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Love at first sight?


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Absolutely believe that when you see "the one" it feels different. I have spent the last 10 yrs in frivilous, shallow relationships where I had next to no emotional involvement with anyone I dated. Then, Jess walked into the room and everything changed. Didn't know it was love right of the bat -- but I knew it was special. No doubt.

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Funny you are the one to bring this up so I'll share... a long long time ago in a land far far away I met a young lady and the minute I met her I said to a close friend, she will be the future Mrs. Dumbass.

We hooked up that weekend, she moved in with me 2 months later, we were engaged 3 years after that, then due to circumstances which I'd rather not detail yet again, we got not engaged, engaged again and then finally not in the same home, state, or even quadrant of the U.S.

Yeah I believe in it, but sometimes the love isn't the problem.

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Yes, it is real. Hasn't happened to me, but that's how my roommates met. They've been married for over 10 years now....

My roommate Shawna has always been something of a tomboy. She used to joke that the only way she was ever going to get married was for the Universe to dump a guy in her lap. Similarly, Adam was never a ladies man by any stretch of the imagination.

Their freshman year in college, Shawna was sitting in one of the common areas in an academic building having lunch. Adam, who was running late for a class, came around a corner in the common area, slipped on a wet spot in the floor and literally FELL INTO SHAWNA'S LAP. After they got untangled, they introduced themselves and both knew the other was something special. They started dating less than a week later and a little more than two years later they were married.

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Yes.........it is real. Very real.

I saw the man walk through the door.........with another woman.......and I said to my friends........I am going to marry that guy. He had a date.....I had a date.........but during the night.....we made eye contact.......and he came over and asked me to dance.

The next day.......he called me.......came to my apt........and we got married 3 months later.

I will always love this man......although we are no longer married......it was definitely love at first sight......for both of us. We just can't live together.

As for georgia's experience........that is very awesome. I have talked with people on here......and developed close friendships. But no one that I wanted to bemore than a friend when I met them.


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I think "Love at first site" is just another way of saying, "I don't know what it was, but from the moment I met her/him, I was hooked for life."

And yes, it happens.

The first thought that popped into my head when I saw my wife for the first time was...

...well, let's just say I didn't even care if she could talk. My eyes were glued to every move she made. It started as just another night, out looking to add one more notch to an already tattered belt. If you could bottle the sparks that flew the night we met, there would be no energy crisis.

Twenty five years later, the sparks are now bolts of lightning.

So, even though we didn't know what it was the first night, what it turned out to be were the first sparks of true love.

All the "macho guys" can throw up now. :laugh:

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Again, I believe it's real; but I've noticed something in the responses from people in this thread and those I've known who it's happened to...

It would appear it happens much more frequently with those people who are more emotionally open and whose relationships are based on emotion rather than something else. Not that there's anything wrong with that; just an observation.

That's probably at least part of why it's never happened to me personally, and likely never will. For me there's a whole lot more to a relationship than physical or emotional attraction.

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Put me down in the believer category, though I definitely did not believe. When I met my wife, she was one smelly, dirty teenager who had just come in from selling at a road side veggie stand (good teenager job). I remarked how "hot" she was as soon as she was gone, and her sister (one of my best college friends) swatted me for calling her younger sister hot. After college, I would periodically try to hang out with her, but it was hard when she went off to college in Salsbury. We never lost touch though. I kept dating other women (might be why it never worked out), and my roomate kept laughing at me every time I went to see the woman who would later be my wife. The long standing joke was that we referred to her as my "future wife" pretty much from day 1. I just never thought it would happen...what can I say I'm a little slow.

However, some things are just meant to be. At one point, we were both single and she was long enough out of college so I asked her out. To my amazement/joy, she said yes. Evidently she wasn't even turned off by my being slightly hung over from drinking with my grandfather the night before as we kept dating and eventually got married.

On the really goofy forshadowing bit, on our first date, she mentioned that one of her dreams was to foster sick kids. Here we are 6 years later, and foster parenting has been one of the best things I've ever done...ranks up there with asking my wife out on a date and asking her to marry me.

Sometimes one gets little glimpses of what a life well lived would be like. While I have rarely believed in them out of fear of being hugely disappointed, making the effort to make the glimpses turn out can be well worth it. Trick is that even love at first sight is not love without effort.

