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I also can't think of a time in biotechnology when I was asked to provide anything innovative. All I did was write about Monsanto and cite a ton of research other people conducted. That's basically all I've been doing in graduate school. Very few people care :)

This is probably why I will retire following the summer, because I can't get away with this type of laziness and lack of work ethic at a reputable PhD program. Might as well quit on a high note

well where are you going currently to get your masters?

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Isn't much to do after a Masters except go for a PhD

Have talked about it multiple times and am highly considering retiring from education after the Masters degree is complete. I feel like Carlos Tevez here, I'm all burned out in my mid 20's. I can't take the stresses of education anymore.

your post is how i feel exactly. i am angered that i have to be "qualified" (spend thousands of dollars and waste my time) getting degrees for jobs that i could perform just as well a couple years ago.

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Patriots cheated is always hilarious considering they only did that for one game. But it got blown way out of proportion. Are you telling me a team that cheated, got caught, threatened with hefty fines and further sanctions, CONTINUED TO CHEAT after getting caught in the first game of the season? They went 18-1. They were good. They did not cheat for 17 of those.

And then people alleged it happened earlier. BUT IT HAPPENED IN THE RAMS SB


No, Tony

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hmm ill think about it

i am a budget analyst for the federal govt. and i get paid pretty well which isn't the issue

If you like working for the gov't I'd say public policy/administration would be applicable. I'll be done with my MPP next month, and everyone I know is going on to work in government or nonprofits.

I don't know how much crossover there would be between an MBA and MPP, but I'm guessing it depends on your concentration for both. In an MPP/MPA program you can focus on management, analysis, or some specific policy area. GWU, American, Maryland, and GMU all have great policy programs, but some are better than others for different concentrations.

You could always just take some classes w/out enrolling and see if there's something that personally interests you.

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Too much inequity between women and men. Women earn less then men, and are less safe on college campuses

This isn't the 1920's

Women can now vote and hold jobs

Why can't there be equality? What's with this bigotry going on? Sheesh

Makes me so irate we are all so old-fashioned, still, in this day and age. Would also delve outside these values but that may be for another Tailgate thread because I got a lot more to burn on this

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Women aren't as safe on college campuses because they can't defend themselves against males as easily as another male...and because you don't see many men getting sexually assaulted like that. Nothing to do with inequality.

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my history papers get shot down pretty quickly when I dont analyze things in my own words

Try APA format.... everything has to be in third person, even reflection papers. I am VERY good at reflecting and being thoughtful and analyzing, but I HATE when I can't use any first-person pronouns.

I took a course last summer online, and one of the end-of-the-course assignments was to reflect on something personal...I kept emailing my professor throughout the entire course asking if I could write my papers in first-person because they were gdamn REFLECTIONS, but she kept shooting me down. The final paper I just made an executive decision to write it in first-person. And I did, and I got marked down for it...but I still got an "A" in that class.

F U APA format.

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