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Final Fantasy Games


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Don't know how many people play these but I know they are (and have been) really popular for many years now.

Anyone know when FFXII comes out? I thought it was suppose to be this month sometime. I saw a preview and it looks incredible.

I had an absolute blast with FFX and I even liked FFX-2. Beat them both and enjoyed every minute. The first one I ever played was FF6 or FF3 here in america. I have played and beaten FFIX and now I am playing what many people consider to be the best, FFVII.

So which ones have you guys played and what was your favorite?

Mine are:

5. haven't beaten yet but im at the end of it. FFVII (didn't think it lived up to all he hype)

4. FFX-2


2. FFIII (loved the Espers plus it was my first one)

1. FFX this was just incredible. I liked the story, music, graphics, everything about it was great.

I've also played Crono Trigger, Breath of Fire, Zelda and a few others.

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Greatest game series ever in my opinion. XII comes out on Halloween, it looks great.

My favorite FF games:

1.) FF VII-it lives up to the hype and then some

2.) FF X-Great graphics, story, voice acting, everything

3.) FF VIII- Great followup to VII with a major graphics overhaul

4.) FF VI- Good story, a ton of playable characters, lot of side quests and secrets in this one

5.) FF IX- Good game, don't like it quite as much as the others, had to give it a nod though due to the old school element to it

Also, Final Fantasy Tactics is a GREAT game. Totally different from the aforementioned, it was more strategy than anything that provided a good challenge.

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Final Fantasy 12 comes out on Halloween.

1 Final Fantasy VI (III in the states)

2 Final Fantasy IV (II in the states)

3 Final Fantasy X beautiful game but the ending was kinda blech but the overall experience was cool

4 Final Fantasy VII cool game but it storywise it can't hold a candle to FFVI

5 Final Fantasy IX That game was overlooked by many but I had a ball playing that game and it was a throwback to the FF games of the SNES era.

Honoroable Mention

Chrono Trigger...not an FF game but if it were it would be second or third on the list. Great game.


X-2 didn't have the feel of a true FF game for me. It was a little too girly. :(


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X-2 didn't have the feel of a true FF game for me. It was a little too girly.

Yea I hear ya on that. But the way FFX ended I wanted to find out what happend to Tidus. Plus it only cost $20. I also liked it because of the new places you get to go to in Spira. Spira is by FAR my favorite Final Fantasy world. The world in FFIX gets second place.

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never played Final Fantasy... for the person who doesn't play many turn-based RPGs, would it be reccomended?

But of course. If you are even remotely interested in an RPG, you gotta go with a Final Fantasy game. The stories are very good too so even if you aren't into them it's certainly worth trying one of them out

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But of course. If you are even remotely interested in an RPG, you gotta go with a Final Fantasy game. The stories are very good too so even if you aren't into them it's certainly worth trying one of them out

my only experiences with RPGs are Mario RPG (SNES, fun game) and Pokemon (:geek: :cool: )

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I figured that...Nintendo fanboy at it's best :silly:

hell's yeah! zelda's gonna rock my world come the introduction of the wii!

now for my list of nintendo systems i currently own:

Gameboy (2)

Gameboy Color

Gameboy Advance


Super Nintendo (2)

Nintendo 64


non-nintendo systems i currently own:



to be fair, my brother owns a PS2, but he keeps it in his room so i am basically surrounded by nintendo and nintendo only. some games never get old.

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never played Final Fantasy... for the person who doesn't play many turn-based RPGs, would it be reccomended?

Highly recommended!!! I never thought I would like these types of games and now I can't get enough of them. They are different from Warcraft, Neverwinter Nights, and other games like that.

I should add that I never have played warcraft. I tried Neverwinter Nights and I didn't care for it all that much.

I would suggest FF X if you have playstation 2. You can get it now for $20, maybe less. You will not be dissapointed.

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Highly recommended!!! I never thought I would like these types of games and now I can't get enough of them. They are different from Warcraft, Neverwinter Nights, and other games like that.

I should add that I never have played warcraft. I tried Neverwinter Nights and I didn't care for it all that much.

