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Gun Control and Liberals? Help me here...


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I've seen plenty of rabid libs screeching about how we're become Nazi Germany Redux, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Killing Fields, the worst of the worst - all rolled into one. They're non stop. They see boogeymen everywhere.

Yet MANY of these same people will also rail endlessly about how no person needs a handgun, people should not be allowed to posess those evil "assault weapons", and all guns need to be registered with that same federal government that they claim is on the verge of rounding up every hippie that doesn't goose step the party line and gas them. All guns are evil, they say.

For the seemingly obssessively paranoid out there, and you know who you are, and there are pleennnty of you, how can you make claims of EVIL government creating future gulags and then want that same government to take away your last line of defense? That same government to have a detailed inventory of every weapon you own? If you see such evil, how will you protect yourself against it?

Why are you even still here? In the US? My God, from the things you write, the evil you see, I would think you couldn't stand it one more day. I'm a registered Republican - (that doesn't mean I think Bush is perfect, so can it) What am I saying? Half the people here don't even read the posts. They see a headline and rush desperately to reply. But even I, a kool-aid swilling, racist, black-hearted sheep bowing at the alter of W (according to many who generalize all Repub's) has a cache that will assist me in the event of a **** hits the fan scenario.

But you gun hating libs don't. What are you gonna do when the Empire you fear comes to subject you? Run to Canada? You know they'll have the highways shut down. Go live in the woods like grizzly man? You'd die without your daily latte and Huffington fix.

But besides the EVIL empire coming to get you, what if some terrorist group pulls off a big one? Power grid? Water supply? Bio or chem weapon? You saw how the fed handled Katrina. According to your own arguments, It wasn't the city or the states fault, it was the fed's. So if we have a SHTF scenario thanks to terrorism, and the general poulation panics, you're defenseless again. Relying on that same gov't that failed New Orleans to protect you from the worst case scenario, because you can't. Because you don't own guns. Because guns are evil, right?

I don't get it.

Unless of course, you really DON'T think Bush is the next Hitler, etc etc and you really just like to rant and rave because it's fun and you enjoy being prone to hysterics. Then it makes sense to me.

Just curious. :rolleyes:

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I've seen plenty of rabid libs screeching about how we're become Nazi Germany Redux, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Killing Fields, the worst of the worst - all rolled into one. They're non stop. They see boogeymen everywhere.

Yet MANY of these same people will also rail endlessly about how no person needs a handgun, people should not be allowed to posess those evil "assault weapons", and all guns need to be registered with that same federal government that they claim is on the verge of rounding up every hippie that doesn't goose step the party line and gas them. All guns are evil, they say.

For the seemingly obssessively paranoid out there, and you know who you are, and there are pleennnty of you, how can you make claims of EVIL government creating future gulags and then want that same government to take away your last line of defense? That same government to have a detailed inventory of every weapon you own? If you see such evil, how will you protect yourself against it?

Liberals aren't against guns, they are against criminals getting guns legally. What is the big deal with waiting 30 days before a backround check is completed to see if you can buy an automatic assault weapon which can take out a crowd of 100 in less then 10 seconds?

You seem to think liberals don't want guns, I like guns and I am a liberal. I also think that mandatory wait times are a good thing, I don't like the fact that Ackmed Muhammad can go to a local gun shop and buy a .50cal rifle which can take out a target from 2mi away.

Why are you even still here? In the US?

Probably the most ignorant thing I've read on here in months!!! You actually have the AUDACITY to tell us to leave a country we love, and think is turning to crap? we stay because we LOVE this country and we want to eliminate the scourge in power right now!!!

My God, from the things you write, the evil you see, I would think you couldn't stand it one more day. I'm a registered Republican - (that doesn't mean I think Bush is perfect, so can it) What am I saying? Half the people here don't even read the posts. They see a headline and rush desperately to reply. But even I, a kool-aid swilling, racist, black-hearted sheep bowing at the alter of W (according to many who generalize all Repub's) has a cache that will assist me in the event of a **** hits the fan scenario.

As do many liberals, like I said, we are NOT for getting rid of guns!!!! There are MANY MANY avid gun owners and hunters that are liberal. We want a backround check, and we want to eliminate the proliferation of guns being passed willy nilly to anyone at any time.

But you gun hating libs don't.

We are no more gun hating then you are a nazi. . .wait, that may not be correct, you for all I know very well could be a Nazi, so that was a bad analogy. Put it this way, we hate guns no more then you hate your own children.

