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If your life is on the line, if your livelihood is on the line, you aren't thinking about exciting any fans. That's what this is about. Rashad fought smart, and he is very good. Although, I'd love to see main events go 5 rounds, championship or not.

That's what needs to change. I'd be perfectly fine with every main event being a 5-round bout, title or not.

That being said, this was a pretty tame card. The Russo comeback was nice, Jason Brilz was a surprise challenge, lots of upsets overall.

I assume Rashad is next for Shogun. I think Shogun's going to work him.

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Nobodies calling him a *****. A takes balls and skill to get in that ring and get stole in the mouf.Ok, His style is unpleasing (to be nice to ya bwoy). The tackling I can handle. But the holding up against the fence has got to go. And laying on the ground w/o doing anything(not particularly Sugar) is boring. Hope Mo doesn't turn into this.

Well my original line of responses were aimed at.

Eff Rashad. He's fighting like a little *****.

That looks like he was calling him one.

Anyways, no point in arguing over this anymore.

I was entertained by the fight as a whole, but I get why some people disliked it. We can agree to disagree on the fight.

Looking forward to Lesnar/Carwin (Liddell/Franklin doesnt interest me). :)

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No. Machida should fight Rashad for the right to fight for the belt.

I wanna see Shogun vs. Spider.

Rashad is fighting Shogun next, dana confirmed it in the post fight press conference

Anderson's fighting Sonnen then Vitor before they'll match him with anyone at 205

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anybody else want to see Machida vs. Rampage next?

Yep, it needs to happen. IMO, Rampage will look a lot better now that he's got the ring rust off and he's back into the swing of things. It will be interesting considering Machida's never lost (much less been KO'd) until now. I'm curious to see if he'll show the hesitation that we see with a lot of guys returning from nasty KO losses.

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That looks like he was calling him one.

1. I am a female :)

2. I wasn't calling Rashad a biznatch. I said he was fighting like one. I followed up that post with saying that I hate these types of gameplans. Again, not attributing that name to him personally, but to the fight plan of pushing someone up against the octagon fence to tire him out. Multiple times. Having to be separated by the ref. Multiple times. Unfortunately, I think you might have taken my comments more personally than Rashad even would've :ols:

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Shogun beat Machida TWICE. Machida doesn't deserve another shot yet. Also, it's well known that Spider will not be going after the LHW title. He isn't going to get in Machida's way.

Funny, I coulda swore I payed up for the 1st one....but i know what u mean. The record shows he lost his belt. I feel he should get the shot to get it back over a guy whom he put to sleep. But i guess Rashard didn't get a rematch either. And Machida was K'od. Vitor was good back in the day but eh. I'm ready to see someone challenge Spider and i think that only happens at 205 or maybe a catch weight against GSP. Rampage has been playing Mr. T and riding the Midnight Meat Train, I'm not sure if he has it in him anymore especially how he performed tonight. Maybe it was rust. Putting him against Machida could be a very very boring fight.

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1. I am a female :)

2. I wasn't calling Rashad a biznatch. I said he was fighting like one. I followed up that post with saying that I hate these types of gameplans. Again, not attributing that name to him personally, but to the fight plan of pushing someone up against the octagon fence to tire him out. Multiple times. Having to be separated by the ref. Multiple times. Unfortunately, I think you might have taken my comments more personally than Rashad even would've :ols:

1 - hah...sorry...that is what *SHE* called him. :)

2 - I didn't take it personally at all, I just thought it was the type of response of a casual fan who didn't appreciate his ability to formulate and execute a game plan and that kind of frustrates me. The same way you were annoyed with his gameplan, thats how I felt about the reponse to it.

Anyways it's all subjective and what one person finds boring another can find really interesting. We're not going to change the other persons mind so let's just look forward to a more entertaining fight for everyone next time. :)

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Yeah, a Machida/Rampage rematch would be interesting after Machida KOed him last time. It seems like at this point in Rampage's career he has to dislike a guy or have something to prove to motivate him enough to train seriously. I don't know if his heart is still in it or it's just a paycheck for the man.

Machida has never fought Rampage much less KO'ed him, i assume you are thinking of Rashad.. Rampage has never been finished in the UFC only lost decisions to Forrest and Rashad.. I don't wanna see them fight 2 counter strikers and Loyota is very elusive makes for a bad style fight for Page..

If Page was in better shape he woulda finished that fight period.. Herb Dean was itching to stop it and even we they got back up Rashad still did'nt have his legs.. Shogun will KO Rashad especially in a 5 round fight..

And you guys know if Chuck somehows beats Franklin he is gonna get close to the top.. I'd say if he wins he will fight Randy or Tito and if he wins will get a title fight. Dana wants to give him one last hurrah..

Edited by Samuels
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Why do people like Rampage and dislike Rashad?

not my own opinion, but i would guess it centers around two things:

1. Rampage has done more in MMA. he has a more fan friendly style, including some truly one of a kind "holy ****" moments.

