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Post-game thread: Cowboys get bounced by Skins.


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What do you all think? Could this be the Spark for the turn around of the season? Sure we have problems in the secondary, good news is no injuries and another week they can be together and practicing!! Could this be the SPARK we needed to win 8 or 7 in a row? I sure hope so.


oh man i hope so. the offense had it's up moments. hopefully the defense having this good a game gets some chemistry going.

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The most precious thing about the win was how it was done. The two heartbreakers were so much sweeter than the beat down we gave them last year. Nothing like having a game taken from you in the last minute. That's just too sweet. I wish I had video of my cowboy-fan brother-in-laws at their house; hi-fiving when Vandershank lined up the kick for the game winner. That's just too priceless. Then, they had to feel it was all good and we'd go into overtime. But no! A 15 yard penalty added to ST's run and an untimed down to boot! Man, that's right up there as a top 5 win in my book.

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Unbelieveable win!

Great win!

Man, I can't wait to go to work! :laugh:

(how many times does someone say that)

I got a WHOLE LOT of trash talking to do!

thank goodness you can say that today. i can too.

i just hope the players kcan eep it going, not get too high. get on a roll.

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My "friend" who is a boys fan, just told me I won a trip to What-A-Burger for our bet.

I get What-a-burger? Y'all KNOW what he is NOT getting.




Some **** **** and some ***** ******* and maybe a little bit of ****** ********* ** ***** *** ******** ***** *** ******** **** I presume?

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It had every element....the early lead, the second half collapse, the momentum killing drive by the cowboys....the missed field goal in the waning seconds.....the team playing good enough to just baaaaaaaaarely lose........

Well it is very refreshing to FINALLY WIN this type of game and give the Cowboys some of that "Last Second Loss" stomach ache inducing feeling!!!


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