don't like you.

Can't imagine why.

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And I get blasted for some of the things I say? Jeez. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, we all can agree that Redskingluvr is full of ****.

The Republicans on this website should be ashamed that an idiot like Redskingluvr is trying to be the voice of you all.

Someone hit it squarely on the head - vote for the ISSUES, not your party side. It has been well documented that I am a very liberal (some on this board have even called me a socialist) Democrat. Just because you have a D by your side does not mean I will support your views. Republicans need to realize that it is ok to have your own voice.

Ok, back to Redskingluvr - before you think that you know everything there is to know about the latin population just because you live in Puerto Rico, wake up. You have continuously ignored the reasons behind certain things, and just look at the results. Furthermore, you seem to imply throughout your posts that the ends justifies the means. Both are very dangerous. Why do hispanics (or any other ethnic group) feel suspicious of whites? Maybe because of history? Hm...that must've escaped you. Anti-American or Anti-U.S. sentiments are created because of Americans like you.

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Dude, for purposes of this thread, I don't care if the Republicans win every single election today. I will congratulate Sarge and other Republicans on this site.

You, however, will still be a liar and an embarassment to their side.


The crappy part is, we can't even throw this guy in Sarge and Co's faces because even they're sitting there saying "what the hell is this guy's deal?" right now :laugh: Well said, Predicto.

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I just got back from voting, and I pretty much split my votes between Repubs and Dems. Anybody who votes any party exclusively is a sheep. Listen to the canidates, and forget about party affiliation. I voted for the for the people I thought best suited for their job.

With that said, largely I can't stand politicians. I am absolutely THRILLED, that I won't have to listen to anymore stupid political commericals after today. "turns out...even the DOG is not his..... (WHO GIVES A **** ) Thank you, that is all.



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In fact the CIA does not allow any of it's employees and their families to live here for more than 2 years due to the psychological distress on their families from living in a cosiety that excludes them in every regard and treats them like trash. It states that directly on their website.

The place is very hostile in many ways. Their kids get mistreated and made fun of at school, the women diss their wives and leave them out socially, they get dissed even at church en masse. Be whitey and see if they invite you to preach in a hispanic run church......it ain't gonna happen unless you are famous or from the UK.....of course they will have a loooooong list of well sounding reasons and will preach on them to avoid reproach, which mostly judge the white guy falsely and inaccurately, another form of racism.......

I wonder if a black man in a mostly white church that had the pastor give him a lame reason for minsiterialy excluding him would think if the pastor mentioned those reasons in four or five sermons in a row....racism maybe?????? or laid hands on him and said a bunch of disparaging things about him, his mind, or his sex life inaccurately and embarrassingly??? racism maybe?????

Go to canada and hear how they talk about americans. Are they not racist as well??? re only white americans capable of racism, and if they mention it concerning others, why they must be nazis or kkkers???? Gimme a break. I have been thrown in jail in NC because my wife is hispanic, hardly something the kkk does to one of it's own.

Carlos and his buddies r racist, deal with it. Doin everything they can to take every blessing for themselves, and yes, put as many white american male victims as they can in a position of misery. Of course, in front of americans, they will be sure to act differently.

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Sorry destino, before people like that take over and destroy my country, which many family members have fought to defend, we will march them into the sea at gunpoint bro. One day they will push too far, and that will be it. No more bs, lock and load baby.

Threats of violence are not tolerated in these forums. Take a break, and enjoy the election.

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Threats of violence are not tolerated in these forums. Take a break, and enjoy the election.

Henry, How can you take away the most entertaining part of my workday?

Also, it seems pretty clear that the dude was talking about defending his country, not shooting Destino.

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