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what if everything went wrong???


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I couldn't help but think what if we have bad luck next season. Not even saying injuries plague us, I'm just saying what if the ball just doesn't bounce our way!?!? What if we don't make it back to the playoffs??? I will go crazy because I'm already excited and have high expectations for this year. What do you think? How would you cope?:2cents:

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Well, that's a possibility...look at the Eagles.

TO, a lot of injuries, a couple of bad bounces and they go from Super Bowl to 6-10. It can happen to any team.

If it happens, we just have to stay positive and look to the following year...that's all you can do as fans is hope for the best and enjoy every minute of the 16 (or hopefully more) games you get because it's a LONG offseason!

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Well, that's a possibility...look at the Eagles.

TO, a lot of injuries, a couple of bad bounces and they go from Super Bowl to 6-10. It can happen to any team.

If it happens, we just have to stay positive and look to the following year...that's all you can do as fans is hope for the best and enjoy every minute of the 16 (or hopefully more) games you get because it's a LONG offseason!

Yup, thats all you can do...just look forward to a top 10 pick in the draft.

I doubt we will finish less that 8-8 even if we had a bunch of injuries...

Gibbs + Williams + Saunders = Wins

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I couldn't help but think what if we have bad luck next season. Not even saying injuries plague us, I'm just saying what if the ball just doesn't bounce our way!?!? What if we don't make it back to the playoffs??? I will go crazy because I'm already excited and have high expectations for this year. What do you think? How would you cope?:2cents:

if this happened then we'd shrug our shoulders and wait for next season. i mean, if you wanted an answer like "i'd commit suicide" then i;m sorry to disappoint you. we'd all be blown of course. this was just a bad question to begin with...

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When everything goes wrong, you know you're good when you bounce back. In 1988 everything went wrong, Joe Gibbs bounced back and rebuilt the team. In 1994, Norv's handpicked QB failed, Norv never recovered. Everything went wrong for the Eagles last year, do they bounce back?

If everything goes wrong this year, the question is does it break Joe Gibbs? Why did it go wrong? Was it key injuries or players who did not live up to expectations? Did other teams just improve more than we did? What backup plans can be implemented quickly or do we need to exercise an exit strategy and start over?

In fact, I'd say Gibbs ability to recover from situations where everything goes wrong (either within a game, across several games or across seasons) is one of the abilities that makes him such a great head coach.

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I couldn't help but think what if we have bad luck next season. Not even saying injuries plague us, I'm just saying what if the ball just doesn't bounce our way!?!? What if we don't make it back to the playoffs??? I will go crazy because I'm already excited and have high expectations for this year. What do you think? How would you cope?:2cents:

Extremeskin - you just described our seasons prior to last year. We seemed to get all the bad flags, all the bad bounces (anyone remember Stephen Davis going in for TD against Philly, fumble and Philly scores a TD the other way), stupid player tricks (Westbrook and the helmet OR Turk and the botched snap handle) and the bad penalities (Kalu and the face mask). :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

We have lived those seasons and yet here we are - Skins fans NO MATTER WHAT! :point2sky

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Extremeskin - you just described our seasons prior to last year. We seemed to get all the bad flags, all the bad bounces (anyone remember Stephen Davis going in for TD against Philly, fumble and Philly scores a TD the other way), stupid player tricks (Westbrook and the helmet OR Turk and the botched snap handle) and the bad penalities (Kalu and the face mask). :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

We have lived those seasons and yet here we are - Skins fans NO MATTER WHAT! :point2sky

exactly right. last year was just "testing the waters". this year we will be jumping right in from the start. with new weapons and schemes along with proven ones from last year it is definitely ON.

too long have we languished in the shadows of the NFC. weve payed our dues and our time is coming. i predict that the SKins shock the hell out of everyone. even those of us that already think they will be good.

our improved offense will only make our outstanding deffense even better. think back to last year when our D was keeping us in games. everyone was complaining that we had no one other than Moss and Cooley to throw to so it was easier to shut down Portis. well that is no longer the case. we have got mad WR's now. they will stretch the field and Portis will run all over fools.

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This is a good thread contrary to what others have said. Mostly because it honestly could happen although I think the chances are slim, and it would have grave consequences for skins fans. I know that to be honest I would be devastated, maybe im too big of a fan idk, but it would definitely be a major impact.

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I know you can't help thinking that. Anyone who's been a redskin fan for at least five years already has been through the triumphs and the many, many tribulations. Every game has always been nail-biting. But calm down, buddy. Don't get paranoid just yet. It's going to be long summer.

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Ok, even with Gibbs back, his first year play calling was Vanilla bean. Even last year his play calling was predictable, still slightly vanilla. We had an injured QB, and injured RB, Our #2 WR was on injured reserved, Olineman with 2 broken thumbs, and his 42 year old replacement putting in time. We had Warrick Folding chair Holdman playing linebacker/tackling dummy, and people like Jimmy Farris, and Taylor Jacobs as Santana Moss's supporting cast. With all that adversity, with all the bad calls that didnt go our way... games we should have won but didnt (Denver, Tampa, KC, Chargers,) with all that going against us, we STILL made it to the playoffs and the second round at that. Since then we have taken incredable leaps at improving this team. I can see your worry, but seriously it just will not happen like that. Have you seen how much the team has come together? Seeing groups of Redskins in public together, all this getting of "Core Redskins" its all for a reason, and its all something that our team hasnt had in a long while. So if we could achieve all that last year with everything we had going against us, then this year cant be as bad. Now, I dont think we will win the Superbowl this year,I think our year is next year, but I see us in the post season, knee dep in it... If we go, itll be the icing on my cake, and if we go, theres no way we lose.

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I'd be real pissed, but the most worse thing to come after a losing season, would be hearing all the rival team's fans mouths.

I don't think rival fans would be 1/10 the unpleasant sniping pain as many of the fans in here :laugh:

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