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Currently blaring train because they're the best band ever.

When the sun shines, we'll shine together

Told you I'll be here forever

Said I'll always be a friend

Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stand under my umbrella

You can stand under my umbrella

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You work from home, like hubby, LOL...I'm guessing we're all lucky if you bother to shower, LOL?

He's king of only "giving a crap" if it's necessary. My back injury last year threw him into nut-land, and I'm thinking of pulling another one just 'cuz.

NEVER FORGET HOW IMPORTANT YOUR CLEAN CLOTHES ARE. ~He was going off about how much weight he's lost, his Duke>UNC shirt is hangin' on him...he said we have to got to Duke to get new clothes. LOL...I got him into this, and I love my man.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll let you guys know when we're coming through (now that he said it, I'm pushing the point!!!!)

Daaaaamn!  :P  LOL


For the record, I shower every day and wear clean clothes :D  The main thing I'm guilty of is not keeping the beard trimmed neatly for a while or getting a hair cut when one is very much needed.  I wear an old t-shirt and shorts around the house, wife tells me I look like a homeless guy.


Let me know, hate that I missed ya driving through the last time.

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Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken?

Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong

Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five-hour phone conversation?

The best soy latte that you ever had and me

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Listening to a lot of Rihanna lately. Good music

Breathe out, breathe in

American oxygen

Every breath I breathe

Chasin' this American Dream

We sweat for a nickel and a dime

Turn it into an empire

Breathe in, this feeling

American, American oxygen

American oxygen

Breathe in, this feeling

American, American oxygen

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Sorry about that Rhiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna thang or however you spell it, ix...I do think the guys in Train are super talented, however.

Yeah, he's in a T & pajama shorts most of the time, but then goes all kindsa cra-cra when this ONE shirt isn't clean when he wants it...JUST SAY IT AHEAD OF TIME...GOOD GOD, YOU SAY EVERYTHING ELSE that pops in thar....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will def give you guys a better heads-up next time, bummed about that too! HTTR!

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I watched that movie once, don't remember that lol

Edit: rewatching it, remember the scene, but not the lines.

****, that movie came out in 2007. I watched it in 2008 via Redbox rental lol, that's a long time ago.

Only movie my wife (then GF) has ever fallen asleep at the theater in.

She didn't stand much chance after that quiet opening and 30 minutes of no dialogue to start it .

Looked over and she was gone.

****ing awesome movie. I think it should have won best picture over No Country For Old Men (?).

It definitely should have. NCFOM was overrated

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my wife didn't care for TWBB either.  If you don't "get" There Will Be Blood, and understand why it's such a great movie, you're a flippin' moron.  Goes to show women have inferior interpretation skills, IMO.


:o  :ph34r:

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