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Geographically Appropriate Team Names

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Considering Redskins described the colored(painted) cheeks of native americans getting ready for battle mode and later ceremonial events Its an alright nickname since our team should always prepare for the battle on the gridiron

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If the name is changed it will more than likely be the Warriors. Mr. Daniel Snyder purchased that name a few years back. We would keep the same colors and logo just the name would change.

That name is reserved for the Arena team.

WhenE-V-E-R they start.

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I doubt the Redskins will change thier name, too much history, pull in the NFL, and popularity. If they were like the Bullets (which I always liked) and had a small fan-base they would be forced to change to something stupid like the Wizards....Wizards come on now that is just foolish!! Anyhow if they were forced to change, my vote would just revert back to the Braves. There's history and nobody cares about the baseball team...hell even people in ATL are getting sick of them. Now what to do with HTTR....


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Oh c'mon Tom! What the hell kind of remark was that? Uncalled for.[/Quote]

Actually, it was in response to the original thread starter saying that the Giants name lacked creativity. And it was also sarcasm. I don't really believe it. SO RELAX!!!!!!

And bubba,

You actually made me hurt myself laughing with that, "just ask a giant" comment. :doh:

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Depends on how you look at things, I guess.....but as it has been stated on here many, many times before the term Redskin actually has historical background to it and may not be as derogatory as many think. The term Redskin actual comes from the practice that Native American Indians used to paint their skin red with warpaint made from clay before battles or wars. If an Indian was painted with his Red war colors it meant he was going off to battle......If people speaking out against the name would only take the time to see the true background of the term instead of the modern day "PC" crap they would understand that it may not have ever come from a racist or derogatory nature, but one of true, historical fact.

I am part American Indian as my father was half American Indian and my grandmother full blooded American Indian.....and she told me many times while she was still alive that the term redskin actually meant a warrior was on his way to war. Up until the day she passed away if anyone ever ticked her off she would say she was going to have to go "paint her skin red and put her war paint on". I have many more Native America friends & family who embrace the Redskins because they understand in what way the term is meant. Some Native Americans would disagree with this, and that is their right, as it is mine & my families to believe that the term is meant with honor.

As for the name New York Giants: That name, I feel, actually fits well with them as they are named after the many "giant" skyscrappers in NYC.

Thanks for dropping the knowledge, i never knew that. i have always puzzled over the mascot beef, and always thought well they do have a point when it comes to the redskins, but now it is just crap. i have a very very small % of Oklahoma seminole myself.

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Interesting thread. I like the Redskins name although it may not be the most politically correct choice it works.

Other non-creative names:

New York Jets, blah name and blah logo

New Jersey Nets, might as well be called the NJ Hoops, or NJ Baskets

Sacramento Kings, of what?

Phoenix Suns, appropriate for the weather out there but still boring

Names that make me say wtf?:

New York Knickerbockers :(

Charlotte Bobcats, sounds like a youth team

Seattle Supersonics, what the h*** is that?

I really like DC United's name.


The name kings comes from them being in K.C. it went along with the royals. You know kings,royals.

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But at least it's original. The NY Giants Football team was a copy of the NY Giants Baseball team. Took a lot of brains for them to think up that name

the bears copied the cubs. Except football players are bigger so the owner named them the bears.

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Seattle Supersonics, what the h*** is that?


Dude - Ever hear of a certain Seattle based company called Boeing? They make, um, airplanes. Name makes absolute geographic sense.

Perfect name for a team representing the city with the highest per capita murder rate - Washington BULLETS!!!! Unfortunately, it didn't stick (and yes, I know it came from Baltimore....

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Dude - Ever hear of a certain Seattle based company called Boeing? They make, um, airplanes. Name makes absolute geographic sense.

Perfect name for a team representing the city with the highest per capita murder rate - Washington BULLETS!!!! Unfortunately, it didn't stick (and yes, I know it came from Baltimore....

Actually the Bullets name comes from Balitmore's industry. The bullets during WWI and WWII were manufactured in B-more's munitions factories.

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if we ever do have to change our name, i hope it's to something more interesting than "senators." Anything pertaining to government is boring for a football team. The name of a football team should be something bold and intimidating. Thats why teams use name likes titans, lions, panthers, giants, etc.

If we do have to change our name, hopefully its for something equally "nostalgic" as "redskins."

I was once very concerned about us changing our names. So I did some research and found that there is a bird in the maryland area called...the "redsiskin"...the spelling is correct.

If the PC BS ever doomed our name, we could go with Washington Redsiskins...then we would just put the "R" back in the circle and keep the feather and color and everyone woul dbe happy.

But I pray to God it never happens!

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Okay, this is an interesting thread so here's my $0.02.

The Indianapolis Colts ought to give the Colts name back to Baltimore. Their fans were really bamboozled out of their team, and they did have a history with Johnny U and all.

The Arizona Cardinals just doesn't make sense. There aren't any Cardinals within hundreds of miles of AZ. And it's not like they've had smashing success since they relocated. So unveil a new name, logo etc. Give the St. Louis team back the Cardinals name and let the expansion team in LA take the Rams name. I know, the LA team will probably be the Chargers but let them choose between the two. Or, let the Bills relocate and take the other name.

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The Arizona Cardinals is a bad one. Cardinals are woodland birds. What are they doing in the dessert?

If some day they have to change the Redskin name, then so be it. It is a derogatory term towards Native Americans.

Dessert??? What are the Cardinals eating an apple pie or something??? Ummm Yummy.

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The Redskins name has historical significance, it isn't a derogatory name at all, if you do research. I don't really hear of anyone referring to Native Americans as "redskins" and meaning to be racist, nor do I ever really hear anyone saying racist things about Native Americans. Actually, the thing I hear all the time is that you are not supposed to call them Indians. So, the real problem should be with the Cleveland Indians then, and their mascot "Chief Knock-a-homa" I can see how that would offend people. Redskins won't lose or change their name b/c they fall back on the same argument that their name is, in reality, a term for going to battle, not a slight on the color of someone's skin.

Teams names that are geographically stupid (I'll stick to just football, there are plenty): Jacksonville Jaguars, Carolina Panthers, San Diego Chargers (in a state w/ the biggest energy problems), Detroit Lions, Arizona Cardinals, Cincinatti Bengals, Tennessee Titans, Buffalo Bills (only works w/ the city name, what is a bill?, they are really the buffalo buffalos).

Cleveland Browns, while it is one of the dumbest team names in all of sports, is appropriate though. Brown is a drab, plain, unimpressive color. The city of Cleveland (yes, I have been there) is the same way. The franchise has been doomed to those words: drab, plain, and unimpressive.

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Dude - Ever hear of a certain Seattle based company called Boeing? They make, um, airplanes. Name makes absolute geographic sense.

Perfect name for a team representing the city with the highest per capita murder rate - Washington BULLETS!!!! Unfortunately, it didn't stick (and yes, I know it came from Baltimore....

Bullets was the best name ever. That whole garbage they tried to feed everyone about the name promoting violence was sickening. The team wasn't doing too well, and their management decided they wanted to make more money. Does anyone remeber how everyone got to vote for the name, and that nobody liked the "Wizards" in any of the polls, I believe Dragons and Riverdogs, or something, were the most popular ones. Anyway, that contest was obviously rigged b/c Wizards is a dumb name, nobody really liked it, but it was easy to market, especially to little kids, and a day later all the gear was ready to sell. We was robbed!

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