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Geographically Appropriate Team Names

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When the Houston Oilers moved from Texas to Tennessee in the 90s, they continued to use the name “oilers” for at least the first year following the move. I suppose it was a matter of convenience. If they’d changed the name right away, they would have had to change the logo on the helmets to something other than an oil derrick. The team’s management, following the big move, probably had more important questions in their collective mind than “what should our helmets look like?” So, for at least a year, they were the Tennessee Oilers.

Soon, however, they realized what a silly thing it was to be called the “oilers” in a city and state that had no oil industry (or, at least no major oil industry). They became the “Titans” and, while keeping the color scheme (and adding navy blue to it), they at least made a move towards respectability in the name department. I feel, however, they didn’t go far enough. “Titans” is not a bad name for a pro football team, but it lacks geographic appropriateness and is just generic and shows a lack of creativity, like “Giants” or “Lions” or "Bears."

One of the things that annoys me in pro sports is when a lack of creativity and/or laziness surfaces in the naming of a team and the creation of its logo. I feel that teams should be named appropriately for the city/state/region in which they’re located.

As for the Redskins, I think their team name is passable. That region of the country (Virginia/D.C./Maryland) is one of the places European settlers first encountered native American tribes. Still, I feel like a better name would have something to do with D.C. being the seat of government for our nation (“Senators” or something of that nature). I realize the name will probably never change, especially after weathering the storm of left-wing hatred of mascots using native American motifs.

How about the rest of the NFC East?

Philadelphia Eagles—Not a bad team name. Philadelphia is the resting place of the Liberty Bell and has much to do with our nation’s early history. Since the eagle is the symbol of our nation, it’s geographically compatible.

New York Giants-I pretty much said what I think about this name above. It’s generic. They need to find something more distinctively “New York.”

Dallas Cowboys-A good fit. “Texas” and “cowboys” are synonymous.

Briefly, here are a few more examples of appropriate and inappropriate pro sports team names:


Los Angeles Lakers-When the team was in Minneapolis, this was a perfect name. Are there any lakes in L.A.? The WNBA team name (Stars) works far better for a Hollywood-based team.

Utah Jazz-Another example of a great name in it’s original context (New Orleans) and a horrible name in it’s new home. “Lakers” would be a much better fit for this team.


New England Patriots-Minutemen. The Revolutionary War. New England. Enough said.

Minnesota Vikings-A lot of Swedes, descendants of the marauding Norsemen, settled here. Good choice.

What do you think? Do you like the name Redskins (try to answer this question without emotion)? What are your favorite team names? Least favorites?

Remember, the LA Lakers were originally the Minneapolis Lakers...in the state of a gazillion lakes, the name at that time was apropos. Also, the Utah Jazz were originally the New Orleans Jazz...very fitting moniker too.

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If people think the name Redskins is derogatory, then my choice of "Skins" probably doesn't help too much. I like "Skins" just b/c its one of two teams in the schoolyard ... Shirts and Skins.

To make it something more Washingtony, my other idea is "Marshalls." I thought that would have been a better name than "Wizards" (which sounds too much like the KKK to me). Court Marshalls/Martials ... get it? DC is also a military town, plus John Marshall was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, etc.

I agree about the Arizona Cardinals, but understand the comment about how the team needs the whole State, not just one town (Phoenix). All the same, I think "Firebirds" would be closer to the idea of the real Phoenix in mythology, and the Cards have been called the Birds (at least on ESPN). Plus, its a sweet car.

Of the other teams where the name is right, I think the Broncos works. As a Clevelander whose Browns were stolen, I think Indianapolis should have to give back the name. Something like the Quarrymen or Racers might work (i.e., Indy 500).

Carolina Panthers are real animals. I think they are an endangered or threatened species.

If the Saints have to leave, then the city should get to keep that name (because they go marching in ... but not to LA or San Antonio).

College team names impress me most.

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One of my favorite sports team names of all time is that of a now defunct minor league hockey team based in Macon, GA. It's name transcends its geographical boundaries: the Macon Whoopie.

Minor league teams have much more freedom, it seems, when choosing names and can be much more distinctively "local." There's a minor league baseball team in SC (I think) called the "mudcats." I have a friend from south Georgia who grew up with a minor league baseball team called the "polecats" (vernacular for "skunk").