What are you gonna do when the Empire you fear comes to subject you? Run to Canada? You know they'll have the highways shut down. Go live in the woods like grizzly man? You'd die without your daily latte and Huffington fix.

Ummm, taking up arms against this government is a ridiculous reason to own a gun. Maybe if you could make a better analogy.

But besides the EVIL empire coming to get you, what if some terrorist group pulls off a big one? Power grid? Water supply? Bio or chem weapon? You saw how the fed handled Katrina. According to your own arguments, It wasn't the city or the states fault, it was the fed's. So if we have a SHTF scenario thanks to terrorism, and the general poulation panics, you're defenseless again. Relying on that same gov't that failed New Orleans to protect you from the worst case scenario, because you can't. Because you don't own guns. Because guns are evil, right?

Nice straw man argument ou like to propose, to bad it is patently false. Stop listening to Rush, he;s just a pathetic drug addict. . .why do you believe this crap?

I don't get it.

Probably the one single thing you stated in this thread which is based on truth.

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Unless of course, you really DON'T think Bush is the next Hitler, etc etc and you really just like to rant and rave because it's fun and you enjoy being prone to hysterics. Then it makes sense to me.

Just curious. :rolleyes:

I'm an anti-gun lib - but i've never compared Bush to Hitler nor America to Nazi Germany. Do i disagree with them taking some of our civil liberties, yes - do i think that equates to Nazism, no.

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You may be surprised to learn that A LOT of the folks that are critical of the current administration are, in fact, feverent supporters of the 2nd amendment and do not fear firearm ownership, but in fact support it. After all, everyone who is critical of the Bush administration are not merely "liberal." There is a large "conservative" movement, many of whom have been suspicious of the goverment, who are, in fact, armed, and who do, in fact, feel our government is tyrannical.

Now, I do know the crowd that you are addressing though - they despise Bush and company, but would love to disarm the populace. And there is a reason for it, I think: they have little interaction or experience with firearms, and every gun is framed in the thinking of "OH GODS ALL GUNS CAUSE WAR AND DEATH, BAN THEM!" It really is hysterical, and similiar to the knee jerk reaction of the Right to substances such as marijuana. One of the reasons why, since the Vietnam conflict, we've had issues with kids and their lack of respect for firearms, is due to the Vietnam generation associating firearms with war, thus, respect for firearms, and an understanding of how to handle them, has been lost among many people.

But, keep in mind, too, an aversion to firearms has been common of many anti-war movments. It is sometimes the nature of the beast - these folks, though, have to understand the importance of a free society being able to own and possess firearms.

I understand your thinking in this post, though - I have thought that myself. I just don't think some people understand what is at stake when it comes to the ability for a populace to arm themselves.

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"Liberals aren't against guns, they are against criminals getting guns legally. What is the big deal with waiting 30 days before a backround check is completed to see if you can buy an automatic assault weapon which can take out a crowd of 100 in less then 10 seconds?"

I'll gladly wait 30 days for a background check to buy an automatic weapon (machine gun)!! :) If it was even possible to buy an automatic weapon. Now a semi-automatic weapon should not require 30 days. And anyone who can fire 100 rounds from a semi-auto in 10 seconds has the fastest twitch muscles in the history of history. :)

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I've seen plenty of rabid libs screeching about how we're become Nazi Germany Redux, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Killing Fields, the worst of the worst - all rolled into one. They're non stop. They see boogeymen everywhere.

Yet MANY of these same people will also rail endlessly about how no person needs a handgun, people should not be allowed to posess those evil "assault weapons", and all guns need to be registered with that same federal government that they claim is on the verge of rounding up every hippie that doesn't goose step the party line and gas them. All guns are evil, they say.

For the seemingly obssessively paranoid out there, and you know who you are, and there are pleennnty of you, how can you make claims of EVIL government creating future gulags and then want that same government to take away your last line of defense? That same government to have a detailed inventory of every weapon you own? If you see such evil, how will you protect yourself against it?

Why are you even still here? In the US? My God, from the things you write, the evil you see, I would think you couldn't stand it one more day. I'm a registered Republican - (that doesn't mean I think Bush is perfect, so can it) What am I saying? Half the people here don't even read the posts. They see a headline and rush desperately to reply. But even I, a kool-aid swilling, racist, black-hearted sheep bowing at the alter of W (according to many who generalize all Repub's) has a cache that will assist me in the event of a **** hits the fan scenario.