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Put me down in the believer category, though I definitely did not believe. When I met my wife, she was one smelly, dirty teenager who had just come in from selling at a road side veggie stand (good teenager job). I remarked how "hot" she was as soon as she was gone, and her sister (one of my best college friends) swatted me for calling her younger sister hot. After college, I would periodically try to hang out with her, but it was hard when she went off to college in Salsbury. We never lost touch though. I kept dating other women (might be why it never worked out), and my roomate kept laughing at me every time I went to see the woman who would later be my wife. The long standing joke was that we referred to her as my "future wife" pretty much from day 1. I just never thought it would happen...what can I say I'm a little slow.

However, some things are just meant to be. At one point, we were both single and she was long enough out of college so I asked her out. To my amazement/joy, she said yes. Evidently she wasn't even turned off by my being slightly hung over from drinking with my grandfather the night before as we kept dating and eventually got married.

On the really goofy forshadowing bit, on our first date, she mentioned that one of her dreams was to foster sick kids. Here we are 6 years later, and foster parenting has been one of the best things I've ever done...ranks up there with asking my wife out on a date and asking her to marry me.

Sometimes one gets little glimpses of what a life well lived would be like. While I have rarely believed in them out of fear of being hugely disappointed, making the effort to make the glimpses turn out can be well worth it. Trick is that even love at first sight is not love without effort.


Now that is a killer story, and congrats!

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Put me down in the believer category, though I definitely did not believe. When I met my wife, she was one smelly, dirty teenager who had just come in from selling at a road side veggie stand (good teenager job). I remarked how "hot" she was as soon as she was gone, and her sister (one of my best college friends) swatted me for calling her younger sister hot. After college, I would periodically try to hang out with her, but it was hard when she went off to college in Salsbury. We never lost touch though. I kept dating other women (might be why it never worked out), and my roomate kept laughing at me every time I went to see the woman who would later be my wife. The long standing joke was that we referred to her as my "future wife" pretty much from day 1. I just never thought it would happen...what can I say I'm a little slow.

However, some things are just meant to be. At one point, we were both single and she was long enough out of college so I asked her out. To my amazement/joy, she said yes. Evidently she wasn't even turned off by my being slightly hung over from drinking with my grandfather the night before as we kept dating and eventually got married.

On the really goofy forshadowing bit, on our first date, she mentioned that one of her dreams was to foster sick kids. Here we are 6 years later, and foster parenting has been one of the best things I've ever done...ranks up there with asking my wife out on a date and asking her to marry me.

Sometimes one gets little glimpses of what a life well lived would be like. While I have rarely believed in them out of fear of being hugely disappointed, making the effort to make the glimpses turn out can be well worth it. Trick is that even love at first sight is not love without effort.

That's a wonderful story. I got nothin compared with that!

For me, love at first sight is not possible (I think). I'm the type of guy who is absolutely turned off by a bad personality. If I happen to be attracted to a certain girl-all that will be lost instantaneously if she displays a ****y side, or a dishonest side.

I had a crush on my GF when we first met (butterflies etc.) but it wasn't what I consider love until I was able to get to know her and date her for a couple months. We've been together for almost three years now and it's only a matter of time before I pop the big question.

Which reminds me, I need to go out and party while I still can.

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I think it exists, but it isn't easy. I do not believe there is only one person in the world for everyone, and that's it. I guess I have never really experienced this though. There is one girl who I was infatuated with for a while, still am, though I never talk to her anymore. I guess that doesn't count though since as far as I know, the feelings weren't likewise.

I would totally love to just see a girl who I could just fall for off the bat. I think it can/will happen as I am somewhat idealistic and I believe in that ideal kinda relationship many of you have discussed. I just leave my guard up often and do not think things can happen as easily as they sometimes may have for me and I never bothered to try.

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I don't know if it's possible or not, a lot of people feel they've experianced it though. Me, I've never fallen in love with anyone just from meeting them, the only times I've been "in love" have been with people that I didn't really notice much at first and eventually got to know better and then gradually started falling in love with and one day I just realized it out of the blue.

Now I definitely believe you can be really attracted to someone at first sight and maybe mix that up with love...but I don't really see how you can see a person's heart or their mind just from one look, although I suppose it might be possible if they are doing something at the time (but then that might be stretching the definition of first sight a bit).

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I first saw my current fiancee when I was on a date with another woman. I immediately thought, "Uh-oh," because I somehow knew what was up and needed to figure out how to:

1) Meet this new woman to whom I had a strangely strong attraction;

2) Get her number without completely screwing up the date I was on; and

3) Then stop all the other dating I was doing at that time.

It was a pretty immediate phenomenon, although it took a few weeks to get everything sorted out. It's clear sailing now, though!

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