In the NFL, some of the most appropriate names are, as before mentioned, the Packers and the Steelers. I also think the 49ers are well-named (after the California gold rush of 1849). Broncos is also good for a Western city. Bucaneers is not bad for a coastal town that probably saw a few pirates dock there during their history.

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Dude - Ever hear of a certain Seattle based company called Boeing? They make, um, airplanes. Name makes absolute geographic sense.

Perfect name for a team representing the city with the highest per capita murder rate - Washington BULLETS!!!! Unfortunately, it didn't stick (and yes, I know it came from Baltimore....

Always someone who feels the need to try and preach. " Dude" I know about Boeing but Supersonic isn't a noun it's an adjective which shouldn't be used for a professional team. You dont go, wow look at that supersonic in the air. That's like naming the team the Seattle "Sound Barriers" or the Seattle Machs.


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One name that's always bothered me is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish....why are they called the Fighting Irish when the original and most known Notre Dame cathedral is located in Paris, France? (Other than having their mascot named the "Fighting Frenchman" is a contradiction in terms). I've never understood the Fighting Irish moniker, and if anyone can explain the relevance to me, I sure would appreciate it.

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If people think the name Redskins is derogatory, then my choice of "Skins" probably doesn't help too much. I like "Skins" just b/c its one of two teams in the schoolyard ... Shirts and Skins.

To make it something more Washingtony, my other idea is "Marshalls." I thought that would have been a better name than "Wizards" (which sounds too much like the KKK to me). Court Marshalls/Martials ... get it? DC is also a military town, plus John Marshall was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, etc.

I agree about the Arizona Cardinals, but understand the comment about how the team needs the whole State, not just one town (Phoenix). All the same, I think "Firebirds" would be closer to the idea of the real Phoenix in mythology, and the Cards have been called the Birds (at least on ESPN). Plus, its a sweet car.

Of the other teams where the name is right, I think the Broncos works. As a Clevelander whose Browns were stolen, I think Indianapolis should have to give back the name. Something like the Quarrymen or Racers might work (i.e., Indy 500).

Carolina Panthers are real animals. I think they are an endangered or threatened species.

If the Saints have to leave, then the city should get to keep that name (because they go marching in ... but not to LA or San Antonio).

College team names impress me most.

good lord. watching a harry potter or lord of the rings flick must make you absolutely pissed.

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More NFL name thoughts ...

Cincinnati Bengals. There a healthy bengal tiger population in that part of Ohio? Never quite got the reference, if there even is one. If they were really proud of their city's heritage (and had brass balls), they'd call themselves the Queens.

Look it up. :)

Indianapolis Colts. A travesty that they'd not sell the name back to Baltimore. I think the bad karma they generated from that bonehead move is the reason they can't win a championship with the best quarterback of his generation.

They missed the boat big time by not changing the name to Indianapolis Racers.

Houston Texans. Least creative name this side of the Browns. Way to push the envelope, Mr. McNair. What, your city's---not to mention your state's---history hasn't been varied or interesting enough to come up with something at least a little interesting?

I am hereby putting on curse on your franchise. No Houston team will win a Super Bowl under the name "Texans" for at least 50 years.

I'm serious. Better go ahead and change it now.

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Houston Texans. Least creative name this side of the Browns. Way to push the envelope, Mr. McNair. What, your city's---not to mention your state's---history hasn't been varied or interesting enough to come up with something at least a little interesting?

I am hereby putting on curse on your franchise. No Houston team will win a Super Bowl under the name "Texans" for at least 50 years.

I'm serious. Better go ahead and change it now.

Why not change it back to "Oilers"? It's obviously an appropriate and historical name. Or maybe, ala the Buffalo franchise, the "Houston Sams"?

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Why not change it back to "Oilers"? It's obviously an appropriate and historical name. Or maybe, ala the Buffalo franchise, the "Houston Sams"?

I assume Tennessee's ownership declined to sell the "Oilers" brand back to Houston, much like the Colts with Baltimore. Don't know that though, just thinking I remember reading it once.

As to the Texans ... now that they're cursed and all, I'm thinking they should be called the:

Houston We Have A Problems.

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Perfect name for a team representing the city with the highest per capita murder rate - Washington BULLETS!!!! Unfortunately, it didn't stick (and yes, I know it came from Baltimore....

