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Sopranos Season Six


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I was waiting for this thread to pop up.

I was incredibly unimpressed with last night's finale. Frankly, it sucked. I had all of these expectations that something horrible was going to happen and that someone was going to get killed ...

First AJ, then he gave the dudes the bike.

The Meadow ... but she got to CA safely

Then Christopher ... I figured that he'd OD ...

No one died ... nothing big happened ....

But I do think that Julianna (the real estate agent) is a Fed .... Thats about the only thing that could be possible right now, and I think that it'd be a good twist. Christopher opened up to her last night and started talking about the oath's and betrayals.

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This season just outright lacked the fire of the first two seasons. The first episode of this season was wonderful and really had my attention but that was it. After that there was no more excitement or gusto. Also I am not anti-gay, matter of fact I really thought Brokeback Mountain was a good movie, but seriously i didn't want my sunday nights for three weeks filled with Vito escorting himself with men. The dreams sequences in the early part of this season were boring- yes i know they were very symbolic and heavy in meaning etc- but boring. it all just seemed very anitclimatic. when Big Puss died I remember talking about it for months with friends and relatives. The show used to be so fresh and involving that every sunday dinner it was brought up at least a handful of times by one of my family members. Now it is only complaints and "i wish something would happen" comments. The final 8 episodes really need to end with a bang. A HUGE BANG! LIKE THE POPE TURNING MUSLIM BANG! Which brings me to my last complaint. WAITING AND WAITING for this show is killing me and if these are the last 8 episodes then they better be the LAST 8 EPISODES! I wait one more year but after that I am done. If they say this is the last season and make a new one like they have been doing in the past i will loose my mind. Mr. Chase... GIVE US SOME BANG!

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I was waiting for this thread to pop up.

I was incredibly unimpressed with last night's finale. Frankly, it sucked. I had all of these expectations that something horrible was going to happen and that someone was going to get killed ...

First AJ, then he gave the dudes the bike.

The Meadow ... but she got to CA safely

Then Christopher ... I figured that he'd OD ...

No one died ... nothing big happened ....

But I do think that Julianna (the real estate agent) is a Fed .... Thats about the only thing that could be possible right now, and I think that it'd be a good twist. Christopher opened up to her last night and started talking about the oath's and betrayals.

She has to be a Fed.

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She has to be a Fed.

Would make sense, but would a fed really do all of that in the US? Sleeping with a mobster, smoking crack constantly, working through a real estate dealer that I'm sure has done business with Tony in the past, and probably has their own crimes to cover up, infultrating Chis's AA meeting?

I don't know if a fed in the US would go that far.

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Im a HUGE Sopranos fan, havent seen the last episode of Season 6 yet but I do believe this is the worst season ever with good reason. After Season 4, David Chase said he only had one good season left and couldnt go on any longer. Then HBO backed a truck load of money on his doorstep and he said they could do 6 seasons with the 6th season only having 10 episodes.

I believe HBO had a second truck show up and Mr. Chase said "well I guess i could do 7 season if you really want them." The down fall of all of this is Season 6 filler. originally only supose to be 10 episodes, it got extended to 12, which tells me the last 8 episodes of season 7 (20 episodes total for 6 &7) will be action packed.

I can not wait to see how The Sopranos is going to end, but I really wished they would have kept it to 5 seasons and wrapped the whole thing up in a timely fasion, instead of getting 5 episodes of Vito.

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Your first mistake is thinking of this episode as a finale. It's not. The final 8 episodes are part of the same season. This was merely a setup episode to the final 8. Think of it as the calm before the storm.

Personally, I loved the episode. The whole mood of it was very tense and dark. Chase did an outstanding job of keeping the episode full of suspense. Was Phil going to hang on? Was Chrissy going to OD? Get whacked outside the diner? Cut to the Xmas dinner....seeing Chrissy there knowing that he made it but no Meadow.......then the phone rings. AJ continuing to follow in Tony's footsteps........manipulating the thugs to do what he wanted rather than having to use force. The entire episode was very ominous and you have to think that it's the last time they are going to be celebrating the holidays as a family/Family. The thing with Tony watching a show on Lincoln leads me to believe there's going to be a bit of a civil war.

