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What should the Offense be named?


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There has been some talk and comparisons made with other offenses such as the Rams' "Greatest show on Turf", the Skins' "Fun Bunch" and "Smurfs". With the Additions of Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, and Al Saunders, this team could break some records. I know that there will be some criticism and pokes by the Cowboy Fans here but please keep it real.

Here is my input: The Federal Express

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I felt it was a good discussion to bring up and that the Redskins have an very good chance to have the best offense ever with AS as OC. Don't you think? or Do we always have to wait and see before doing something to create flare and excitement about our team? I for one believe that creating a flare and excitement about our team is needed.

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Nooooooooooooooo.. C'mon MossFan89 That wouldn't be the ES way now would it... :cool:

Personally, as a guy who comes on this site and rarely says anything meaningful or insightful, I have to ask you a question... What is your motivation? Why are you here? Is it because you live in MD and feel more comfortable around the locals? Aren't you a cowboys fan? Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to be with other cowboy fans?

What sort of satisfaction could you possibly get by coming on here and pointing out how "homerish" everyone here is? Is it just the way your personality works? Is there some mystical, philosophical method to your madness that I'm missing?

I've never hung out on computer message boards until I found this site. I don't know if you consider your behavior "normal" or "acceptable," or "justified" in this context.

I find myself questioning my priorities when its 2 a.m. in the morning and i'm worrying about these meaningless issues...

EDIT: I can't believe that I completely missed your explanation in the "whats up with these crazy cowboyz fans" thread. You don't have to reply to any of the crap I just wrote.... :doh:

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