WTF???? Just because something makes sense doesn't mean they should keep it. Why in the world would you point that out? :mad: In fact, I was living in DC during the time when it was really bad, '93, '94, '95, '96, and '97 ("Murder Capital") which was around the time that they changed the name. I agree 100% with the change. If you operate under the notion that people are only going to rise to the expections that are set for them and that things around you affect your behavior, then changing the Bullets (which came from Baltimore whose murder rate was just below DC during that time frame :doh: ) to something else more positive and less violent would seem logical especially since the franchise was losing games and money. Yes the name Bullets has a negative connotation giving the circumstances of the city. Just think if they were the Carolina Bullets or something like that, people wouldn't think it was negative because Carolina doesn't have the same circumstance as DC.

I don't like the Wizards' name at all but oh well. :mad:

I hope that I explained what I am trying to say clearly. I know that I am all over the place. All in all I love the Reskins' name and I would be pretty upset if it were changed. There are a couple of team names that really make me wonder but the biggest of all would have to be the Utah Jazz. Let me give some advise, when you move a team either make sure that the original name works or change it. :doh:

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Cleveland Browns, while it is one of the dumbest team names in all of sports, is appropriate though. Brown is a drab, plain, unimpressive color. The city of Cleveland (yes, I have been there) is the same way. The franchise has been doomed to those words: drab, plain, and unimpressive.

The Cleveland Browns are NOT named after a color. They are NOT named after a dog. They're named after a man, Paul Brown, who's a football legend in the state of Ohio.

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The Cleveland Browns are NOT named after a color. They are NOT named after a dog. They're named after a man, Paul Brown, who's a football legend in the state of Ohio.

OOO, I know, I know, Let's become the Washington Greens or the DC Theismans. :silly: Cleveland could have come up with something better than that. :doh:

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OOO, I know, I know, Let's become the Washington Greens or the DC Theismans. :silly: Cleveland could have come up with something better than that. :doh:

Well, the Browns are the only professional sports team named after an actual man. Paul Brown was a coaching legend and is considered the grandfather of modern day football. He's synonymous with NE Ohio where American football started.

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Well, the Browns are the only professional sports team named after an actual man. Paul Brown was a coaching legend and is considered the grandfather of modern day football. He's synonymous with NE Ohio where American football started.

Yeah I get all of that. It just seems a little, I don't know, plain. Original yes, but definitely plain. I guess that would explain their helmets. :doh:

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Well, the Browns are the only professional sports team named after an actual man. Paul Brown was a coaching legend and is considered the grandfather of modern day football. He's synonymous with NE Ohio where American football started.

what about the bills? their dumb play on words name makes them all named after "buffalo" bill cody.

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The Baltimore Ravens are another incredibly aptly named team. Edgar Allen Poe, a Baltimore native's most famous work (aguably), is "The Raven". Even the mascots are named Edgar, Allen and Poe.


Miami Dolphins - No explanation needed

Buffalo Bills - None needed either

Seattle Seahawks - I assume is good but no little about the bestiary of the Pacific Northwest


Atlanta Falcons

Chicago Bears

Houston Texans - Both apt and generic all at once

St. Louis Rams

Carolina Panthers

Indianapolis Colts

Wow, I thought I was the only geek to pick up on the Raven's Edgar Allen Poe background. You probably couldn't find a dozen actual Raven's fans that know that.

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']Actually' date=' it was in response to the original thread starter saying that the Giants name lacked creativity. And it was also sarcasm. I don't really believe it. SO RELAX!!!!!!

And bubba,

You actually made me hurt myself laughing with that, "just ask a giant" comment. :doh:[/quote']

It's actually on record that Gheorge Muresan, Andre the Giant as well as Kamala the Ugandan Giant all hated the NY football Giants. :)

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I htink the Texans is a stupid name...it's like "Duh, we're from Texas!"

It would be like the calling teams the...

Green Bay Wisconsins

San Francisco Californians

Miami Floridians

etc, etc, etc...

It is just the state capital and then the state name.

so it would be like the richmond virginians

or Tallahassee Floridians

and on a side note why do some teams have a name of a state(New York jets/giants)and some have a name of a city(miami dolphins) and some have a name of a region(New England pats). And then there is the washington redskins in a district. :whoknows:

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