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Never Forget


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Reflecting this morning on 9-11, I suddenly find myself very distressed, yet again, about what happened. I find that I am more emotional about this tragedy each year, and I wonder if this is how people felt after JFK was shot, or after Pearl Harbor. I will add to this thread 2 pictures that constantly remind me:





God Bless America !!

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I went to Bmore in August of '01 for a conference and took this picture. The sight of Ole Glory was very moving to me. When 9/11 happened it was still fresh in my mind and in fact this pic was my wallpaper at work. It still invokes in me the feeling that despite being down we weren't out. Numerous times over our history that has been true. It is just as true today.

I am proud to be an American.


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Although the images of the planes crashing and the towers collapsing will never go away, the thing that breaks my heart is how many children lost their mother or father or both on that day.

This event has helped me a lot in finding out that I can let my emotions show and not be ashamed of it.

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i will never forget.

i lived a mile from an airport when that happened, and i will never forget the eerie feeling i got every time a plane flew overhead.

i will never forget the dreams i had for weeks after 9/11 involving mass transportation and attacks by cowards on our great nation.

i will never forget how i realized that day all that i took for granted, and vowed to never do so again.

i will never forget, being my first year as a teacher, out on the football field, and an old(er) teacher bringing me the news, her voice quivering and eyes vailantly fighting back tears. my 2nd football game as a coach was postponed due to 9/11.

i'll never forget. thanks, pete, cjc, kao, and bostic for the beautiful reminders.

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This is a nice article from USA Weekend yesterday in case anyone missed it.

I know this has been mentioned repeatedly how cowardly the terrorists are but I must say that not only are they very, very cowardly but also hypocritical. They claimed to hate America so much and then used the very freedoms they hate as a means of attacking us. Thank a firefighter, policeman, and serviceman today. God Bless America!!

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Thanks, Pete. What a great thread. Unfortunately, the people who have seemed to forgotten probably won't tkae a look in this thread.

As I type this, my students are writing an essay on the word "Freedom" and what it means to them. I will not, as a responsible educator, slant their education to fit an agenda of mine or to follow along with my beliefs. I teach my students to be their own and think on their own. However, today, I will give them a lesson on remembering and honoring; things everyone in this great nation should know and do, regardless of their political ideology.

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I lived in arlington va that year and day about 3 miles west of the pentagon, and i was outside removing trash from my vehicle because

i was to have a few passengers that day to goto a local cemetary to bury my grandmother.

Well i did hear and see a plane flying low just south of my house, being close to Reagon Airport, i thought nothing of it. Finished cleaning and vacumming the car out and went inside and got a call from a friend of mine, telling me what had happened. I was in shock as i turned the TV on, i saw those peoples last few minutes of their lives before hitting the pentagon.

Then traffic was gridlock all over about a hour later, my grandmothers funeral got moved back to about 5PM that day because of it, was supposed to be at noon. It was the most somber funeral i had been to EVER. My grandmother and those lives lost that day were on everyones minds, and im sure it made my grandmother turn over in her grave, the saddest day of my life.


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I never feared for this country until reading this message board last year, and seeing that over 30 members of ExtremeSkins believed their own government murdered 3,000 citizens and manufactured the greatest conspiracy in the history of the world.

How any American could believe that- aside from the technical impossibility of their lunacy-

shattered my belief in our strength and unity. We can't win this world war if 15% of the American public is a fifth column wanting the government to fail.


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I never feared for this country until reading this message board last year, and seeing that over 30 members of ExtremeSkins believed their own government murdered 3,000 citizens and manufactured the greatest conspiracy in the history of the world.

How any American could believe that- aside from the technical impossibility of their lunacy-

shattered my belief in our strength and unity. We can't win this world war if 15% of the American public is a fifth column wanting the government to fail.


AFC. This is a comemerative thread. Take political BS elsewhere.

While I share your sentiment, this isn't the place

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I never can forget that day

I was in college at the time, and for those of us who were in college on 9/11, this was the defining moment of our college years

It was about 10 till 9 or so when I heard my roomate yell from the living room "hey Ismail, the World Trade Center got bombed" I quickly got out of bed, and the thought in my head was "they got it," the "they" being some anti WTO protestors I had met the day before on campus. Obviously that was silly, but it was the first thought in my head

We sat there and just watched tv for the next few moments, and CNN was showing the fire burning when BOOM another explosion. Holy **** was all we could both say

The magnitude though still had not hit us about what was going on until my other roomate and I went to the gym at 9:30, as was our Tuesday routine. While working out, people were watching the TV's at McComas Hall at VT, and I tried to explain to someone what happened. By this point, I knew it was Al Qaeda and middle eastern terror, so I was actually a bit concerned for my own safety just in case someone wanted to get quick retalition in the moment on a brown guy

Once again while watching the TV at the gym reports were coming, "the pentagon has been struck by a plane, a car bombing outside of the State Department, another flight has crashed in Pennsylvania"

We finally got out of the gym and just thought "what the hell is going on" Class had not been cancelled yet at Tech for the day, but I had already decided not to go

I remember going back on campus around 4 that day to get some food, and just saw the blank empty looks of everyone, absoultley stunned. I remember trying to get my brother out of school, trying to get in contact with anyone back home just to make sure everyone was ok. And thats when the magnitude of what happened really hit me, that America is under attack, and that things just will not be the same

And of course being college kids, we tried to distract ourselves, but it wasn't happening. We remained fixated on the TV all day, and all week

I'll never forget

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