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I dont know how smart that was actually when they really dont put the emphasis on the tag team anymore which is very disapointing but I digress

I do miss having legitimate tag team division. It's just so empty now and I friggen hate when they throw two singles together to make some crappy tag team

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Why does everyone hate Cena so much? Granted, I am not his biggest fan...I just don't get the vitriol.

BTW - does anyone know what happened to Raven of TNA (WWE and WCW fame)? Is he back in the ECW or is he still with TNA? For some reason I will thinking about that dude and his "flock" (Perry Saturn, Lodi, Kidman, etc..) the other day.

Dudes just don't like Cena, chicks and kids love him. Can't have anything to do with his skill set, like I've said before his in ring prformance is just like Hogan and The Rock he just doesn't have the charisma of those 2.

Ravens still in TNA with a Flock ripoff, Serotonin. Horrible!

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HBK Upset With John Cena Over WrestleMania Match

04/03/2007 by Ryan Clark

Dave Meltzer appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling radio show on Sunday night after WrestleMania and he said that Shawn Michaels was extremely upset and unhappy with his match against John Cena. When he got backstage, he was screaming about how terrible he thought it was.

After the match had concluded, there was a spot where HBK abruptly walked away from a Cena handshake attempt which was not scripted, as they were supposed to shake hands. Michaels was red hot at Cena for not selling his leg that he spent the first few minutes of the match working on. Also, several of the agents were unhappy with Cena for that as well. In fact, you could see during the match that HBK got in Cena's face and started cutting a shoot promo on him, which is why the audio went out for a few seconds and was replaced with crowd noise.

I'd be pissed too if I were Michaels

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Wow WM was pretty lame. When Undertaker vs batista turns out to be the best match of the night, you know something is wrong. Although, they both put up a great effort, and it is truly deserving of match of the night.

I'm still pissed there was no tag team title match from either brand.

Glad Kennedy won the MITB match, I actually thought for a split second they were gonna give it to Punk, but I'm fine with Kennedy winning the match. Yes, that Edge/Hardy spot was sick. I really couldn't tell if Edge was hurting for real at first, but then I saw Matt Hardy lean down to check on him, and I said "Oh ****, I think he's really F'd up".

Khali vs Kane was one of the biggest snooze fests ever. The only reason I even classify it as a match is because Kane is the man. He ALWAYS puts out a great effort. He's definitely one of the best big men ever.

Ashley vs Melina, definitely an unexpected outcome. I thought for sure they would ride on the playboy factor and give Ashley the strap.

Batista vs Taker, like I said, best match of the night. It was pretty fast paced and went back and forth.

Benoit vs MVP, still don't know why it was on the card. The whole match was an obvious attempt to get MVP over, even though he lost. I also thought that the ending was rushed. I mean, Benoit hit all of 5 German suplex's and the swan dive and won the match. I did, however, like MVP's counter from the sharpshooter. Never seen that counter before. I'm all for chain wrestling fests, but this match just seemed out of place. It's hard to take MVP seriously IMO.

ECW OG vs NB, man, what a waste of time. I loved the old ECW, probably my favorite promotion of all time for the amount of great matches they had, not even the violence. Having said that, this match should of been ECW rules. Glad RVD got the fall and hit the frog splash, although I still think he is gone after his contract is up. Here's to hoping he makes a stop in ROH before going to TNA. I was suprised though at the lack of pop for Tommy Dreamer. I always thought Detroit was a fairly pro old school ECW city.

And Cena vs HBK... Not surprised at the reaction to Cena. Whenever they go to a city that has actual "gangstas" roaming the streets at night, you know Cena is going to get boo'd. His character is a joke, it was mildly entertaining when he started out as a heel, but now it's completely stale. I'm tired of seeing that damn spinner belt too. I knew who was going to win as soon as the match started. Michaels was taking it to him and he said "You don't belong here". That automatically set up the "Rocky underdog" feel to the match, and you knew Cena was going to overcome. The plus side to it all, Piledriver on the steps. I miss the piledriver :(

I called it on a wrestling forum I frequent, Michaels would lose via STFU. No surpise about that one.

Way to sell that leg injury too John. He couldn't even stand for 5 minutes and then all of a sudden he starts running and jumping on it.

Oh, and Vince looks exactly like Lex Luthor. Shocker!

Haven't watched RAW yet, I tivo'd it, but I wanted to watch WM before I watched Raw.

