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Taliban to be broken by years end


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This is potentially very good news. It will at least free up more troops for other actions.


Taliban will be broken by year-end: Afghan minister


Sunday, July 16, 2006; 8:37 PM

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - NATO and Afghan forces will be able to break the back of Taliban resistance in southern Afghanistan before the end of this year, the country's defense minister said in an interview published on Monday.

General Rahim Abdul Rahim Wardak told the Financial Times in Kabul Afghan intelligence had learned that the Taliban's command and control structure was fragmenting due to heavy losses and many mid-ranking commanders were fleeing to safety in Pakistan.

"I think that in the next two or three months there will be some major changes," Wardak said, predicting that by November Taliban militants would have lost steam.

"The way the Taliban are fighting, it looks like they are crazy. They are no match for these forces and usually that is why they suffer heavy casualties. They cannot continue like that."

Foreign troops have launched one of their biggest offensives against militants since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 as NATO prepares to take over in the south from a U.S.-led coalition force at the end of this month.

Wardak said Taliban militants had stepped up their attacks to coincide with the alliance deployment, aiming to undermine public support for the Afghanistan mission in European NATO countries.

"There is a regrouping and an intensification of the efforts," he said in the interview. "One element has to do with this takeover of NATO from the coalition."

More than 1,600 people have been killed in Afghan violence this year, most of them Taliban, according to U.S. and Afghan figures. More than 60 foreign troops have been killed.

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Until Pakistan steps up and eliminated training camps in their country, I don't see this as happening. I heard Afghanistan ministers claiming that Pakistan is arming the Taliban.

Pakistan is not that stupid.

(**I would hope.)

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Until the following happens not likely

1. The Taliban are pakstanis and are armed and financially supported by pakistan.

2. Till the ISI (Pakistan's CIA) is infiltrated, the Taliban will forever live on

3. Til Pakistan actively stops supporting the taliban and disbands all terrorist camps openly working inside's its borders the Taliban will always live on, coming back another day.

if you see the awesome Discovery program about US troops fighting in Afganistan, you will see how many US troops are now focusing on pakistan openly saying to the Camera, "We don't trust the Pakistanis". The US troops now know why the are fighting an uphill battle because the taliban can easily move accross the border to pakistan without fearing a backlash.

4. Stop Pakistan from supporting terrorists, go in there and either bomb the hell of their terrorist camps and gain control or be forever in a position of simnply sttoping the taliban for a limited time till they arm themselves again and come abck to fight another day.

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Until Pakistan steps up and eliminated training camps in their country, I don't see this as happening. I heard Afghanistan ministers claiming that Pakistan is arming the Taliban.

Yea, we need to crush those Playgrounds, and Monkey Bars, those terrorists are training in

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The is soo funny. What ahs pakistan done really do be a real ally of ours. Always remember, they will always do a little bit and then ask for more financial and military support but will never gives us the Big Carrot we want.

Condi Rice and the current Bush Adminstration is becoming more and more impatient with pakistan because they always arrest a couple of small guys but somehow the VIP target escapes. And the number 1 target the West wants to talk to who is AQ Khan, we cannot even come close too.

If WW3 starts Iran/N Korea one day say they can produce Nuclear weapons, blame one country and one man - AQ Khan and Pakistan.

I would advice all of you to research what this man freakin did and how the Govt of pakistan let him do it.

Also watch a Discoveryshow called "Nuclear Jihad" which is one scary show. It talks how AQ Khan who headed Pak's Nuclear program was caught selling Nuclear blueprints to Iran and N Korea or that matter anyone else for a price. This guy even made DVD's with exact step by step blueprints and sold them to various buyers.

A short few years later, we know hear that both these countries want to produce Nuclear energy (We know that is complete BS) and know the US really wants to interrogate this guy, but the Pak Gv't has said **** off, you can't talk to him at all.

Now the US is slowly realizing that basically Pak is the one country where 90% of the World terrorists are going for their training and financial support. And where do you think our Good Ole firend Osama is living now - Pakistan under the protection of its ISI. There was an artcile that came out in Dawn (www.dawn.com - paks largest english paper) which said the ISI is untouchable and no part of its Gov't can make the ISI do anything.

America Wake up, Pak is not really giving us what we need, always giving us a little carrot to keep us happy for a month while something bigger and badder is ahpening and we can't do **** about it.

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KABUL, Afghanistan - Taliban militants seized two towns in tumultuous southern Afghanistan, forcing police and government officials to flee, officials said Monday.


Yeah, I read that. The article I posted was only 30 min. old when I posted it. I believe it was in response to that news. From what I understand from all the articles I read, most of Afghanistan is secure (relatively I guess), save that southern part, which is where they took over those towns, and where that coalition offensive is taking place.

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Pakistan is not that stupid.

(**I would hope.)

Nope. Pervez has played his cards as well as possible

Talking to my cousin yesterday about Musharraf, he says that he is the best thing to happen to Pakistan. Some may disagree, but if you had the boobs who were in power in the 1990s in Pakistan after 9/11, we would have never gotten into Afghanistan as easily as we did

There is a lot of hearsay in this thread which I quite honestly do not feel like debunking because I will write an encylopedia on this. But realize that the terrorists tried to kill Musharraff 4 times, one of which he had to dive the damn limo himself to get out of danger

The man cannot look like a lap dog in his own country, which quite honestly he has as many elements believe he has given the US too much and allowed the US to violate Pakistani sovergnty, while the outside world does not think he has done enough. Catch-22

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The Taliban? The TALIBAN? Weren't they eliminated and "smoked out of their holes" after the invasion of Afghanistan? BTW, what ever happened to Bin Laden? You know, the person who was responsible for 9-11?

Either Cheney or Rummy told us a long time ago that the Taliban was done. So, I was alittle surprised with this story.

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The Taliban? The TALIBAN? Weren't they eliminated and "smoked out of their holes" after the invasion of Afghanistan? BTW, what ever happened to Bin Laden? You know, the person who was responsible for 9-11?

Yes, but the war on terror stops, you idiot. And Bin Laden is where he should be - holed up in a cave somewhere, totally irrelevant. Of course, we all would like to see his head on a stick, but he is as good as dead right now.

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Yes, but the war on terror stops, you idiot. And Bin Laden is where he should be - holed up in a cave somewhere, totally irrelevant. Of course, we all would like to see his head on a stick, but he is as good as dead right now.

Really? You know where Bin Laden is and who he is talking to? Sombody give this man a job at the CIA! Oh wait, nevermind, they gave up looking for him. :doh:

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Really? You know where Bin Laden is and who he is talking to? Sombody give this man a job at the CIA! Oh wait, nevermind, they gave up looking for him. :doh:

We know what region he is in. But, to actually find him is almost an impossible task, no matter how many troops we have there. The only way to really get to him is to nuke the entire area. But, we know what you and other lefties would think about that. Oh, by the way, we have not giving up looking for him. Stop listening to Michael Moore and Ted Kennedy.

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