But you gun hating libs don't. What are you gonna do when the Empire you fear comes to subject you? Run to Canada? You know they'll have the highways shut down. Go live in the woods like grizzly man? You'd die without your daily latte and Huffington fix.

But besides the EVIL empire coming to get you, what if some terrorist group pulls off a big one? Power grid? Water supply? Bio or chem weapon? You saw how the fed handled Katrina. According to your own arguments, It wasn't the city or the states fault, it was the fed's. So if we have a SHTF scenario thanks to terrorism, and the general poulation panics, you're defenseless again. Relying on that same gov't that failed New Orleans to protect you from the worst case scenario, because you can't. Because you don't own guns. Because guns are evil, right?

I don't get it.

Unless of course, you really DON'T think Bush is the next Hitler, etc etc and you really just like to rant and rave because it's fun and you enjoy being prone to hysterics. Then it makes sense to me.

Just curious. :rolleyes:

You have been receiving false infomation. Which Republican radio hosts do you listen to?

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Welcome to the Tailgate.

That was a nice rant, but you have some work to do still to get up to the level of our best right-wing taunters and strawmen bashers. Sarge would have been able to say the exact same things with much more humor. Heck, NavyDave could have said it in a single sentence, and would have thrown in a good gay bashing to boot.

However, it is nice to see the effort put in by a rookie.

Here's a few tips.

Generalize more. How can you knock the words out of someone's mouth if you don't put them in there first?

More slogans. Nothing says "'Nuff Said!" better that just saying "'Nuff Said!" Nuance and subtlety are wasted here.

Don't forget that every liberal out there is in total agreement with every word ever spoken by Michael Moore, Al Sharpton and Jane Fonda. Be sure to remind them every chance you get.

For god's sake, be more patriotic! The right has cornered the market on patriotism. Never give up that advantage. Remember - those damn liberals don't want to improve an America that they love, they want to destroy an America that they hate.

Newsmax is your friend. Go there often for source material.

There are plenty more things to learn, but these few tips should get you off to a good start. Have fun, and be careful out there.

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What is the big deal with waiting 30 days before a backround check is completed to see if you can buy an automatic assault weapon which can take out a crowd of 100 in less then 10 seconds?

Well, there are a lot of myths when it comes to firearms, and some liberals or liberal organizations do propagate these myths. For example, most assault rifles that are labeled AS assault rifles are not, in fact, an assault rifile. Using a clip of some sort does not make that rifle an assault rifle, which, definition, would have to be a full-auto weapon. An M-16 is an assault rifle - an AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Also, to purchase an automatic rifle, you need to go through more than a background check: You have to submit an application through the ATF. The process to purchase a full auto rifle is not quick and easy. But, it works - you NEVER, EVER hear of crimes which are committed by LEGAL full auto (machine gun) owners. It simply does not happy, but the anti-gun lobbaly will MAKE you think this happens by first:

1. Labeling semi-automatic rifles as "assault rifles," thus creating the impression that they ARE full auto-rifles when they are, in fact, semi-auto rifles.

2. Creating an impression that it is easy to purchase a full-auto rifle or firarm. They are not, and fall under Federal controlled firearms.

I'd like to hear someone, such as Rince, explain why he is "anti-gun," and what this would mean legally? Also, I would like to hear an explanation of why gun controll laws do not appear to reduce crime, and in fact, some areas have shown an increase in crime after stricter firearm laws are enacted. Also, nations such as Switzerland have very common firearm ownership without higher violent crime.

Also, upon research, firarm crime is not even the most common form of crime or method of death, nor is the US even the leader when it comes to this type of crime. I can produce documentation if needed.

Basically, I'd like to hear the basis for some folks when it comes to their ideas of Gun Control.

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LMAO at the thought that any private citizen or group of private citizens with a personal weapons cache could possibly stand against the United States Military.

See: Waco, Texas. And that was just the ATF!

If Bush or whoever turned the US Army against the population, we're pretty well screwed. You can go hang out with the Michigan militia in that case, but I'll be leaving.

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Welcome to the Tailgate.

That was a nice rant, but you have some work to do still to get up to the level of our best right-wing taunters and strawmen bashers. Sarge would have been able to say the exact same things with much more humor. Heck, NavyDave could have said it in a single sentence, and would have thrown in a good gay bashing to boot.

