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What should the Offense be named?


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Yea its too early to say anything and lets not be all hype before the season starts.

I would suggest, The Murderers.... representing South East

Oh, that was an intelligent answer. And you have Joe's name to boot. Do you have anymore thought provoking nicknames that you can conjure up?.......:doh:

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There has been some talk and comparisons made with other offenses such as the Rams' "Greatest show on Turf", the Skins' "Fun Bunch" and "Smurfs". With the Additions of Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, and Al Saunders, this team could break some records. I know that there will be some criticism and pokes by the Cowboy Fans here but please keep it real.

Here is my input: The Federal Express

That is pretty good I am not too much in to nicknames myself. But, I do like that one.

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Yea we should most def get a new name, because if I were playing a team with a nickname such as "fun bunch" or "Smurfs", it would strike no sort of intimidation in me lol. But I'm sure that they'll back it up with gameplay, but at the same time, why not have an intimidating name, for an intimidating offense.

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Yea its too early to say anything and lets not be all hype before the season starts.

I would suggest, The Murderers.... representing South East

What elementary school did you attend in S.E? I went to Birney Elementary, on Martin Luther King Ave, South East; Douglass Junior High on Stanton RD, South East and Eastern S.H. (how did I end up over there, well I wanted to beat up on Dallas fans) but Eastern sits on a street that splits S.E. and N.E. Coincidentally, all the Dallas fans ate lunch just across the street on the S.E side. Yes, I have an under grad (B.S.)

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There has been some talk and comparisons made with other offenses such as the Rams' "Greatest show on Turf", the Skins' "Fun Bunch" and "Smurfs". With the Additions of Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, and Al Saunders, this team could break some records. I know that there will be some criticism and pokes by the Cowboy Fans here but please keep it real.

Here is my input: The Federal Express

Let's call them "The Offense" for now.

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How about the bestest, awesomest, fasted, highest scoring, unstoppable, greatest, coolest, most efficient, ball contol, spread open, 3rd down converting, chains moving, touch down scoring, team ever?

Hmmm, doesn't quite have the ring...

I'll keep thinking and get back to you all. For now, I'm just happy with not having a punter on the roster due to lack of need.

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What elementary school did you attend in S.E? I went to Birney Elementary, on Martin Luther King Ave, South East; Douglass Junior High on Stanton RD, South East and Eastern S.H. (how did I end up over there, well I wanted to beat up on Dallas fans) but Eastern sits on a street that splits S.E. and N.E. Coincidentally, all the Dallas fans ate lunch just across the street on the S.E side. Yes, I have an under grad (B.S.)
It shows. :rolleyes:
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I agree. the Smurfs and Hogs were created by the players, not a bunch of wannebee GM's and Coaches on ES. Sorry to be so blunt.

guys, it's july 14th...we're bored. if somebody wants to start a nickname thread, let him have his fun. true there are a lot of redundant and ridiculous threads out right now, but let me stress again...it's july 14th. let it go.

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