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New video of 9/11 online now..

Air Force Cane

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Yea, and it is such a shame the person who is responsible for the crime is still free, and we used the horror of 9-11 to invade Iraq .

You're an *******! I'd break your ****in neck if I was right there. If you watched the whole thing, it wasn't about Iraq.

EDIT: Maybe I went a bit too far, but I just don't see how after watching that piece, you can say something like that. That was just ****ing ridiuclous.

EDIT: Yeah, I do apologize. I posted that right after viewing the piece. Chom, nothing was really meant by it. But obviously, that day stirs up lots of emotion in some people. I apologize to anyone else who was offended by my comments.

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Yea, and it is such a shame the person who is responsible for the crime is still free, and we used the horror of 9-11 to invade Iraq .

After watching that, (I am assuming you watched it) you come back with a post like that? Pretty pathetic.

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After watching that, (I am assuming you watched it) you come back with a post like that? Pretty pathetic.

Chom is angry, and I think it's a pretty appropriate emotional response.

This wasn't a natural disaster -- someone planned it, someone was behind it, and he is still out there free. It makes me angry, too.

As for Iraq, I honestly think that the administration, rather than respecting it, USED the tragedy, heroism and emotional response of Americans to advance their predetermined money-grubbing agenda. I can't speak for Chom, but yeah, when I think about the Iraq war, I think about the supreme "slap in the face" disrespect it is and I feel anger, too.

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I see that and I can't help but think of how terrible the day was. I was close enough to the pentagon to see the smoke. I remember walking outside in Arlington and seeing people standing around with blank looks while others crowded the streets trying to get out of the area. I remember the fear. I wouldn't use the word "incredible" to describe the day - terrible is a better fit.

I see those images, feel the memories, and can't help but think about those with nations at war. We lost two buildings and suffered a massive attack on a third. We lost our countrymen and many their friends and families that day. What must it be like for those being attacked daily? Not simply suffering a sudden attack but literaly watching buildings fall around them and wondering when an errant bomb will find it's way to their home.

It's sad to see the destruction triggered by some religious fanatics that decided they needed to kill those different from themselves. "All evil begins with this belief that another's existence is less precious than mine" - quote from The Messiah of Morris Avenue

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Yea, and it is such a shame the person who is responsible for the crime is still free, and we used the horror of 9-11 to invade Iraq .

I agree with your post that the US "used the horror of 9-11 to invade Iraq" if your statement was code for "We attacked Iraq the first time in response to their aggression against a soverign country and then the second time in response to their continued defiance of the UN Security Council". If not, your post was just more rationalizing nonsense used by people who will attempt to change history to fit their small minded view of the world.

The video was great. Hard to watch near the end as I had to dab my eyes a few times. At least some of us will "NEVER Forget" (to me, never doesn't mean a few months and then back to status quo).

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You're an *******! I'd break your ****in neck if I was right there. If you watched the whole thing, it wasn't about Iraq.

EDIT: Maybe I went a bit too far, but I just don't see how after watching that piece, you can say something like that. That was just ****ing ridiuclous.

EDIT: Yeah, I do apologize. I posted that right after viewing the piece. Chom, nothing was really meant by it. But obviously, that day stirs up lots of emotion in some people. I apologize to anyone else who was offended by my comments.

Apology accepted.

I certainly understand your initial response though.

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A horrible crime and a horrible tragedy.

I wish there was nothing left of Bin Laden today but a greasy smear on a Pakastani boulder.

The fact that I agree with Chom that this administration has responded to 9/11 in a utterly stupid and self-defeating manner in no way takes away from the tragedy of the event. Damn - we had just about the whole world on our side ready to cooperate in rooting out these d*cks and we just pissed it all away by invading Iraq and now there are more Islamic extremist *ssholes than ever. sigh

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I think alot of you are being a little too harsh on chromerics. I don't know if we used the 9/11 events to invade Iraq, but there is a SIGNIFICANT amount of people who believe it, and there is enough evidence to support those who believe it as well.

9/11 was a horrible day, but the fact remains, Bin Laden is still free, he's still alive, and you hear VERY little about us still trying to track him down. But we all see our countrymen dying in Iraq on a daily basis while Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11 is still out there running free.

I think there is one thing we will all agree on.......Bin Laden is probably not in Iraq. But we are.

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I think alot of you are being a little too harsh on chromerics. I don't know if we used the 9/11 events to invade Iraq, but there is a SIGNIFICANT amount of people who believe it, and there is enough evidence to support those who believe it as well.

9/11 was a horrible day, but the fact remains, Bin Laden is still free, he's still alive, and you hear VERY little about us still trying to track him down. But we all see our countrymen dying in Iraq on a daily basis while Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11 is still out there running free.

I think there is one thing we will all agree on.......Bin Laden is probably not in Iraq. But we are.

And he probably isn't in Afghanistan either...but we are. And he probably isn't in the Horn of Africa...but we are. And he probably isn't in the Philipines...but we are.

And he probably is contained in a remote location where, at least to this point, he has been unable to execute anything on the magnitude of what we witnessed in that movie since then. And he may be in a country that would prefer to keep their assistance of our efforts on the "down low", and have said they will allow limited, clandestine operations within their borders but not full scale military operations. I guess we could keep invading countries until we find him.

There is no need to divide the board on this issue. Terrorism affects us all

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All I really have to say is WOW!!! A truely powerful video. The part that really got me was the pictures of the people hanging out the windows then the ones that jumped. God bless all that have suffered and all the ones that helped.

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Yea, and it is such a shame the person who is responsible for the crime is still free, and we used the horror of 9-11 to invade Iraq .

Agreed. So sad we had the guy 10 years ago, and we let him walk. So sad he was allowed to complete the mission he failed at once before because we simply did not go after terrorists in the '90s. Could have saved thousands of lives.

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It sucks that when people hear words "War on Terror" many of them think of political moves by this administration, wasted opportunities, disregarded Constitutiton, unnecessary war, wasted billions, etc - instead of thinking about actually fighting against terrorism worldwide...

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Agreed. So sad we had the guy 10 years ago, and we let him walk. So sad he was allowed to complete the mission he failed at once before because we simply did not go after terrorists in the '90s. Could have saved thousands of lives.

Or perhaps we shouldn't have poured funds to his freedom fighters in the early 1980's in an attempt to weaken the Soviet Republic. :rolleyes:

You know, it's rather easy to look back and place blame.

BTW - this video was a nice tribute - I just wish my ears weren't bleeding now from being subjected to Enya.

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The part that really got me was the pictures of the people hanging out the windows then the ones that jumped.
I agree 100%. Those images of people jumping to their deaths to avoid a worse fate inside kill me. Have you seen the ones of people holding hands and jumping? Terrible just terrible. I also hurt when I see the families of loved ones missing. The look of destruction on their faces...

Mans inability to live in peace is horrible.

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