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HBK Upset With John Cena Over WrestleMania Match

04/03/2007 by Ryan Clark

Dave Meltzer appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling radio show on Sunday night after WrestleMania and he said that Shawn Michaels was extremely upset and unhappy with his match against John Cena. When he got backstage, he was screaming about how terrible he thought it was.

After the match had concluded, there was a spot where HBK abruptly walked away from a Cena handshake attempt which was not scripted, as they were supposed to shake hands. Michaels was red hot at Cena for not selling his leg that he spent the first few minutes of the match working on. Also, several of the agents were unhappy with Cena for that as well. In fact, you could see during the match that HBK got in Cena's face and started cutting a shoot promo on him, which is why the audio went out for a few seconds and was replaced with crowd noise.

I'd be pissed too if I were Michaels

LOL I was writing my WM rant before you posted that. Man, I don't blame him at all. That was complete BS and I even said to my Girlfriend, "See, this is why Cena should not be champion."

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Why couldn't they do THIS match at Wrestlemania?

It pisses me off most about ECW when they do this. Just to prove to us that even though they can still do it right, they just choose not to.....

Can't view the link from work, but I'm guessing you are speaking of the mainevent from Tuesday, in which, I totally agree. Why have a match 2 days before with regular rules and then have the same match on Tuesday using Extreme rules, which is what ECW is supposed to be?

Yeah none of it makes any sense to me and hasn't since they brought back ECW.

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So Backlash is going to be a 4-way match for the WWE title. I actually have a pretty good feeling that Cena will drop the strap. Thsi is a perfect situation where he can lose the title without being made to look weak. Which is a win/win for WWE right now.

Although, I wish they would do the match elimination style instead of one fall to a finish.

And we are seeing another semi-rematch from WM in Lashley vs Umage, Vince, and Shane. They are really pushing Lashley hard and I'm not entirely sure as to why, unless they are planning to move him to Raw soon. I think Lashley is a fairly talented guy, but he looks like a giant 6 year old, its hard for me to take him seriously sometimes.

And we also have the Hardys vs Cade and Murdoch. Wait, those two are still on the roster? Of all the tag teams they could go up against on a PPV and they chose Cade and Murdoch? Oooook, whatever these bookers are smoking must be some awesome stuff. I personally would of picked WGTT, but no, The Hardys squashed them in a 4 minute match on Raw last Monday.

On another note, Shelton Benjamin is still the ****, and why he is not in the main event picture, I'll never know. They seriously dropped the ball with him after they first brung him over to Raw. He beat HHH pretty cleanly as soon as he showed up, the guy was getting over like crazy, and then the MITB match put him over even more. And then they killed it all by turning him heel and having his "Momma" come to the ring with him. Way to make use of one of the most talented guys the WWE has ever seen. :applause: :notworthy :thumbsup:

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So Backlash is going to be a 4-way match for the WWE title. I actually have a pretty good feeling that Cena will drop the strap. Thsi is a perfect situation where he can lose the title without being made to look weak. Which is a win/win for WWE right now.

Although, I wish they would do the match elimination style instead of one fall to a finish.

And we are seeing another semi-rematch from WM in Lashley vs Umage, Vince, and Shane. They are really pushing Lashley hard and I'm not entirely sure as to why, unless they are planning to move him to Raw soon. I think Lashley is a fairly talented guy, but he looks like a giant 6 year old, its hard for me to take him seriously sometimes.

And we also have the Hardys vs Cade and Murdoch. Wait, those two are still on the roster? Of all the tag teams they could go up against on a PPV and they chose Cade and Murdoch? Oooook, whatever these bookers are smoking must be some awesome stuff. I personally would of picked WGTT, but no, The Hardys squashed them in a 4 minute match on Raw last Monday.

On another note, Shelton Benjamin is still the ****, and why he is not in the main event picture, I'll never know. They seriously dropped the ball with him after they first brung him over to Raw. He beat HHH pretty cleanly as soon as he showed up, the guy was getting over like crazy, and then the MITB match put him over even more. And then they killed it all by turning him heel and having his "Momma" come to the ring with him. Way to make use of one of the most talented guys the WWE has ever seen. :applause: :notworthy :thumbsup:

Sometimes guys build backstage heat.. This sometimes is why character's seem to change without warning.

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Sometimes guys build backstage heat.. This sometimes is why character's seem to change without warning.

Yeah but then guys like Orton get a free pass for some reason. He gets suspended for a month and they cut it short simply because they needed him on Raw as a heel.