I would suggest FF X if you have playstation 2. You can get it now for $20, maybe less. You will not be dissapointed.

anything for nintendo? :laugh:

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anything for nintendo? :laugh:

eh....you should just stick to the little elf man, I can see this isn't gonna work out really... :laugh:

As far a I know the only final fantasy game for Nintendo at the moment is Final Fantasy Tactics advance....which is for the Gamecube or Gameboy Advance, can't really remember. I wouldn't recommend it anyways, it's completely different than the other FF games(FF tactics for playstation was anyways, not sure how this one is as i've never played it)

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eh....you should just stick to the little elf man, I can see this isn't gonna work out really... :laugh:

As far a I know the only final fantasy game for Nintendo at the moment is Final Fantasy Tactics advance....which is for the Gamecube or Gameboy Advance, can't really remember. I wouldn't recommend it anyways, it's completely different than the other FF games(FF tactics for playstation was anyways, not sure how this one is as i've never played it)

don't knock Zelda, those games rock. i own all the zelda's except the last two (never bothered to get majora's mask, don't know why, and i was angry at the craphics for wind waker.) the one i own for the NES is the special edition gold-colored cartridge.

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NES and SNES are by far my favorite systems ever. If you don't mind playing old games, then you should try FF 3/6. Great game and really puts Mario RPG to shame, besides all the Mario stuff going on.

the thing i always liked about mario RPG was that you actually had to pay attention while fighting to time your hits and blocks. do any other RPGs do that?

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FF7 - Great game, some will say it's overrated just because of the HUGE following it has. They are dumb, and you should be too for listening to them :D

FF8 - Another goodie. More of a love story, but the story itself is amazing imo. Doesn't really get the credit it deserves because it followed up arguably the best FF/rpg made

FF9 - I personally really liked this game. I liked how they brought back a 4-people party.. And learning abilities from weapons/armor/accesories. The Story is nice, too.

FFX - Great game, first FF to feature voice overs(big plus in my book, get tired of reading sometimes ya know ? :D ) Tidus is a little pansy though

FFX-2 - I only played it for the story. I'll recommend that you have the game on mute and have your favorite music in the background.. the three girls just get obnoxious at times. Requires you beat the game twice(or 3?) to get 100% completion which = good ending

FF Tactics - Really great game. In-depth story, and the world of "Ivalice" that they are in, is the same as the upcomming FFX12. If you like strategy games, this is for you.

FF Tactics Advanced - Didn't really enjoy this one. Too kiddy, didn't like that you get sent to jail or fined for using abilities that are banned for that particular fight.

FF 1,2,3 = all great. play them all!

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FF VII is quite possibly the best game of all time, and has been rated that way for good reason. The way it drew everyone into it was rediculous, I don't think any other game had as widespread of a following as that game did. People returned N64's at the time to buy playstations just for that game, seriously helping PS1 beat out the N64 despite being older. Great story, great graphics, great videos and fight scenes, a final enemy that actually was evil, I mean wow. I played through it at least 10 times over a span of 4 years.

FF VI (III for the SNES), a good one, more humorous, and I believe the first to go away from the old "save the 4 crystals/orbs/whatever" theme of the first 5 games.

FF IX silly humor, great graphics, just a lighter game to play. The story was not as deep, but I think the point was to return to a medieval type setting and more humor like in 6 and before.

FF VIII great story, but the gameplay sucked. No one liked the SeED ranking and not getting money after battles. The junction system just got annoying, but I did like how the Guardian Forces acted. However, Rinoa was hot!

FF Tactics cool game, different style, very serious story, but it's not a story that draws you in as much, at least it didn't for me. The game is harder too than others.

I've played around with the first 5, they are decent, but nothing stands out I guess.

I've never played 10 or 11, I never got a PS2. 11 is just online, im not a fan of online play.

I hope 12 is great.

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I haven't gotten to play the demo for XII, but the overhauled battle system looks intriguing, we'll see how it stacks up to the standard ATB(active time battle). It doesn't look like i'll lilke the main character that much, but then again I still gotta play the game....and they can't all be badasses like Cloud

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Final Fantasy I is good for it's time.

Final Fantasy II was my favorite as a kid, and I still like it today. I bought the re-release for Playstation just so I could play it again.

I never played Final Fantasy III-

Final Fantasy VII is excellent. I revisit that game every year or so, between the story, and the music, the game is too good.

I hated FF 8

I cruised through FF 9 when it came out & never played it again.

I'm playing X right now, I forgot how good that game was

FF X-2 was ok, but I didn't like the dresssphere stuff, and never finished it.

I'm playing FF X over again right now, I forgot how good that game was.

FF X-2 was ok, but it didn't hold me in. I never finished it. Maybe I'll try it again one day.

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