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I tell my dad this everything. Why isn't there a NBA in india, baseball in India or some form or pro league with a ****in 1 billion people there? surely they dont all work in call centers, or doctors!

Besides cricket, nobody gives a **** about any other sport. Even with the popularity of cricket, it's taken them 30 years to find 11 guys out of 1 billion people who can finally win on the biggest stage.

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I hate soccer, cricket, polo, rugby etc.

I guess I'm too "American".

You're normal.

---------- Post added April-2nd-2011 at 02:51 PM ----------

You mean Mike Sorrentino vs. Matthew McConaughey (sp?) vs. Mark Zuckerberg?

Easy, bro. Matthew is a Redskins fan.

---------- Post added April-2nd-2011 at 02:55 PM ----------

Staying up to watch India in the cricket World Cup Finals.

**** those Sri Lankans, JAI HIND!!!!!

I am actually starting to like cricket after watching a match......I understand it now. I think I could totally dominate in it considering hitting a baseball is harder. I'd be getting a couple 6'ers every match :pfft:
India is choking big time in the finals. Surprise surprise. It's like I was purposefully born into watching anything sports affiliated with me never win when it matters.
is this on some channel?

You know how I know you're gay?

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One of the worst feelings in the world is when you sit down on a public toilet to take a crap and the seat is warm...
So you don't wipe the seat with anything first, you just go right in and plop down? Nasty.

Yeah man...you gotta wipe that **** off first and then place some safety toilet paper down on the seat...I do it in all the public places

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Yeah man...you gotta wipe that **** off first and then place some safety toilet paper down on the seat...I do it in all the public places

What do you honestly think that protective cover of super safe toilet paper will actually do, except increase the chance that you pee on it a little and it works it's way back up onto your leg?

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Sorry bro, I don't swing that way.

So, I'm sitting at the bar the other day, drinking a delicious Pink Flamingo and this guy sitting next to me says "dude, a big pink ****tail? people are going to think you're a fag"

I reply "you can't catch gay from a ****tail"

He says" but what if somebody starts hitting on you?"

I say to him "you know why people will think you're gay?"

He gets pissed "I'm not gay, why would anybody think I'm a fag?" In a louder voice.

Me "I'm secure enough to drink a big pink ****tail and not care, you're getting mad that I questioned you and even felt the need to warn me that my drink of choice might open up questions about my sexuality, I think maybe you are questioning yours"

And then my friend Sexy Brian (that's what we all call him, because he calls everything sexy. He is also a huge mary of a fag) walks by, touching the guys shoulder and says in his normal voice (which is so gay it makes your teeth hurt) "Hi there fella".

The guy was so pissed, he paid and left. Didn't even finish his uber tough Coors Light.

Anybody who is calling others gay, usually looks like the gay one to most people. Just saying.

---------- Post added April-2nd-2011 at 05:38 PM ----------

use the toilet paper along with the protective sheet. and plus why wouldn't u pee before u take a ****? lol

If you have to ****, you piss standing up first and then sit down? That's crazy talk man.

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