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What should the Offense be named?


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There has been some talk and comparisons made with other offenses such as the Rams' "Greatest show on Turf", the Skins' "Fun Bunch" and "Smurfs". With the Additions of Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, and Al Saunders, this team could break some records. I know that there will be some criticism and pokes by the Cowboy Fans here but please keep it real.

* Come on. Brandon Lloyd and a #3 special teams ace in ARE are going to set records? If Brunell...when Brunell goes down this offense will be nonexistent.


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There has been some talk and comparisons made with other offenses such as the Rams' "Greatest show on Turf", the Skins' "Fun Bunch" and "Smurfs". With the Additions of Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, and Al Saunders, this team could break some records. I know that there will be some criticism and pokes by the Cowboy Fans here but please keep it real.

Here is my input: The Federal Express

How about...

The Redskins

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* Come on. Brandon Lloyd and a #3 special teams ace in ARE are going to set records? If Brunell...when Brunell goes down this offense will be nonexistent.


This coming from a fan of a team that can't BUY a Super Bowl win WITH Owens & now, their biggest WR star is a guy who would be a #3 guy on any other NFL team. Not to mention, a QB who is less acurate in the QB position then he is the RB position.

That being said, you should get down on your knees & thank God for every win you bums are gonna get this season. Just a thought...


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Only one name would satisfy...

2007 Superbowl Champs.

Getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren't we? Let's be the 2006 champions, first.

And yes, it is kinda weird that while the Superbowl is always the next year, it is still pertinent to when the season began. (Steelers are the 2005 champions, we're the 1991 champions)

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* Come on. Brandon Lloyd and a #3 special teams ace in ARE are going to set records? If Brunell...when Brunell goes down this offense will be nonexistent.

You must live under a rock:rolleyes:

How bout them Eagles? :eaglesuck

Wait to name the offense till the season starts fellas. Or until Traing Camp :D

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* Come on. Brandon Lloyd and a #3 special teams ace in ARE are going to set records? If Brunell...when Brunell goes down this offense will be nonexistent.


Can Extreme show us that they still have some nuts, and Ban this guy. I have seen several of his/her posts to date, and they are all trollish.

:banhim: :banhim: :banhim: :banhim: :banhim: :banhim: :banhim: :banhim:

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Ya cant have anymore fun-bunches! Dont blame Canada, blame Dallas!!! They took the fun-bunch away after we beat there ass 31-10 for 1st place in the East in there house in 83, went crying to the commisioner like lil gurls :cry:

Watta shame that with all the competition this year in and out of the East, the NFL takes away all celebrating. This is the most Exciting game in the world to watch, but the NFL doesnt want anyone to celebrate it :doh:

Hard to nicname any player or fun-bunch now days when ya got a BUNCH OF OLD boring people in the NFL office who needs to leave the dayum game alone. Whats next years new rule, if fans clap our teams lose points?

Thanks Dallas, and I didnt think I could hate ya any more then I did :doh:

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