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What makes humans different from animals


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What makes us different is that we can picture ourselves in 3rd person doing something other than what we are actually doing at the time, and then we can project ourselves to meet that desire/thought

(unless your name is Mark Brunell, in which case you can only dream about what you did yesterday, and fail at projecting it to what you are doing now, except in your own mind).


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communication. how many other animals have the ability to communicate intricate plans with each other? yes, we can fasten tools, but so can many other animals including chimpanzees and ravens.

there isn"t one thing that seperates us from other animals, its a multitude of things that put together make us who we are. we are not the only animal with opposable thumbs, but it sure as hell helps us build tools and machinary. we are not the only animal that uses tools, but we can think of new tools that we would have uses for, and we can build them with the use of our opposable thumbs. we are not the only animal that con reason the consequences of their actions, but we can communicate to others who haven"t already experienced the consequences what will happen if they do something. we are very unique, but we were lucky, because if we were to not have one of these characteristics, we would be a very different specie.

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The answer to this topic comes down to one word..... "Civilization"

Now of course "Civilization" can be defined in different ways. In this case it means attempting to totally move away from the biology and psychology of the "animals" and pretend that we are somehow better than the other species on the planet and not subject to the same influences that the rest of the animal kingdom is. Which of course is total bull spittle. Humanity just tries to ignore the fact that we're subject to those same influences and how they affect us.

Essentially it comes down to this.... Humans are the only animal that pretends NOT to be an animal.

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In this case it means attempting to totally move away from the biology and psychology of the "animals" and pretend that we are somehow better than the other species on the planet and not subject to the same influences that the rest of the animal kingdom is.

Essentially it comes down to this.... Humans are the only animal that pretends NOT to be an animal.

Sounds like you at a football game.

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Actually, it's a proven scientific fact.

Actually, it's one of those fad internet facts that isn't true. Bonobo chimpanzees definitely do as well, and I'm willing to believe most mammals derive some pleasure from the act. Bonobos not only do it, they do it a lot, and they do it as a stress reliever, not just for procreation.

As to the original question, some would say it's our capability for abstract thought, but there is some evidence that low-level abstract thought is present among higher allo-primates (chimpanzees and gorillas).

Certainly we're the only species on the planet with a language system as sophisticated as ours is. If you want one thing and one thing only which separates us from other animals, it's our language.

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