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what if everything went wrong???


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Extremeskin - you just described our seasons prior to last year. We seemed to get all the bad flags, all the bad bounces (anyone remember Stephen Davis going in for TD against Philly, fumble and Philly scores a TD the other way), stupid player tricks (Westbrook and the helmet OR Turk and the botched snap handle) and the bad penalities (Kalu and the face mask). :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

We have lived those seasons and yet here we are - Skins fans NO MATTER WHAT! :point2sky

Yeah really. How many seasons have we had such high hopes in the spring and summer, only to have them smashed in the fall? We've endured the mediocrity of 1993-2004. We've survived Spurrier, Norv, Jeff George, Heath Shuler. We're still here. Every year, we've had to pick up the peices and say "well, there's always next season." It feels great to finally leave that behind.:D An excellent reward for our loyalty. Have faith, my friend. So long as Gibbs is back, those days are behind us.

With this group of coaches and players, though, we can sustain a whole mess of bad calls, bad bounces and even a handful of injuries without blowing the season. Luck, as always, will play a role. But this season, I don't see us living and dying by it.

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Stout character and thorough preparation minimize the negative effects of bad luck. Gibbs will make the most of any unfortunate situations that might arise next year. If there's one thing I'm confident in, that'd be it.

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I couldn't help but think what if we have bad luck next season. Not even saying injuries plague us, I'm just saying what if the ball just doesn't bounce our way!?!? What if we don't make it back to the playoffs??? I will go crazy because I'm already excited and have high expectations for this year. What do you think? How would you cope?:2cents:

The truly good teams overcome adversity and still win. I grew up as a Skins fan during Coach Gibbs' first run. The ball didn't always bounce our way then, but the team overcame the bad calls or the off-game or the unlucky bounce and still won a majority of their games.

In truth the team overcame some adversity last season to get into the playoffs and even muscled out the playoff game in Tampa before finally coming up short against Seattle.

I guess maybe I trust Coach Gibbs with the whole thing. Of course, I would be dissapointed if the team didn't make the playoffs, but with this defense, this head coach, this veteran QB, this offensive line, this HB, this recieving crew and our new offensive coordinator I really see this team as a true contender.

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