However, it is nice to see the effort put in by a rookie.

Here's a few tips.

Generalize more. How can you knock the words out of someone's mouth if you don't put them in there first?

More slogans. Nothing says "'Nuff Said!" better that just saying "'Nuff Said!" Nuance and subtlety are wasted here.

Don't forget that every liberal out there is in total agreement with every word ever spoken by Michael Moore, Al Sharpton and Jane Fonda. Be sure to remind them every chance you get.

For god's sake, be more patriotic! The right has cornered the market on patriotism. Never give up that advantage. Remember - those damn liberals don't want to improve an America that they love, they want to destroy an America that they hate.

Newsmax is your friend. Go there often for source material.

There are plenty more things to learn, but these few tips should get you off to a good start. Have fun, and be careful out there.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That may be my favorite post ever. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Waiting periods are fine, problem is almost every gun control law that's been put before congress is laced with fine print and open interpretation that opens the door to ban guns that shouldn't be banned.

For example: Ban fully automatic weapons or any weapon that can be made fully automatic. That's one I remember a few years back. If that would have been passed almost every semi-automatic gun I own would be on that list and would be open for some anti-gun attorney to push for the ban of these weapons because he can, not because they should be.

If the bills were cut and dry and focused on the proper controls then I as a gun owner would have no problem with passing most gun control laws. However some leftie will find away to use that law wrongfully to impose greater control and take weapons away from law abiding Americans.

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Liberals aren't against guns, they are against criminals getting guns legally. What is the big deal with waiting 30 days before a backround check is completed to see if you can buy an automatic assault weapon which can take out a crowd of 100 in less then 10 seconds?

You seem to think liberals don't want guns, I like guns and I am a liberal. I also think that mandatory wait times are a good thing, I don't like the fact that Ackmed Muhammad can go to a local gun shop and buy a .50cal rifle which can take out a target from 2mi away.

you do realize that the majority of violent criminals have no prior history of violent crimes. So doing a background check really doesn't cut down the risk that much. Your example of Ackmed illustrates a rifle but handguns are what have the waiting periods right now not the rifles. I can walk into wal-mart and buy a shotgun and carry it home.

Besides the only .50 cal rifle that can accurately hit its target from more than a mile away is the .50 BMG. And you have to have a federal firearms lisence for that and any other rifle that is "perceived" as a sniper rifle.

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You may be surprised to learn that A LOT of the folks that are critical of the current administration are, in fact, feverent supporters of the 2nd amendment and do not fear firearm ownership, but in fact support it. After all, everyone who is critical of the Bush administration are not merely "liberal." There is a large "conservative" movement, many of whom have been suspicious of the goverment, who are, in fact, armed, and who do, in fact, feel our government is tyrannical.

Now, I do know the crowd that you are addressing though - they despise Bush and company, but would love to disarm the populace. And there is a reason for it, I think: they have little interaction or experience with firearms, and every gun is framed in the thinking of "OH GODS ALL GUNS CAUSE WAR AND DEATH, BAN THEM!" It really is hysterical, and similiar to the knee jerk reaction of the Right to substances such as marijuana. One of the reasons why, since the Vietnam conflict, we've had issues with kids and their lack of respect for firearms, is due to the Vietnam generation associating firearms with war, thus, respect for firearms, and an understanding of how to handle them, has been lost among many people.

But, keep in mind, too, an aversion to firearms has been common of many anti-war movments. It is sometimes the nature of the beast - these folks, though, have to understand the importance of a free society being able to own and possess firearms.

I understand your thinking in this post, though - I have thought that myself. I just don't think some people understand what is at stake when it comes to the ability for a populace to arm themselves.

I guess I am one of the nutty ones that thinks restricting the TYPE of firearm you can own is not the same as denying the members of a free society the right to own and possess firearms in general. I have never understood why you cannot do everything there is to do with a firearm with a hunting rifle and a shotgun. Home defense - check. Hunting - check. Attempt to resist a tyrannical government - check.

It's the relentless defense of concealable handguns and assault weapons (or semi-assault weapons) that I don't understand. Even Lynryd Skynyrd understood the stupidity of Saturday Night Specials.

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What exactly is the point to owning an assault rifle? Or a fully or semi auto weapon?



Cause it's "cool"?

Why does it matter?

Gun control is sadly one of those issues where emotionalism trumps over reason. All the studies and empirical evidence in the world will never convince gun control folks that gun control at best is ineffective.

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