Carlito is a different story, he wanted to be heel anyway. If they wanted to punish him for speaking out about WM they would of left him face and had him job out to Conway in dark matches.

JBL and Holly have doen much, much worse and gotten away with it simply because they have been with the company forever.

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Can we say Carlito.

Yep. you open your mouth against the McMahon's your going to get punished. But what WWE fails to realize is that if a wrestler does well, they do well.. Shelton could of been a huge draw if they continued along the path, when he was taking on Evolution. He had the crowd, he's got the skill set. I like Cena but he's had the strap way to long.

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Yeah but then guys like Orton get a free pass for some reason. He gets suspended for a month and they cut it short simply because they needed him on Raw as a heel.

Carlito is a different story, he wanted to be heel anyway. If they wanted to punish him for speaking out about WM they would of left him face and had him job out to Conway in dark matches.

JBL and Holly have doen much, much worse and gotten away with it simply because they have been with the company forever.

It's called seniority and it's not a bad thing really but it can be in some circumstances.

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It's called seniority and it's not a bad thing really but it can be in some circumstances.

Yes I know, it's an unwritten rule in the wrestling book, rookies must be picked on by the vets. Which is the same pretty much no matter where you work, however, doesn't change the fact that Orton **** in someones purse and nothing happened.

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Yes I know, it's an unwritten rule in the wrestling book, rookies must be picked on by the vets. Which is the same pretty much no matter where you work, however, doesn't change the fact that Orton **** in someones purse and nothing happened.

CM Punks lucky he managed to get out of the doghouse with Laurenitis and Arn, that boy's got a hell of a carrer ahead of him if he manges his way through the politics, because you see what happens when you get in there it's hard to get out any way other than a pink slip. I think he took some advice from some performers backstage since the heat was from the writers and agents both of which payed hard dues to get to the top back in the day and felt he hadn't.

I'm not sure why, I think he worked his ass off in TNA (PPV day's) ROH and OVW and that's why he got a big push right from the get go, but stephie mac loved him and that's probably where it came from. Punk probably owes Kennedy a huge thanks, since Kennedy's in good with everyone when he and punk worked really hard to make the MITB match the best of the PPV it got Punk back on the agents good side.

I also can't figure out Carlito, I know he loved revelling in the fact that he was so over as a heel but to get canned over being a face, it's not like they asked him to wear a dress.

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Why couldn't they do THIS match at Wrestlemania?

It pisses me off most about ECW when they do this. Just to prove to us that even though they can still do it right, they just choose not to.....

Jeez, Vince. Why don't you let the kids play like this every week. I understand that there's a chance that could get hurt but this is the type of show that gets people watching. Matches like this and money in the bank are what people rave about.

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Jeez, Vince. Why don't you let the kids play like this every week. I understand that there's a chance that could get hurt but this is the type of show that gets people watching. Matches like this and money in the bank are what people rave about.

Because when they have matches like that it makes guys like HHH and Cena look bad.

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Picked up the Horesemen DVD today. Good stuff. Especially listening to Flair telling some of the stories on how they lived the lifestyle back then.

Thanks for the comments on this dvd TK, I saw it in FYE yesturday and wasn't sure if I should get it or not. Has anyone seen/own(ed) the DX movie, and if so, was it any good?

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I am honestly getting really frustrated with Vince lately. First, he still hasn't put Heyman back in charge of creative, although, Dusty is doing a pretty good job. Lashley can't wrestle to save his life and he is the ECW champion. The whole "extreme rules" thing is a complete joke. All the matches, or at least half of them should be held under traditional ECW "rules." Rob Van Dam is probably one of the best wrestlers on the roster and he had to job to Lasley and Big Slow on several occasions. Granted he did get busted for pot, but whatever. Orignals over New Breed was done at WM because WWE is trying to keep RVD, so thats lame. Now, John Cena is a pretty awful wrestler. He can't sell anything. Like in WM when Michaels worked on his leg for a good while and Cena couldn't manage to sell it. Edge is a pretty decent wrestler, however his character is now annoying and old...he needs to turn face or something. Shawn Michaels is still a beast but should be the WWE Champion and Cena shouldn't be anywhere near it. And Lashley needs to get off of Raw and so does Umaga. And back to ECW, they really need to have ONS 3 in the Hammerstein. It is so lame its an all brand PPV now. It is basically guaranteed to suck now that Vince did that. ONS and ONS 2 were awesome PPV's but I guess good things can't last forever. I just want my old ECW back but I'm afraid that won't happen.

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