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Is Bush the worst President the U.S. has had?


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Occasionally I work with 4 historians at the Center for Military History at Fort McNair. They all rate Bush low as a commander in chief in historical terms.

I do not know their political leanings but all are retired senior military officers which makes them more likely to be republicans.

Since republicans claim ownership of all things military (which is not true) it should serve as a rude awakening that their boy Bush is going to make history with regard to his low rank as both president and commander and chief even in circles where republicans tend to catch a lot of favortism.

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Anyone who says yes needs to have a serious dose of American History rammed down their throat.

Ever heard of William Henry Harrison? How about U.S. Grant? Millard Fillmore? Tyler? Andy Johnson for chrissakes?

Then again, most can't tell even which decades they presided w/o the internet.

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Anyone who says yes needs to have a serious dose of American History rammed down their throat.

I voted yes based on his complete disregard for his #1 responsibility -- protecting and upholding the Constitution.

Now, I know some will look at that and say, "well, what about Lincoln suspending habeas corpus?" And there's an argument to be made there. But I think we can all see the differences between Lincoln's challenges and Bush's.

The simple fact is that warrantless wiretaps and opening our mail without cause is inexcusable and criminal; and borders on making the offender a domestic enemy.

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I voted yes based on his complete disregard for his #1 responsibility -- protecting and upholding the Constitution.

Now, I know some will look at that and say, "well, what about Lincoln suspending habeas corpus?" And there's an argument to be made there. But I think we can all see the differences between Lincoln's challenges and Bush's.

The simple fact is that warrantless wiretaps and opening our mail without cause is inexcusable and criminal; and borders on making the offender a domestic enemy.

Everyone has their standards of what they believe was the "most heinous". Warrantless wiretapping was bad, but I personally don't think it compares to the wholesale slaughter of native americans under Jackson, not to mention the utter disregard of civil rights across the board. Buchanan for not stopping the secession of southern states, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Or Harding who had THE most corrupt cabinet in history.

Warrantless wiretapping is a big no no, but in the grand scheme, its no worse than Watergate and can't hold a candle to the stupidity that took place in the past.

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Anyone who says yes needs to have a serious dose of American History rammed down their throat.

I read the first couple pages of this thread and basically came to the same conclusion. Bush? Carter? Clinton!?! Come on... there have been far, far worse.

In terms of sheer ineptitude Ulysses S. Grant deserves an honorable mention, although I'm not even sure I'd put him in my top five.

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Picking Bush as the worst president of all time is like trying to declare one rotten apple out of a bucket of rotten apples the "most rotten".

We have not had a leader that has done what he was supposed to do, followed the constitution, not abused power, not contributed to the theft or oppression of the liberty of U.S. citizens, etc. in well over 100 years. It would be difficult to pick one specific president that is a piece of **** because honestly, they all are. Every last one of them.

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Picking Bush as the worst president of all time is like trying to declare one rotten apple out of a bucket of rotten apples the "most rotten".

We have not had a leader that has done what he was supposed to do, followed the constitution, not abused power, not contributed to the theft or oppression of the liberty of U.S. citizens, etc. in well over 100 years. It would be difficult to pick one specific president that is a piece of **** because honestly, they all are. Every last one of them.

Mass? Is that you?

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No, def. not the worst that award goes to Jimmy Carter, who get a pass now because he helps build poor people houses.

Clinton balanced the budget without a single Republican vote. He got the Dems in line and politicked his way to economical immortality. They do not call it the Clinton Economy for nothing ;).

No he did not. The economy is cyclical and therefore usually not the result of the sitting President but that of the former. In Clintons case he road the technology boom and also Reganomics(trickle down economics)

Lets not forget he also attacked Iraq (ironically at the same time of his House impeachment trial) and warned that Sadaam was a threat. Its called Operation Desert Fox, so he thought something was up too, lets not put all of the blame on W, then their was Monica, Paula, Whitewater & disbarment, and 141 pardons.

Just my thoughts.

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Something else that's interesting about Andrew Jackson is that he took a bullet in the chest during a duel with Charles Dickenson. Jackson didn't budge. Dickenson thought he had missed until he started to see blood on Jackson's shirt. Jackson fired back and killed Dickenson. Jackson spent the remaining 40 years of his life with a bullet in his chest (that includes during the war of 1812, the occupation of Florida, and his presidency).

Andrew Jackson is the new 50 Cent. No wait 50 is the new Andrew Jackson. Whos gangsta now?


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Anyone who says yes needs to have a serious dose of American History rammed down their throat.

Ever heard of William Henry Harrison? How about U.S. Grant? Millard Fillmore? Tyler? Andy Johnson for chrissakes?

Then again, most can't tell even which decades they presided w/o the internet.

William Harrison died after 30 days... so no

Grant- sucked, but Bush's mistakes are of bigger magnitude

Millard Fillmore- seriously?

Andrew Johnson- at least he bought us Alaska

Bush is definitely tied for last with a few people at least.

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I don't think Bush even comes close, even among modern day presidents. You could make a case that Nixon was the worst, purely from the Watergate scandal and the resignation. Obviously, Carter is near the bottom. He was straight up horrible on both the domestic and foreign policy front. And let's not forget Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War. The only thing that saves him from being the worst is the signing of the Civil Rights Act.

