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Romo might beat out Bledsoe


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The fact that this thread has gone so long and that you're fighting the results of our first pre-season game is enjoyable. :cool:

Hey, like I just said, let Romo sits to pee play when it counts. No where in this thread did I say he couldn't get the job done or didn't look good yesterday. Let's just cut right to the point and put him in on openin day and prove he is the future. :)

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One more thing TheHereAfter, what do you think the over/under is on Jason Campbell tonight? I'm going to go out on a limb and say he will probably not do very well, but when you check the boards here, people will say extremely positive things about him. Especially since Gibbs drafted him.

Something you haven't figured out WeownU is that this is ATN. I suggest you start this line in a thread over in the Stadium...and uh, I think you may hear the word 'troll' bandied about.

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One more thing TheHereAfter, what do you think the over/under is on Jason Campbell tonight? I'm going to go out on a limb and say he will probably not do very well, but when you check the boards here, people will say extremely positive things about him. Especially since Gibbs drafted him.

People here will always spin positively towards Campbell. There's no doubt about that. I have no idea how he's been doing in camp other than the Ravens scrimmage or how he'll do tonight? This is his 6th system is 6 years so it may take time for him to come along. I'll be watching tonight, who knows?

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People here will always spin positively towards Campbell. There's no doubt about that. I have no idea how he's been doing in camp other than the Ravens scrimmage or how he'll do tonight? This is his 6th system is 6 years so it may take time for him to come along. I'll be watching tonight, who knows?

Yeah, that 6th system in 6 years has got to be messing with his head. Poor guy. Looks like he'll be in this system for a while though with Saunders. At least until Lil Danny Snyder finds the next "hot new coach" to replace him with. So maybe a couple years?

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You didn't answer the question.

Should Romo sits to pee start the season?

That's a very interesting question and seems to be a small debate amongst Cowboys fans. There's been a buzz about Romo sits to pee for a while now, this just didn't happen overnight. Word is he's been outperforming Drew for the last two camps. He's been patiently learning for 3 years now and seems to be coming along nicely. Starting Romo sits to pee for the regular season might mean taking a step backwards but he can do things that Drew can't. It's a tough call, but I'm sure Drew will be the starter come week 1. At the very least, we're starting to see what we have behind Bledsoe.

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That's a very interesting question and seems to be a small debate amongst Cowboys fans. There's been a buzz about Romo sits to pee for a while now, this just didn't happen overnight. Word is he's been outperforming Drew for the last two camps. He's been patiently learning for 3 years now and seems to be coming along nicely. Starting Romo sits to pee for the regular season might mean taking a step backwards but he can do things that Drew can't. It's a tough call, but I'm sure Drew will be the starter come week 1. At the very least, we're starting to see what we have behind Bledsoe.

Well, that is a dilemma isn't it.

Considering the pressure to win this year, I'd think it's a bad move to stick Romo sits to pee in there...especially with TO as his coach.

I'd like to see it, though. ;)

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Guest sith lord

It will be very interesting if when TO comes back that he gels with Romo sits to pee more than he does with Bledsoe. And we all know that TO will not remain silent about that. Then what does Parcells do?

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cowboys are very lucky i dont think they need to draft a qb for the future Romo sits to pee is looking amazing.......

lets hope jason campbell does better he has more talent 6-5 big arm fast and can scramble and great accuracy then Romo sits to pee just got to put it to work.......

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That's a very interesting question and seems to be a small debate amongst Cowboys fans. There's been a buzz about Romo sits to pee for a while now, this just didn't happen overnight. Word is he's been outperforming Drew for the last two camps. He's been patiently learning for 3 years now and seems to be coming along nicely. Starting Romo sits to pee for the regular season might mean taking a step backwards but he can do things that Drew can't. It's a tough call, but I'm sure Drew will be the starter come week 1. At the very least, we're starting to see what we have behind Bledsoe.

Quote from above" Its a tough call" Amazing....after one preseason game, the first preseaon game. You know the game were starters dont play at all or for maybe 15 plays, Cowyboy fans are pondering Romo sits to pee as the starter. Yes I am objective, so I will say it, his stats looked good, but the con...he did most of his work against second teamers and only managed one touchdown in 60 minutes.

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Quote from above" Its a tough call" Amazing....after one preseason game, the first preseaon game. You know the game were starters dont play at all or for maybe 15 plays, Cowyboy fans are pondering Romo sits to pee as the starter. Yes I am objective, so I will say it, his stats looked good, but the con...he did most of his work against second teamers and only managed one touchdown in 60 minutes.

You guys critisize Bledsoe to death for his age and lack of mobility and now you question Boys fans for pondering his potential successor. At some point a new guy has to get a look in the regular season. It's the only way to know. I doubt it happens but it's just an interesting question right now.

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30 day suspention for reporting a violation that wasnt a violation? I have seen plenty of times people being told to report violations. I myself was told to report violations. Does this mean if I report a violation and you dont feel its a violation I get banned for 30 days too?

If you dont want members of the site sending violation reports I would remove the option, because getting suspended for doing what you are supposed to do seems messed up to me.

BigD: It wasn't my action but I don't mind explaining a bit.

After a thread awhile back, when bubba was talking to a couple of cowboy fans and told them about reporting posts when they honestly felt they were being violated. Its up to all members to know the rules. We immediately received a number of silly reports that were obviously cowboy fans trying to play "look how we're abused."

They were being made about remarks that were nothing more than mirror images of ones they had made, and were not worth censurng on either side. Though that should have been obvious by the fact that no action was taken in those threads, the reports continued. It was a waste of our time and not funny.

The member suspended in this case has been here long enough to know that the report he made was not offense-worthy at all. People who abuse the "report a post " function to make a personal point are always subject to action. If it was a new poster making a genuine mistake, no problem. A guy who knows full well that he's bringing the staff in through a report just as a way of venting his petulance or annoynace with the guy he's talking to, when there's obviously no real violation, simply does so at his own risk.

We are not here to be jerked around by random self-indulgent twinges, though we are usually pretty forgiving. In this case, the behavior had been worn thin by a number of such incidents from visiting cowboy fans. It didn't happen at all last year so this is a good, and fair, way to start to put a halt to it.

Of course we welcome suggestions, but your comment about the "report a post" function if basically flatulence. It works great other than when the occasional fool(s) abuses it. I believe you know we wouldn't just ban someone "only" for making a false report. Like most of our decisions, context plays a role. And a call is a call, agree or disagree.

BTW, Romo sits to pee looked pretty good, I thought. He and Alex Smith (Smith even moreso) offered some encouraging performances for their fans. I'm sure hoping Campbell looks ok tonight. I have faith in the guy overall based on the total story to date, and it won't evaporate even if he doesn't excel tonight. But the sooner I see him look really competent on the field in a pre-season game, the more secure I'll be.

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Hey, like I just said, let Romo sits to pee play when it counts. No where in this thread did I say he couldn't get the job done or didn't look good yesterday. Let's just cut right to the point and put him in on openin day and prove he is the future. :)

Are you gonna start JC week 1? :rolleyes: It's a good thing to have a solid back up I thought? That's all he is right now.

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As much as it pains me to do it i have to partially agree with the girls fans on this one..... Romo sits to pee has looked good even tho its preseason, but on the other hand bubba is right bout the other every play ive seen the girls o-line has been pushed back several yards..... Romo sits to pee might be able to survive back there but will bledsoe be able to?

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