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How is booing your team supporting them?


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Fans wouldnt boo if the team played some football, instead of the slop they are putting out there these days. I can take a team if they are playing hard, sound, fundamental football, but this crap we are showing is too much... could we possibly be any worse as a team??? I mean how many tackles are we gonna miss? How many blown assignments? How many 4 yard outs are we gonna throw? How many times are we gonna have a half time lead, then just get shut right down????

Its just too much... something has to be done... this team deserves to be boo'd, they are being paid too well to be this bad!!!

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This isn't a Pop Warner team, a high school team, or any other team made up of children.

They are grown men that make alot of money because we buy stuff that says Redskins on it, go to games, and watch games on tv.

When they stink up the joint like they are this season they probably deserve to hear about it.

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If as a professional football player, you cannot play up to your level because on a few series every game you get booed: then just hand in your paycheck to chairty and retire.

If you don't have enough pride to win for yourself and your teammates, and are clearly bothered by playing for fans who boo when you consistently play poorly. Then you need to play somewhere else, in a game or for a team that means much less to people.

These are grown men, or at least they should be...they are failing at their tasks and they are receiving criticism for it, everyone does when they screw something up. Deal with it.

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Indy fans were booing there undefeated team in the first half when we played them. Obviously, the booing made them play better, which is why we lost to them. :dunce:

When they don't get their way, children cry, adults boo.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Does anyone else realize this board could be cut down by about 1/3rd if we merged all of the:

-JC v. Brunell/It's the defense/Brunell sucks/I am blind to Brunell's short comings b/c the defense really, really sucks

- To Boo or not to Boo threads?

I love the self-righteous, you're-not-a-real-fan-if-you-boo mentality. If I am displeased with the performance, I am going to boo. It's my right. If we boo loud enough, maybe there will be a change.

Let me ask those non-boo-ers a question - (purely hypothetical for those of us without kids) if your kid brings home a terrible report card, or a letter from the teacher saying they told the teacher to go f- herself, do you scold them? punish them? Or do you jsut pat them on the back and say that's ok, just don't do it again? Does that mean you love them any less?

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It doesn't.

And noone can argue that it helps or supports one's team in any fashion. So to all you "booing" thanks for adding some ammunition to the other team.


This is exactly the mentality that got dodgeball taken out of school b/c it made the fat kids feel inferior.

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