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Twas the night before...............


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This is a poem I have done in the past, and once again have reserected it for our season opener....................

Twas the night before our first game, and all cross the land

The talk was about football, our season’s at hand

The redskins are playing, the Vikes Monday night

Childress and the boat boys are in for a fight

The fans will be huddled, with fists over head

While visions of victory, dance through our heads

The beer will be flowing, from bottle and tap

As we settle in front, of the TV and chat

When up on the screen, there arose such a clatter,

The games about to start, and nothing else matters.

Away to the kitchen they’ll run like a flash,

To get some more popcorn, before the teams clash

They’ll pound on their chests and yell here we go

lets pound on the Vikings, and put on a show

When, what to our wondering ears should we hear,

Smoot flappin his gums, the traitor is here

With a little old QB, not lively or quick,

The defense they will crush him, it’s gonna be sick

More rapid than eagles, the blitzes they’ll come,

and we will pound Brad until he is numb.

With Taylor and Arch, plus others blitzin

In ol Brad draws, you might find some shlitzin

So hit him so hard, he fumbles the ball

Then dash away! dash away! To the endzone yall

As long passes that before, we have see fly,

Brunell’s strong arm, will light up the sky,

To all the receivers the passes they flew,

And don’t forget Sellers, he’ll get at least two

And then, in a twinkling, we will see proof

Betts will have numbers that go through the roof

The offence is clicking , preseason a bluff,

don’t worry people, we will score enough

We’ll be dressed in our gear, from our heads to feet,

as we see the coin tossed, we come out of our seat;

A bundle of nerves, as the coin hits the ground

The Redskins will receive, what a wonderful sound.

Our eyes -- how they twinkle! our smiles so merry!

Those white on white unies, look so damn cherry!

With a quick little wave, all players in a row

The ball is kicked off, it’s time for the show;

The chump of a coach, clinched tight his teeth

as his team just got flagged, for a hit that was cheep;

He has a scared look, and pain in his belly,

you can sence the mans fear, while viewing the tele.

He’s an arrogant young chump, all full of himself,

And I laugh when I see him, I may pizz myself;

I look at this guy and think in my head,

at this point he’s having strong feelings of dread;

Gibbs spoke not a word, Saunders went straight to work,

and unlike Childress, doesn’t look like a jerk

And laying his finger, aside of his nose

And giving a nod, to the QB he chose;

Brunell sprang from the huddle, the fans scream and whistled,

And away Moss flew, just like a cruise missile.

But I heard him exclaim, as he ran out of sight,

"The season has started, Vikings get trounced tonight"

Here's to a long and productive season.................. :cheers:

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The fans will be huddled, with fists over head

While visions of victory, dance through our heads

I'm not so sure about this rhyme here. Is it even called a rhyme when you use the same word? ;) :laugh::laugh:

j/k, it was great. As much as I usually hate poetry, I can't wait to see your poem for next week's Dallas game. :applause: :notworthy


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