2. he makes people laugh

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Machida has never fought Rampage much less KO'ed him, i assume you are thinking of Rashad.. Rampage has never been finished in the UFC only lost decisions to Forrest and Rashad.. I don't wanna see them fight 2 counter strikers and Loyota is very elusive makes for a bad style fight for Page..

If Page was in better shape he woulda finished that fight period.. Herb Dean was itching to stop it and even we they got back up Rashad still did'nt have his legs.. Shogun will KO Rashad especially in a 5 round fight..

And you guys know if Chuck somehows beats Franklin he is gonna get close to the top.. I'd say if he wins he will fight Randy or Tito and if he wins will get a title fight. Dana wants to give him one last hurrah..

If Chuck beats Franklin in some kind of amazing fashion, IMO they'll probably give him something safe to get another win. Probably a rematch with Jardine or something like that.

Why do people like Rampage and dislike Rashad?

For older MMA fans, he was one of the most entertaining guys back when Pride was still around. Almost every fight he had was exciting as hell. Plus he's funny.

Plus I think it has something to do with the old lion/new lion thing. When fans like a certain fighter for years and then a newer guy pops up and starts threatening his status, it causes resentment. People will catch on to Rashad soon enough.

Edited by #98QBKiller
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Why do people like Rampage and dislike Rashad?

Rampage is hilarious, and he was way fun to watch in Pride and even when he was first brought over to the UFC. Although, even though I like the dude, he pissed me off last night as it was pretty evident that his "time off" (making the movie in Hollywood) very much detracted from his training, he came in fat as hell and had way too much weight to lose prior to the fight...gassing out and not being able to finish Rashad when he was in the perfect position to do so. Anywho, now that he's back, hopefully he'll refocus on training and getting into proper shape and we'll be able to see him kick some ass in the octagon...because I like the guy and don't like being annoyed with him :D

Rashad, well, he rubs me the wrong way. I was just talking to my husband about it last night because he asked me why. In fact, a lot of wrestlers rub me the wrong way when I first meet them or don't get the chance to know them. Hell, my husband rubbed me the wrong way when I first met him, I thought he was an absolute jerk (for people who may not know, he was a collegiate wrestler and is a current Team USA Greco Roman wrestler). Anyway, thought he was a jerk. Once I got to know him however, found out he's actually a good guy. As I got to know him and his teammates in college, and now his teammates at the OTC, there's a subtle personality pattern that I've picked up on. I call it the "wrestler personality" because they all have it, it's really weird. So many of the guys I dislike when I first meet them, then I get to know them and realize they are good guys. Granted, some of guys end up being complete jackasses and that never changes, but there definitely is a similar personality a lot of these guys have that rub people the wrong way. Rashad definitely has it. Maybe he really is a nice guy, but right now, he just annoys me and I dislike him.

That's my long-winded analysis. Thank-you. I'll be here all day.

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Rashad Evans: $435,000 (includes $185,000 win bonus)

def. Quinton Jackson: $250,000

Michael Bisping: $190,000 ($15,000 win bonus)

def. Dan Miller: $15,000

Mike Russow: $24,000 ($12,000 win bonus)

def. Todd Duffee: $8,000

Antonio Rogerio Nogueira: $120,000 ($40,000 win bonus)

def. Jason Brilz: $11,000

John Hathaway: $22,000 ($11,000 win bonus)

def. Diego Sanchez: $50,000

Dong Hyun Kim: $64,000 ($32,000 win bonus)

def. Amir Sadollah: $15,000

Efrain Escudero: $30,000 ($15,000 win bonus)

def. Dan Lauzon: $15,000

Melvin Guillard: $38,000 ($19,000 win bonus)

def. Waylon Lowe: $6,000

Cyrille Diabate: $12,000 ($6,000 win bonus)

def. Luiz Cane: $19,000

Aaron Riley: $20,000 ($10,000 win bonus)

def. Joe Brammer: $5,000

Ryan Jensen: $16,000 ($8,000 win bonus)

def. Jesse Forbes: $6,000

Bisping is overpaid

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I liked the fight last night. I had good money on Rashad and thought the fight was pretty exciting. I knew that all it took was one shot from Rampage to end Rashad and take money out of my wallet so I was very into the clinches and takedowns. I knew it was what Rashad needed to do to win the fight.

I do however hate the cage stuff too. Unfortunately it is where the sport seems to be going, and it is the main reason I have always much preferred fights in a ring. The cage has become a weapon and wrestlers are have the perfect tools to exploit it. It needs to go, but I know it never will.

I hope everyone here hating on Rashad also hates GSP.


that right hook from Rampage would've done some damage if Rashad didn't shoot when he did

That is a sick combo/takedown to side control. Perfect example of setting up your shot with your hands. Great technique to land directly in side control. Rampage should have sprawled instead of throwing that hook. Rashad set him up. The better man won.

Random stuff:

Shogun is going to kill Rashad.

I'll pass on Machida-Rampage right away. I think they should both beat a couple lower tier guys first. Thiago Silva-Rampage would be awesome.

