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Allen's Revenge... look what Webb wrote! (Maybe NSFW)


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For those rationalizing this:

Have you ever written anything like this or thought of putting it down on paper?

When I was 15, I played a real nasty practical joke on one of my best friends. He came over and recorded a guitar track with me playing drums and it sounded pretty good for him seeing as he's not really a guitarist. We worked out an entire song structure and he actually played pretty well. Then I had another guy come over and he immitated the first guys mom saying some extremely abusive stuff as a vocal track. We went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top. Nasty nasty stuff, it was actually kind of an expirement to see how far we could push the envelope. Now, the stuff we were saying on here had absolutely nothing to do with reality, and most of it is pretty damn funny and creative. The dude's folks are great people. It's was funny to us because it was so incredibly false, and the guy who's mom was being joked on actually thought it was hilarious and he still does to this day. He understands that the stuff on there had little to do with her and more to do with our twisted young minds. If any of you have the stomach for really over-the-top disgusting humor, PM me and I'll give you the link to the myspace.

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I'm confused about something - are people here actually arguing that the context doesn't matter here?

I dont think context matters, but then again I dont think it's a big deal in the first place.

It's fiction, who cares.

Now if it was an autobiography.................

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I have a tape of the governor of California breaking into a police station and brutally murdering over 30 cops. I can't believe this wasn't brought up in the last election.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It was, that's how he got the South Central vote.

Hard to top Henry's reply, but pretty close... :laugh:

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"In any event, I repeat: Allen will do ANYTHING to win this election. Allen is as low and desperate as they get."

As opposed to Webb who really doesnt care if he wins?

You know that is not what I said. I wrote that Allen will do ANYTHING to win. Did your secret decoder ring uncover my subliminal "real' message? The issue is what candidates are willing and/or eager to do to win an election. I assume Webb wants to win or he wouldn't have entered the race. But then you knew all that, didn't you.

Webb has had to be convinced by advisors to even mention his son in any ad. Webb did not want to do it cause he felt it was sort of using him. But I think just mentioning the fact of his son's current service is a fair item to talk about. Although I do understand his reluctance to use it in an ad.

I have a tape of the governor of California breaking into a police station and brutally murdering over 30 cops. I can't believe this wasn't brought up in the last election.

I love you, Henry.

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Flip the script... for all the flack Allen took over "Macaca".... now Webb gets a free pass for writing a graphic depiction of incest child molestation.

He *could* have worded it differently... or he *could* have alluded it as a tradition... but he didn't and had to be pretty graphic.

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Flip the script... for all the flack Allen took over "Macaca".... now Webb gets a free pass for writing a graphic depiction of incest child molestation.
I don't see anyone getting a free pass. Democrats hammerred Allen for macaca and now Republicans are hammering Webb for his book. Looks like politics to me.
He *could* have worded it differently... or he *could* have alluded it as a tradition... but he didn't and had to be pretty graphic.
He could have definitely been less graphic, but you actually have no idea whether it was alluded to as tradition because all you have is a quote out of context.
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Flip the script... for all the flack Allen took over "Macaca".... now Webb gets a free pass for writing a graphic depiction of incest child molestation.

He *could* have worded it differently... or he *could* have alluded it as a tradition... but he didn't and had to be pretty graphic.

Not surprising. The liberal media crucified Mark Furman during the O.J. Simpson murder trial by using the 'n' word when we was developing a work of fiction. Webb uses the 'n' word repeatedly in his book Fields of Fire and gets a free pass. Double standard.

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All of us have the quote out of context.

Michelle Malkin has a good article up reminding about how Democrats did this about books written by Libby and Lynne Cheney in another election cycle.

Until both sides stop mud-slinging, it will continue I suppose...

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I scanned the entire chapter 34 , the quote is on top of page 333


Of coarse what Allen did was also done by a Democrat, time for our poiticans to grow up.


Also from that link

""It's not a sexual act," Webb said. "I actually saw this happen in a slum in Bangkok when I was there as a journalist."

The conservative Web site CNS News cited a case in which a Cambodian woman was arrested in Nevada for a similiar situation.

"Coincidentally, a Cambodian woman in Las Vegas is facing sexual assault charges for performing a similar act on her young son, according to an Oct. 14 report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal," Nathan Burchfiel wrote. "The article quotes an office manager for the Cambodian Association of America, who described the act as a sign of respect or love."

"According to the report, the act is usually performed by a mother or caretaker on a child who is one year old or younger," Burchfiel added. "In Webb's novel, the child is four years old."


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All of us have the quote out of context.

Michelle Malkin has a good article up reminding about how Democrats did this about books written by Libby and Lynne Cheney in another election cycle.

Until both sides stop mud-slinging, it will continue I suppose...

Another election cycle? I thought that story broke in 2005. Thanks for bringing it up though - where was your outrage then?! Have you looked up what the VP's cheif of staff wrote? If this has you all bent out of shape then you should really be outraged by Scooters book:

"The Libby book conjures a young Japanese man who runs a remote mountain inn and becomes trapped in intrigue. The book includes incest, a hunter who wonders if he should shag a freshly killed deer while it's still warm, and a girl kept in a cage and raped by a bear to train her to become a prostitute."


I have no problem writing things off as fiction... you however should suddenly have a serious problem with the VP's choice for his cheif of staff. Good luck with that.

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Bottom line is that it won't matter, most people have already decided who they are voting for at this point.

Allen has one thing in his favor, people are sometimes afraid of the unknown and many may vote for him because they are afraid of what Webb may do...

Webb has one thing in his favor, there are a lot of people out there that would vote for satan, as long as he wasn't an encumbant. I think there are a lot of people sick over what has been going on and will vote not for a candidate, but for change.

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I have no problem writing things off as fiction... you however should suddenly have a serious problem with the VP's choice for his cheif of staff. Good luck with that.

I'll have a problem when his chief of staff is running for the U.S. Senate.

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I see. Works of fiction you find to be insulting only matter when senate candidates are concerned. Great logic.

Nope, didn't mean that. I finding Webb's stuff insulting, no matter if he's running for Senate or not. Same with Libby. BUT, and this is a big BUT, I have a SERIOUS problem if these types of sickos are running for a political office that is going to represent me and the state of live in.

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They aren't. Believe me.

It doesn't matter, the people that will make a big deal about this, considering the context of the book, are not people who would have voted any other way to begin with. This is just a means for those on the right to say "see, he's sick" or what ever else.

I can say, I voted for Allen last time, and the "macaca" thing isn't why I'm not voting for him this time... :2cents:

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