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With all of Carter's troubles he left office with a 34% approval rating

Bush is currently holding steady at 24% percent so Bush is gonna need some type of miracle to make it to Carter's exit level. Bush is also tied with Nixon at (24%) for the lowest approval rating among modern day presidents.


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I've been trying to think of an area where Bush has succeeded. It's hard. There aren't many areas that are improved today.

Economy: Subprime housing mess is far more dangerous and widely impacting than the dotcom bubble.

Energy Policy: Huge gaffe. Other than rhetoric almost nothing has been done.

Border Security/Immigration: I don't view anything he can hang his hat on there.

Afghanistan/Taliban: After starting out really strong. The Taliban have regained much of their strength and are making a lot of trouble again, because Bush/DOD have largely ignored them in favor of Iraq. Bush trumpeted sending 3,000 men there to help stem the problem. 3,000 men?

Iraq: Is this a success. By any objective measure no, not yet, although it has improved some in the last year.

Social Security/Medicare/Entitlements: The Senior Medicare package passed was a windfall for big pharma and did absolutely nothing to help the health crisis in a real way. Nothing has been achieved here.

The Environment: Perhaps, his one shining moment. Despite Bush, almost everyone now seems to believe there is a problem. Mind you, nothing has been done.

Education: No Child Left Behind did not work and the educational system is not greatly improved.

Science and Research: Except for defense spending scientific grants and research monies have dried up under Bush. Despite a claim that we need to explore energy alternatives.

Foreign Relations: Certainly no great achievements in this area. (Although getting a Lebannon and Libya to end their nuclear programs may qualify as a great moment)

Is he the worst President? I'd probably say no or wait, but I just want to know where he has succeeded?

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I've been trying to think of an area where Bush has succeeded. It's hard. There aren't many areas that are improved today.

Economy: Subprime housing mess is far more dangerous and widely impacting than the dotcom bubble.

Energy Policy: Huge gaffe. Other than rhetoric almost nothing has been done.

Border Security/Immigration: I don't view anything he can hang his hat on there.

Afghanistan/Taliban: After starting out really strong. The Taliban have regained much of their strength and are making a lot of trouble again, because Bush/DOD have largely ignored them in favor of Iraq. Bush trumpeted sending 3,000 men there to help stem the problem. 3,000 men?

Iraq: Is this a success. By any objective measure no, not yet, although it has improved some in the last year.

Social Security/Medicare/Entitlements: The Senior Medicare package passed was a windfall for big pharma and did absolutely nothing to help the health crisis in a real way. Nothing has been achieved here.

The Environment: Perhaps, his one shining moment. Despite Bush, almost everyone now seems to believe there is a problem. Mind you, nothing has been done.

Education: No Child Left Behind did not work and the educational system is not greatly improved.

Science and Research: Except for defense spending scientific grants and research monies have dried up under Bush. Despite a claim that we need to explore energy alternatives.

Foreign Relations: Certainly no great achievements in this area. (Although getting a Lebannon and Libya to end their nuclear programs may qualify as a great moment)

Is he the worst President? I'd probably say no or wait, but I just want to know where he has succeeded?

The only area I can think of is his Mars and moon initiatives for NASA.

No child left behind is commonly referred to as no poor child left a dime by teachers and administrators. It was exposed a fraud in Texas. Basically Texas schools just pushed kids through the system in order not to lose funding and then when the kids do not pass the final tests in high school they're dumped into adult alternative programs thus eliminating them from school roles.

Basically they hide the kids they leave behind and their records look better but they really aren't. Laura Bush should be really ashamed because as a teacher she knows this program was a failure and pushed it nationally.

The program closes poor schools where help is needed the most and gives the money to rich schools. Thus no poor child left a dime.

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I've been trying to think of an area where Bush has succeeded. It's hard. There aren't many areas that are improved today.

Economy: Overall economy is Jobs/interest rates/etc the overall will have to review upon him leaving.

Energy Policy: Tried Anwar and was shot down... Nimby Kennedy and others.

Border Security/Immigration: We passed a law to fix the fence and didnt fund it (Congress), but he's open borders guy... nothing to see here but bad.

Iraq/Afgh/Iran/NK/Terrorism as a whole: Only President to attempt this: If it works he's a freakin Genius and if not he loses.

Social Security/Medicare/Entitlements: Only President to try and fix SSN and got his ass handed to him by the Congress' third rail mentality.

The Environment: Hydrogen and people realizing we don't matter, the earth is supposed to be hot right now.

Education: Letting Ted Kennedy do your work for you in a bipartisan fashion will not get you a smile from the Dems.

Science and Research: Need to wait 5 years.

Foreign Relations: getting a Lebannon and Libya to end their nuclear programs may qualify as a great moment and putting NK in a bind compared to previous Presidents.

Taking the exact same quote and putting my own spin: I'm lazy.

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Reganomics was an unabashed failure that drastically increased the nation's debt (went from 700 billion to 3 trillion) and led to the S&L crisis. Responsible for the vastly unsuccessful and overly costly "war on drugs." Iran-Contra, in which Reagan directed the sale of weapons to our enemies and illegally funneled the money to a bunch of guerilla drug-runners trying to violently overthrow a democratically elected government. Gets way too much credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union, which belongs overwhelmingly to Gorbachev.

No, not being serious. I just have fun annoying republicans. Reagan is seriously overrated though

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