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2 floods, snow storm and a slew of other crap just this fall alone. Probably over 2 weeks of not having power in the last 3 months, is more than enough justification for me spending a lot of money on a generator and portable fuel heater I guess. At least I only have a foot of water in my basement so far today. Come on PECO, I don't want to be flooded again.

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Doesn't make any sense to give ST for free to new customers, when guys like myself have had ST for 12-15 years.
Yes it does, for the same reason Comcast has lower rates for new customers: they're trying to get new customers.

From the "Life's Little Pleasures" department:

-Watching 12+ hours straight of college football

-In my pajamas, watching 6-7 hours straight of Red Zone w/o commericals


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Yes it does, for the same reason Comcast has lower rates for new customers: they're trying to get new customers.

From the "Life's Little Pleasures" department:

-Watching 12+ hours straight of college football

-In my pajamas, watching 6-7 hours straight of Red Zone w/o commericals


Dude, I understand the part about getting new customers. But we're talking Directv here. They're not exactly hurting for new customers, bro. They're just greedy ****s. My point is, you don't **** over your LOYAL customer to make a buck. And that's exactly what they're doing. But I put their asses on blast a few months ago, when I called and got Sunday Ticket for basically free, myself. You gotta look out for you. Because no one else will.

And I see Slacky was right about the Redskins/Redzone thing. Seriously, how can you watch Redzone over the REDSKINS?!....:slap:

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I don't want to make a new thread but why didn't Bruce Allen blow up the roster and hire a coach who could grow with the players instead of shinny who has basically wasted the first 2 years in his tenure?

That's what I would have preferred but if you think about it, this franchise was a MESS. We needed some proven football people to clean it up.

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That's what I would have preferred but if you think about it, this franchise was a MESS. We needed some proven football people to clean it up.

I do agree the attitude has changed. But the most important piece is still not here, the QB, no real offensive threats that Shanny has drafted(don't count fred davis)

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I'd watch both RedZone AND the game if Comcast hadn't eliminated picture-in-picture :mad:

Anyway, I'll give you the QB and no real offensive threats (Hankerson's unproven), but the culture's done a complete 180. It's a start.

EDIT: I think I'll call Comcast this week and demand that I pay less for my DVR; if they eliminate features, dammit I shouldn't be paying the same.

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Yeah, it's ok to watch between 1-4, but he said he would be watching it for 6-7 hours. That's Redskins fan fail.
Say that if you will, but one thing Slacky said that's wrong is that I care more about my fantasy team than I do the Skins. Not so; I'd GLADLY go 0-whatever if it meant a Super Bowl.
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Watching the Rams/Saints, and I'm really digging the Rams old royal blue/gold uni's. I was never really a fan of the navy/gold when they unveiled them in '00, though Marshall Faulk looked great in them running away from defenses. That look is too conservative, and they made them considerably worse when they unveiled the white/blue pants 5-6 years ago. I almost want to blame the uniforms for the suckage on the field, that's how bad those combinations look.

They need to do like the Bills (who now have arguably the best uni's in all of football) and go back to their late 70's/late 90's look, with a 21st century style facelift, like the Vikings did. Keep the horns on the helmet, make them a little more three dimensional, maybe add a little bit more to the stripe concept, and you're good.

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So, I wanted a lazy costume for a Halloween party tomorrow night, and came up with a protester slogan that I thought was original. My sign said:

"If 99% of us annoy him long enough, there's a 1% chance he'll pay us to leave. #OCCUPYJOHNWALL'SSTREET"

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Watching the Rams/Saints, and I'm really digging the Rams old royal blue/gold uni's. I was never really a fan of the navy/gold when they unveiled them in '00, though Marshall Faulk looked great in them running away from defenses. That look is too conservative, and they made them considerably worse when they unveiled the white/blue pants 5-6 years ago. I almost want to blame the uniforms for the suckage on the field, that's how bad those combinations look.

They need to do like the Bills (who now have arguably the best uni's in all of football) and go back to their late 70's/late 90's look, with a 21st century style facelift, like the Vikings did. Keep the horns on the helmet, make them a little more three dimensional, maybe add a little bit more to the stripe concept, and you're good.

Meh, I liked the white pants for the Rams, but I agree with the rest of your opinion there.

And yeah, the Bills look is amazing. Sharp, classy, and CLASSIC; the way a football uniform SHOULD be, IMO.

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I'll be wearing my lab coat and 'dressing' up as a scientist.

Wonder if it is lame that I'll be dressing up in my job gear for Halloween. lol

I was an Arab sheikh last year..

I thought the point of Halloween was to go as something you're not. For instance, you could go as an ice cube, and be "cool."

JK. :ols:

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Meh, I liked the white pants for the Rams, but I agree with the rest of your opinion there.

Fair enough. Visually for me, looking at the white pants is like the taste you would get after eating a dry, bland turkey sandwich.

I agree about the Bills though. I couldn't stand that depressing dark blue crap. The current uni's are noice though. I'd almost include the Seahawks in the uni revolution as well, but it's hard to tell what they actually look like since it always rains in Seattle. I remember being at that game when they came here in '05, and they looked completely different. Metallic/marble deep ocean blue with a little black/candy green trim.

I still think the Bucs have the best uni's though.

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Fair enough. Visually for me, looking at the white pants is like the taste you would get after eating a dry, bland turkey sandwich.

I agree about the Bills though. I couldn't stand that depressing dark blue crap. The current uni's are noice though. I'd almost include the Seahawks in the uni revolution as well, but it's hard to tell what they actually look like since it always rains in Seattle. I remember being at that game when they came here in '05, and they looked completely different. Metallic/marble deep ocean blue with a little black/candy green trim.

I still think the Bucs have the best uni's though.

The Pewter Pirates have grown on me. Though I confess (ugh) shameful as it may be, that I didn't realize how much I liked the creamsicle unis until they brought them back. :ols:

I think there are a lot of good uniforms out there right now. The Skins going back to the gold pants at home is sharp as hell. And I wish they'd do the same thing on the road again. As much as I loathe the Cowboys, I like their classic unis, as opposed to the "star" blue and white look, or whatever they called it. I don't think there are many "bad" uniforms in the NFL, though personally I'd put the Seahawks in that category. And I hate the Texans' red jerseys, but other than that, they look pretty nice.

If I could make any one change though, it would be the Falcons going back to their red helmets. They were sharp as hell, IMO.

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