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I guess now, since Henry ruined all the entertainment, someone else is going to have to take up "The Jews did it" mantra

OK, what the hell, the Jews did it. I don't know what the "It" is supposed to be, but I'll say they did it just to keep things going:laugh:

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I'm not interested in your backpeddling. First it's hispanics are x, then it's oh well I didn't say all of them, next it will be "hey some of my best friends are hispanics!"

Heard it all before.

I don't think you understand Destino. He knows more than you do. He has degrees in Latin American Studies, Political Science, Business Management and International Relations.

(Never mind the fact that two weeks ago those degrees were in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Divinity.)

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I guess now, since Henry ruined all the entertainment, someone else is going to have to take up "The Jews did it" mantra

OK, what the hell, the Jews did it. I don't know what the "It" is supposed to be, but I'll say they did it just to keep things going:laugh:

I know, but I'm not gonna tell you. :)

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I don't think you understand Destino. He knows more than you do. He has degrees in Latin American Studies, Political Science, Business Management and International Relations.

(Never mind the fact that two weeks ago those degrees were in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Divinity.)

When he first came here he claimed to be an authority on all matters related to defense because he was a retired intelligence officer (38 years old how far could he have gone?). When pressed he said that actually he once worked for a contractor who had a DoD contract.

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I just got back from voting, and I pretty much split my votes between Repubs and Dems. Anybody who votes any party exclusively is a sheep. Listen to the canidates, and forget about party affiliation. I voted for the for the people I thought best suited for their job.

With that said, largely I can't stand politicians. I am absolutely THRILLED, that I won't have to listen to anymore stupid political commericals after today. "turns out...even the DOG is not his..... (WHO GIVES A **** ) Thank you, that is all.



Wow you are in Maryland. Tell me you did not vote for Steele. :doh:

Anywho, I was in the voting lines at 7am and it was a lot of people out there with me. I am a registered Dem and proud of it. You can argue that it is better to vote based on the issues instead of party affilation but the truth is Reps just don't carry that mentality. They suffer from what is known as Group Think. Until they end this stupidity, you cannot expect any hard working American, whose family members are fighting in Iraq right now, to ignore the reasoning of Dems and wanting an end to this maddness.

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Wow you are in Maryland. Tell me you did not vote for Steele. :doh:

Yes I did vote for Steele.

I voted for Steele because I believe a man (Ben Cardin) who did NOT vote for the Iraq war, based off of the intelligence that we had prior to the war, AND that the rest of the world agreed with is gutless. Even thought the stockpiles of WMD's were NOT found. EVERYBODY thought that he had them, and to have voted to do nothing is gutless.

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Yes I did vote for Steele.

I voted for Steele because I believe a man (Ben Cardin) who did NOT vote for the Iraq war, based off of the intelligence that we had prior to the war, AND that the rest of the world agreed with is gutless. Even thought the stockpiles of WMD's were NOT found. EVERYBODY thought that he had them, and to have voted to do nothing is gutless.

Now that is interesting considering you no know that no WMD were found up until this point. Sounds a bit hypercritical to me, no offense. You are mad at the man for wanting to get more concrete information and justification for a WAR that is still pretty senseless to me. Gutless? For not rushing to killing thousands of people without evidence he is called gutless, interesting. How about this for a argument, Steele is a hypocrite that has no idea how to think on his own without that guidance of George Bush. :doh:

Futhermore, to say that he would have never voted to do anything is pretty lame and over simplifing the issue. But hey, you are entitled to your own opinion and your vote.

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Gosh, I hope rural Virginia goes to the polls today.

If Webb wins and gay marriage isnt banned... its time to panic, North Carolinians! The liberals are moving South!

If Steele wins all of our men will be shipped away to Iraq and women will be lesbians because of the men will be dead. Watch out Delaware, the conservatives are coming further above the bible belt. :rolleyes:

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Yes I did vote for Steele.

I voted for Steele because I believe a man (Ben Cardin) who did NOT vote for the Iraq war, based off of the intelligence that we had prior to the war, AND that the rest of the world agreed with is gutless. Even thought the stockpiles of WMD's were NOT found. EVERYBODY thought that he had them, and to have voted to do nothing is gutless.



So.... you won't vote for somebody because he was smarter than everybody else? That makes sense...

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Now that is interesting considering you no know that no WMD were found up until this point. Sounds a bit hypercritical to me, no offense. You are mad at the man for wanting to get more concrete information and justification for a WAR that is still pretty senseless to me. Gutless? For not rushing to killing thousands of people without evidence he is called gutless, interesting. How about this for a argument, Steele is a hypocrite that has no idea how to think on his own without that guidance of George Bush. :doh:

Futhermore, to say that he would have never voted to do anything is pretty lame and over simplifing the issue. But hey, you are entitled to your own opinion and your vote.

How long before Cardin would have voted? WMD's WERE found in Iraq, unaccounted for left-overs from the Iran/Iraq war in the 80's. YES, even those shells were supposed to be accounted for. What would it have taken to get Cardin's vote for war? A mushroom cloud? We had EVERY reason to believe that Saddam was hiding something. Cardin may have been proven "right," but based off of what the people we pay in the intelligence buisness were telling us. He should have voted for War. The fact that he didn't, shows me he is gutless. Sorry, my opinon, and you my friend are entitled to yours. That's the beauty of our country. We can agree to disagree without one of us getting our head cut off for it. :cheers:

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How long before Cardin would have voted? WMD's WERE found in Iraq, unaccounted for left-overs from the Iran/Iraq war in the 80's. YES, even those shells were supposed to be accounted for. What would it have taken to get Cardin's vote for war? A mushroom cloud? We had EVERY reason to believe that Saddam was hiding something. Cardin may have been proven "right," but based off of what the people we pay in the intelligence buisness were telling us. He should have voted for War. The fact that he didn't, shows me he is gutless. Sorry, my opinon, and you my friend are entitled to yours. That's the beauty of our country. We can agree to disagree without one of us getting our head cut off for it. :cheers:

Pakistan has WMDs and has 10000x the terrorist connections that Iraq ever had. The Bush administration is clearly gutless for failing to invade, and instead pointing us towards Iraq. Same goes for Iran. North Korea was a much bigger threat. Gutless, gutless, gutless.

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