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Did everyone watch last night, what did you think???
I sincerely think that it's time to remove this violent program from the media forever, however, the "money grubbing muthas" will send it to CD.

I find it "ironic" why parents haven't solved the problem of what's happening to their "prescious kids" !!!

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This season was weak.

I need satisfaction.

And if this isnt considered the end of the season than it should have been a much more satisfying episode. Especially considering that I have to wait until January, when I expect the Redskins to be in the playoffs on Sunday.

I have expressed my disappointment in this season previously ,but this episode was just icing on the cake. Am I anticipating a few good episodes ? Indeed. Am I eagerly awaiting them ? Not so much. There needed to be that specific cliffhanger moment. That one thing that says to me, you are going to want to see what happens next. For the most part that didnt develop at all this season.

Phil is one of my favorite characters, but as a member of the NY family, it isnt as intriguing.

I could care less what happens to Meadow. The only good part about something happening to her would be if it was family related.

AJ and his Latin GF ? Who gives a crap.

Aide and Carmela ? So what. Either storyline would take that much longer to become intriguing.

Chrissy's storyline has some potential but they BS'd on it.

Not to mention they are playing Xmas in freakin' JUNE.

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I sincerely think that it's time to remove this violent program from the media forever, however, the "money grubbing muthas" will send it to CD.

I find it "ironic" why parents haven't solved the problem of what's happening to their "prescious kids" !!!

Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote was violent too.

They have that advertisement on TV all the time about parental ratings control. Its built into the TV. If a parent decides not to use it that is their own decision.

As I have heard 100 times.."change the channel". No one is forcing you to watch (not you persay).

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Does anyone know if Meadow's character is leaving the show or being written out of the show? I mean usually when a character "moves across the country" there isn't going to be much interaction, and it seems stupid to pay the actress for an occasional voice over on a telephone. Usually there is big news when a character is leaving the show.

Also, this isn't the end of the season, the episodes in January are part of the same season, it is like "bonus episodes" or whatever they call it.

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An unbelievable, steaming pile of rotting tripe. They've been coasting on fumes for so effing long now, and they capped of a terrible season with the worst episode so far.

Spec house!

Let's note the pattern here: no real ideas since Season 4, marginal characters introduced suddenly and without apparent purpose, multiple plotlines left dangling, junior high symbolism, and - whenever there's writer's block - let's build up a gang war but then NOT DO ANYTHING.

Bring back Lauren Bacall. At least she got decked.

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An unbelievable, steaming pile of rotting tripe. They've been coasting on fumes for so effing long now, and they capped of a terrible season with the worst episode so far.

Spec house!

Let's note the pattern here: no real ideas since Season 4, marginal characters introduced suddenly and without apparent purpose, multiple plotlines left dangling, junior high symbolism, and - whenever there's writer's block - let's build up a gang war but then NOT DO ANYTHING.

Bring back Lauren Bacall. At least she got decked.

Sorry but I wholeheartly disagree with you. This was one of the best seasons by far. Of course they were not going to show much in this finale since this seaosn in realithy is 20 episodes, with the last 8 coming next spring. The finale set up quite a bit if you payed attention to the story line and not just the murders.

AJ is showing that he is very important since he is doing things the opposite of his father, and Tony is noticing that. The NY family is in flux right now and the others want to take out Tony, Phil had a heart attack while thinking of trying to take Tony out. Chris is getting high again with someone similar to Adrianna and like her telling her everything, so setting up will Tony keep his word when he told him a while back if you screw up again next time it will be you.

Carmella is still trying to force Tony to tell her about Adrianna, what were to happen if she finds out Tony killed her and then lied about it.

The sopranos writers are so far ahead of everyone, they big news was in the show before this, and they did the normal pathetic network cliff hanger in the first episode when Tony was shot, brilliant.

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