Hathaway looked legit. Only 22 years old. Probably sent Diego back down to 155. Amazing how quickly the sport is evolving. Wasn;t that long ago that Diego was a top contender. Now he is Clay Guida 2.0 Really shows how much Kenny Florian has been working and how good he is. Would anyone take Diego in a rematch with The Flo?

Mike Russow. Holy ****.

Brilz was robbed, but he should have stopped Nog when he had the chance. Instead he just seemed happy to be there and excited he was landing. No killer instinct killed him.

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I liked the fight last night. I had good money on Rashad and thought the fight was pretty exciting. I knew that all it took was one shot from Rampage to end Rashad and take money out of my wallet so I was very into the clinches and takedowns. I knew it was what Rashad needed to do to win the fight.

Rashad's game is so amazingly complete. A rematch would go exactly the same as last night's fight, because Jackson simply can't match his speed while standing or outwrestle Rashad on the ground. No way Evans will punch with him and that's what Rampage needs to beat most fighters.

Evans can do everything. He's more complete than GSP. He's just not as good at the things GSP is good at. Man, I was jumping up and down when Page almost knocked him out, but oh well.

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Rashad's game is so amazingly complete. A rematch would go exactly the same as last night's fight, because Jackson simply can't match his speed while standing or outwrestle Rashad on the ground. No way Evans will punch with him and that's what Rampage needs to beat most fighters.

Evans can do everything. He's more complete than GSP. He's just not as good at the things GSP is good at. Man, I was jumping up and down when Page almost knocked him out, but oh well.

i dont agree with Rashad being more complete than GSP, but i agree with your assessment about a rematch between Rampage/Rashad

depending on the line, i may put a little bit of money on Rashad over Shogun. i think Shogun will win, but Rashad has a real good chance at pulling the upset. styles makes fights, and Rashad is a much tougher fight for Shogun than Rampage.

shogun is going to be taken down repeatedly in that fight. it will come down to if Shogun can catch him coming in, or present any danger from his back. shogun's bjj is criminally underrated, especially his sweeps

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Holy ****, totally agree. And Brilz is wayyyy underpaid for the way he almost sneaked out the victory. He should have finished the fight instead of smiling so much, but in any case, I LOVED that fight.

And Sugar showed who was the better fighter last night. His "game plan" was working and was frustrating Rampage because Rashad wasn't going for the knockout and Rampage was. Too bad Rashad is so much quicker. I'm excited for the Shogun fight, I really don't know who's gonna win that one.

I'd wanna see Rashad drop to Middleweight or Anderson Silva up to LHW and see them fight. They are both quick, and Rashad wouldn't **** around like Maia did. Come to think of it, I'd see Machida or Shogun fight Silva as well. That weight class has zero talent matching to Silva and LHW has 3 fighters who might stand a chance. That and I really just wanna see Silva beat up... especially after the Maia debacle.

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depending on the line, i may put a little bit of money on Rashad over Shogun. i think Shogun will win, but Rashad has a real good chance at pulling the upset. styles makes fights, and Rashad is a much tougher fight for Shogun than Rampage.

Yeah I think we're finding out that Rashad Evans is a tough matchup for anyone.

shogun's bjj is criminally underrated, especially his sweeps

I always felt like Shogun was Lyoto Machida before Lyoto Machida was Lyoto Machida. Not a karate man but a young, mysterious force in Pride that ran right thru the competition to the top. Nobody could "solve" him. However, Machida is hard to hit and Shogun is hard to hurt. Very different bottom line there. Rashad better lay and pray against Rua. His chin won't stand up.

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The thing about Shogun's game is that he is someone you can't really smother without risking getting taken advantage of. Rashad is a master at smothering, but Rua's clinch and guard are insane.

Truth. Dude has truly come back from the shadows to re-establish his excellence. I hope his knees hold up because he's a consummate pro who is also exciting to watch. Great combo.

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I do however hate the cage stuff too. Unfortunately it is where the sport seems to be going, and it is the main reason I have always much preferred fights in a ring. The cage has become a weapon and wrestlers are have the perfect tools to exploit it. It needs to go, but I know it never will.

I hope everyone here hating on Rashad also hates GSP.

Yeah, I agree with you. And yes, while I don't dislike GSP's personality like I dislike Rashad's, but I do hate it when he smothers opponents and doesn't do much to gain position. Although, I will say, I do not think GSP does it at all in the same manner and to the extent that it was done in the fight last night. But I will admit that I sometimes get frustrated watching GSP's fights on occasion.

Bisping is overpaid

I don't think there is ONE thing about that guy that doesn't piss me off. This just adds to the list of things I hate about Bisping.

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Yeah, I agree with you. And yes, while I don't dislike GSP's personality like I dislike Rashad's, but I do hate it when he smothers opponents and doesn't do much to gain position. Although, I will say, I do not think GSP does it at all in the same manner and to the extent that it was done in the fight last night. But I will admit that I sometimes get frustrated watching GSP's fights on occasion.

I think you just don't know Rashad very well. Guy is hard to dislike after watching him on TV enough, imo.

What really gets me about GSP's last fight is Greg Jackson in the corner telling him "don't try to pass" over and over again. It made it crystal clear what their strategy was, and it sucks.

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